1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition: Expressions

Chapter I: Expressions and Vocabulary

This document provides definitions and explanations for terms and expressions, many of them Catalan, used in the context of the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition.

Terms & Definitions

  • Drainage: Drainage pipes to drive the excess moisture.
  • Locatis: Crazy.
  • Quaestor: Roman magistrate in charge of collections.
  • Basin: Bowl; a large-diameter, shallow bowl (though it may be deeper). Often used for personal hygiene.
  • Citrine: Yellow.
  • Recess: Done with little care; package, mess.
  • Hatillo: Bag usually made with a bandana tying its four corners, used to transport clothes. The “suitcase” of the poor.
  • Innkeeper: Owner of an inn.
  • Placement: Job.
  • Overcoat: Coat spun fleece.
  • Marsh: Low, swampy land. Once dried, it results in very good farmland.
  • Doing something fixed: Do it with all safety.
  • Ape: Mimic.
  • Farmhouse: Traditional Catalan country house.
  • Avail: Doing the essential things of one’s own self, such as personal hygiene, keeping the house clean, doing the shopping.
  • Bloodless: Bleeding; figuratively, it means exhausted, powerless.
  • Pull the [knife]: Use a tool or weapon, in this case, a knife.
  • Hook: Long suit ended in an iron tip and hook. It is used to maneuver small boats.
  • Dock: Major surface of water in a harbor where ships maneuver.
  • Stern: The back of a boat.
  • Own money: Money that the father gave the child to use; advanced inheritance.
  • Aluna: Unreflective.
  • Lean: Thin.
  • Indian: The returning of America (India) after making a fortune.
  • Farmer: Who lives in a farmhouse.
  • Nincompoop: Crazy, stupid.
  • Retinto: Dark brown.
  • Din: Noise, screaming.
  • Pempis: Money?
  • What will stop this?: How will it end; what are the consequences?
  • As long as [no blind ends]: I hope that I’m content with that; everything bad that could happen, at least it does not happen.
  • Famula: Maid servant.
  • Predicament: Prestige, esteem in which you have someone.
  • Underwear: Underwear.
  • Burst: Impetus out something, usually applied to shouts and applause, also crying and sobbing. In general, emotional displays.
  • Without rhyme or reason: Without sense, untimely.
  • Wretched: Miserable superlative, poor.
  • Give reason: To inform, to respond.
  • Ax mouth pins: Pin very broad, covering much of the cheek.
  • Wound: Gold embroidered badge worn by some soldiers.
  • Walk with circumspection: Be very careful.
  • Do not worry: Do not worry.
  • Bandarra make: Make the thug.
  • Tartaneros: Driver of a tartan, traditional Catalan wagon.
  • Manobre: Mason’s assistant.
  • Amistanzados “arrejuntarse”: Living together without being married.
  • State of pregnancy: Pregnancy.
  • Clearly: Obviously, look at it.
  • Badalaque: Lucubration, not well-founded hope.
  • Playing the skin: Life-threatening.
  • Mosen: Priest, pastor.
  • Being a bad back: A bad person even show it.
  • Shit: Figuratively, be very afraid.
  • Your Honor: Honorific which applies, *inter alia*, to the generals.
  • Sinapism: External medicinal remedy mustard powder base.
  • Salutary: It improves health.
  • Soothsayer: Predicting things, usually misfortunes.
  • Thundered: Weird, sounded, half crazy or stupid.
  • Botafumeiro: Large censer used in the most important ceremonies in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.
  • Cantollano, antifonero …: Different styles of liturgical singers.
  • Gout: Disease that causes swelling of small joints (ankles, phalanges …).
  • Gout: Gout in the feet.
  • Neophyte: Rookie.
  • Cannon Fodder: The person or persons doing the hardest jobs or dangerous, without any regard for his life. Originally applied to the troops that were sent in front, almost to suicide. They were the “meat” of the canyon.
  • The Principality: Catalonia.

things necessary to …: These texts are written in italics as spelling rules of the time. Mendoza Surely the old newspapers copied DIRECTLY ortorgrafía respecting the original.

Per coneixi Qualsevol that matter …: To anyone familiar with the matter, is clear and obvious as daylight that the Universal Exposition of Barcelona as the project that have been placed in front of her, or will not to be or shall be in such conditions, which will particularly ridiculous to Barcelona and Catalonia in general, resulting in the complete ruin of our Municipality.

I will not be content fins reach the vertigo: I will not be happy until the vertigo.