1876 Constitution & Political Landscape of Spain

Vocabulary Unit 9: 1876 Constitution and Political Transformations in Spain

1876 Constitution

: The Constitution drafted in 1876 is a clear sign of doctrinaire liberalism. Conservative in nature and inspired by the traditional historical values of the monarchy, religion and property. Set the paper concludes shared sovereignty granted broad powers to the monarch: the right of veto, appointment of ministers and authority to convene the Parliament, suspending them or dissolving them without the govern.Les Corts was bicameral consisting Senate and Congress. The Constitution does not established the kind of vote, but a law in 1878 established the censatari vote, limited to older taxpayers. In 1890, universal suffrage was adopted masculí.La confessionalitat Constitution also proclaimed the Catholic State, although tolerated other beliefs unless they fierce public protest. The new constitutional text had a neat statement of rights, but its realization is beyond referring to ordinary laws, which generally tended to restrict them, especially the rights of printing, expression, association and meeting. Zanjón Peace: Treaty signed on 10 February 1878 in Zanjón (Camaguey, Cuba) between the rebels and the Cuban Captain General of Cuba, Martinez Campos. The peace that cloïa ten years of war, gave the Nationalists a pardon, some administrative autonomy and the ability to send deputies to the courts. The nationalist leader Antonio Maceo rejected the peace, and fighting continued until 1880 but, despite this, the truce was effective until 1895, which began the war of independence. Zanjón peace also means the beginning of major U.S. investment on the island. Pigeonholed: Negotiations between the government in front of Minister of the Interior and the electoral districts of the candidates that suit the government. Also called non-constituency Members, the “cuneros. The civil governor was intermediary and his mission was to ensure the victory of the candidate and agreed encasellats. Thus, the civil governors passed a list of candidates for mayors and chiefs and the entire administrative apparatus was put in its service to agarantir their choice. Electoral fraud: E s systematic adulteration and fraud in the election results through all kinds of illegal practices: piracy rate in census by other people disguised as dead, missing or nonexistent, or preventing those who voted not desirable; manipulate or destroy the electoral acts, buying votes, threatening the electorate with coercion of any kind; prevent the propaganda of the opposition and intimidate his supporters not to let the actors act, bribery … Pact Brown: A pact was signed in the death of Alfonso XII in 1885 at the Palace Pardo ( Madrid ) between Canovas, head ofLiberal-Conservative Party, and Sagasta , head of the Liberal Party , the two most important leaders of the Bourbon restoration , which agreed to turn-in power peacefully supporting the regency of Maria Cristina of Habsburg-Lorraine , pregnant with future Alfonso XIII , to ensure the stability of the monarchy under the pressure of the Carlist and Republican. Loredan Act: The Carlists maintain their strength in Navarre, the Basque country and Catalonia, but his influence was scarce in the rest Spain. The renewal of the match went the hand of Juan Vazquez de Mella, who in 1886 proposed a program adapted to the new political situation. The program called Act of Loredana, the name of the Venetian palace where lived the pretender Charles VII of France after being expelled. The proposal remained Carline renewed the term of former Catholic principles such as unity, the furisme, the authority of the claimant Carlino il’oposició to democracy, but not in favor of the Old Regime and accepted the new order liberalcapitalista .

Regeneracionisme: He was the intellectual movement that between the nineteenth and twentieth pretend to think objectively and scientifically about the causes of the decline of Spain as nation. Should distinguish it from the Generation of ’98 , which is often confused because, although both movements expressed the same opinion pessimistic about Spain, do the regeneration of an objective, scientific and documented, whereas Generation of 1898 are doing so more literary, subjective and artística.L author of this most important movement in some way and their leader was Joaquin Costa , which caused a real stir with his work in agrarian collectivism Spain ( 1898) and as caciquisme Oligarchy and the present form of government in Spain (1901), although its path was previously prepared byThe evils of the homeland and the future Spanish revolution (1890) of Lucas ASTONDOA problem and Spanish, Ricardo Macias Picavea , as well as the criticisms about the literacy and education made by state krausistes the Institution Free Education led by Francisco Giner de los Rios . Regeneracionisme of writers reacting against the decomposition of the system canovista publishing studies and essays which denounce this situation, which leads to become clear with the defeat of the technically obsolete Spanish army in the war with United States in 1898 and lost the little that remained of the Spanish colonial empire ( Cuba , Puerto Rico and the Islands Philippines ). Regionalist League: The crisis of the political system of the Restoration in 1898 was the interest of the acréixer Catalan bourgeoisie to have their own political representation outside the dynastic parties. In 1901 he created the Regionalist League, by the nationalist intellectual Enric Prat de Riba and the young lawyer Francesc Cambo. The new party aimed to participate actively in politics and have representatives in the institutions that defend the interests of Catalan. The electoral success became the first league match in Catalonia during the first third of the twentieth century. Basque Nationalist Party: The GNP is a party Basque nationalism , ideology democrat (God’s law and old). It was founded in 1895 by Sabino Arana , to defend his thesis in favor of the Basque race, the recovery of immunity and defense of the independence of the “Basque confederation,” although later Ramon de la Sota was more direct the regional conservatism. Originally limited its scope to Biscay , along thetwentieth century was extended to all Basque territories (including Navarre and the Basque Country North ). In parallel, as it allowed the Spanish party system was in place to make the Basque political map, to become the hegemonic force, a position he currently holds. Having softened their initial proposals, participated decisively in the Basque autonomous process (both during the Second Spanish Republic and in the transition to democracy ), and the main party of government in all of Euskadi from regional experiences the foundation of the party. Institución Libre de Enseñanza: La Institución Libre de Enseñanza was created in 1876 by a group of professors from the University of separated Madrid , who were among the Francisco Giner de los Rios , Gumersindo of Azcarate and Nicolás Salmerón , to defend academic freedom and refuse to adjust their teaching to any official dogma in matters of religion , politics or morals . It was inspired by the philosophy of Krause ( Krausisme ) which had a special influence in Spain in end of the XIX century . He developed his educational work outside the State by creating a private educational establishment secular , which began first by university education and later spread to primary education and to secundària.Van support the project’s most progressive intellectuals of the time, as Joaquin Costa , Augusto González de Linares ,Hermenegildo Giner de los Rios, Federico Rubio and other persons involved in renewal educational, cultural and social.es from 1881 began teaching at the institution she trained teachers, as Manuel Bartolomé Cossío (successor to the head of the Giner Institution), Ricardo Rubio, Pedro Blanco, Angel do Rego, José Ontañón, Pedro Jiménez-Landi. Their task was to consolidate the project, so that from 1876 until the civil war in 1936 became a reference center for teaching.