17th Century Spanish Economic and Social Stagnation

Economic and Social Life in 17th Century Spain

Demographic Trends

The 17th century began with a period of stagnation, first noticeable in Castile in the 1550s and continuing into the first half of the century. A slow recovery began around 1650, but the demographic depression wasn’t uniform. Population decline was significant in the Meseta region, as well as in Andalusia, Extremadura, and Aragon. Several factors contributed to this crisis: serious epidemics like the plague, economic crises and famines leading to increased mortality, the impact of mid-century wars, and the expulsion of the Moors in 1609, which heavily impacted the kingdoms of Valencia and Aragon.

Agrarian Crisis

The population decline was closely linked to a decline in agricultural production due to a lack of manpower and fiscal pressures from the crown, forcing many families to abandon their lands. A constant succession of poor harvests caused food shortages, rising prices, and widespread hunger. A slight recovery began around 1680 with crop specialization (corn, olives, and vineyards for increased production and export). However, wool production experienced a sharp decline due to wars with the Dutch and England.

Artisanal Production

The crisis also impacted artisanal production. Textiles, metallurgy, and shipbuilding suffered greatly, resulting in job losses and technological backwardness. Cloth production in Meseta cities steadily declined from the late 16th century, leading to the closure of many workshops. Mineral production and iron manufacturing initially prospered in the early 17th century due to demand for weapons, but gradually declined, forcing the closure of forges. Shipbuilding was similarly affected by European wars, which hindered the import of necessary materials, causing prices to soar.

Evolution of Trade

the agricultural and handicraft production was for home consumption in a 90×100 .. poor road network, lack of navigable rivers, small amount of modena, impossible to trade … more expansivo.solo supply big cities and the justify major maritime commerce operations comerciales.un was occupied prominent trade in trade volume colonias.el not obtante, suffered significantly during the war s.18la sitcion merchant ships became a target of piratas.un was the second obe? manipulaciond and the currency, governments built vellon.el currency devaluation resulted in a continuous q provoke currency price surges.
the shift in colonial ecnonomia.
the main reasons for the decline in business there look q q change occurred in the ecnonomia americana.apartir late 15th century. the lack of manpower led to substitute parcels x the hacienda system and plataciones; large estates worked pr freemen, but tb x esclavos.aumento agricultural production. and developed further craft and started the internal exchange of goods each time .. but america is self-sufficient in many products, q to descend the alimena and importacuones of Spanish manufactures. besides there was a production fall of progresvia of palta.por other hand, foreign competition was inebitable, and Spain began to accept a European presence in America.
arbitrary decisions and commercialism.
the value of imports was much higher for exports q the difference tenia q q cover with silver came from amercia.ademas castle became a market for European goods to transit of america. q eel resulted in the colonies riqeza not in qdaba q peninsula.los problems presented the peninsular ecnonomia growing derivatives were analyzed x comepetencia a Foreign advisors to the government, courts and x x arbitristas.q dnunciaban advisers called the action excessive tax, abuses of, lack of investment … but above all the monarchs qeria q lead to a situation of peace for the economy could recuperarse.los q arbitristas the mercantilist theories thread recommended the restrictive import of manufactures prteccion t artesania.solo to the late eighteenth century carlos3 ministers carlos3 ministers launched a politics mercantilista.pero the end of the century espaola the economy continued to stagnate.
social.Good evolution privileged classes.
Baroque society espaola estamental.la aristocracy remained weak take the crown pa increase your lordship. all social groups vying to be the 17th century monarchs ennoblecimiento.los recovered usually awarded grants; plebeyos.ser titling noble imply exemption from taxes and brought with them the abandonment of the clergy as mercantiles.en activities was a good start secundones for children or for the q classes meant the low level of training. the church maintained its wealth arable land, tithe, urban land revenue-sharing …
peasant society remained sunk in poverty, many farmers leave the countryside tubieron q, and they spent Qienes remained in the worst era of the mid-siglo.sintoma of that poverty was the increase in banditry. sprotestas were some isolated but overall distribuion abusos.la voucher withstood the society pautas.la continuing along the same urban population increase in relative terms the increase tb numeor servants and the population as to marginal.en the affluent sectores.en were concentrated in this century, 165 lawyers appeared, a real breed.
administration of the Habsburg
monarchy remained a set of realms with different laws wings q only connection was the crown, there were attempts made to unify the main innovation was the attempt to govern q valid outside advice, aside from power and put their enemies in their positions of trust men. aumento.los corruption were generally valid criticism, it was well vistos.la valid opposition to the q lawyers were led councils and members of the aristocracia.otra development was the sale of offices as a way to get quick money, were sold above charges clerkships aldermen of cities, and other minor but tb oficion sold positions reached the same advice.