16th Century Novel: Chivalry, Picaresque, and Cervantes

The Novel in the 16th Century

In the sixteenth century, different types of novels emerged: the chivalric romance, the pastoral novel, and the picaresque novel.

Chivalric Romances

These are stories full of extraordinary events occurring in imaginary places. Knights are the protagonists, and the stories exalt love and adventure. A model for these novels is the story of King Arthur.

Pastoral Novels

With very little action, these novels feature idealized shepherds, usually focused on their feelings, in an equally idealized natural setting.

Picaresque Novel

This Spanish genre stars a rogue (pícaro) who makes a living by deception in an environment of poverty and hostility. All picaresque novels follow the pattern of Lazarillo de Tormes.

Lazarillo de Tormes

The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes

The Fortunes and Adversities is a fictional autobiographical story, written in the first person, more precisely, a letter in which Lázaro explains a certain matter to someone important.

Lázaro was born near the river Tormes. When his father was jailed, the boy and his mother left for Salamanca. There, she instructs him to serve a blind man. Starving and losing his innocence, the child becomes clever and selfish. He then serves other people and always suffers deprivation and misery. During this time, he learns that sharpness and deception can help him survive. At the end of the story, Lázaro becomes a town crier, probably as the price for consenting to his romantic relationship with a woman who serves a priest.

The work is divided into seven treatises, of which the most important are the first, when he is with his first three masters.

The Author of Lazarillo de Tormes

It is unknown who the author of Lazarillo was, as it was published anonymously in 1554. The author of the work has been called the first modern novelist and was undoubtedly very critical. He is known for not signing the work with his name.

For the first time in the romance genre, a realistic view of the world is presented.

Lazarillo provides a comprehensive view of the society of his time, with its misery. However, there is a sense of humor and a joy of life in this novel.

The Life of Miguel de Cervantes

Born in Alcalá de Henares in 1547, in his youth, he lived in Italy and participated in the Battle of Lepanto (1571) against the Turks. There, he was injured in the arm. Upon his return to Spain, he was captured by Barbary pirates.

When he was freed, he returned to Spain but was unable to continue in the military and had different jobs.

He published his first work, La Galatea, in 1585. Twenty years later, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha appeared (1605). In 1615, he published the second part of Don Quixote. In the prologue to his last work, shortly before dying (1616), he says goodbye to his friends and his public.

Structure of Don Quixote

Don Quixote appeared in two volumes: the first in 1605 and the second in 1615.

In 1614, a Don Quixote appeared signed by one Avellaneda. Cervantes announced that in the second book, Don Quixote and Sancho would travel to Zaragoza. The appearance of that book changed Cervantes’ route, and he detoured to Barcelona.

Other Works of Cervantes

He wrote poetry, much of which has been lost.

In the theater, his comedies stand out, works with popular characters.

La Galatea is an interesting pastoral novel that Cervantes intended to continue throughout his life.

With his exemplary novels, he incorporated the novella into Spanish literature.

The Work of Persiles and Sigismunda was completed shortly before his death.

Juan Ruiz: Stylistic Features

  1. Enriches the lexicon, preferring the use of a wide vocabulary.
  2. Prioritizes spontaneity in word selection.
  3. Uses synonyms: accumulation of equivalent words and phrases.
  4. Presence of numerous verses and sayings.
  5. Uses plenty of emotionally colored diminutive language.
  6. Has a spacious sense of humor, with irony present in his work.

Don Juan Manuel: Stylistic Features

  1. Strongly individualized writer.
  2. Concern for his writings.
  3. Has his own style.
  4. Measured composure, a selected and concise style.
  5. Uses precise phrasing.
  6. Discards any external ornamentation of the story.