18th Century Society and Culture: Enlightenment and Neoclassicism

Call Stuff
the eighteenth century


is a change of vision of the world origin is located in France, affecting all aspects of European life.
the keyword is the reason it is considered that only trough it can achieve wisdom and happiness. Reason becomes the reason that deva ombre illuminate his path, so the seventeenth century is known as the Cathedral
q arises a cultural movement called illustration. Is optimistic and its main advocate was the bourgeoisie.
from the political point of view is marked by enlightened despotism is a form of govierno which gives the king the function of seeking the welfare of his subjects pro without the participation of these all-pro for the people if the people ” . Proboco this tension that exploded and caused the French Revolution and led to the declaration of the rights ombre.

Culture and art

The interest to illustrate and educate causes the emergence of new com istituciones the Prado Museum.
– There are significant technological advances and cientifocos
– Comes a new style neoclassicism: the clarity and eqilibrio.
among pirncipales figures highlight the new villa juan arqitecto author from the Prado Museum, as a musician: Mozart and painting: José de Madrazo


distinguish 3 periods:
-in the 1st half of some authors stress that the aesthetic barooca influenced by the ideas coming from France show a clear reaction against the Baroque
– From mid-century accepted rules of neoclassicism and the reason becomes the axis of the literature.

-appears in the late Romanesque style and some authors are beginning to scaffold jose write about their passions.

Neoclassical literature

neoclassicism par culture should have a utility is linked to thinking and social action through the 6 principles: eqilibrio order correction logic and reason rule the emotions. Reflenjan these principles in the following characteristics:
He advocates a return alos classical Greek and Latin authors their works represent order and eqilibrio. Writing rules down on so-called poetic. Applies reason and logic, is written to educate, literature must have a didactic and moralizing intention. Between literary genres dominated the trial and report political, legislative and scarce economic and poetry.
in europe
are the 2 most influential thinkers of the Renaissance and from Italy:
nicolas maquiavedo-
wrote the book that founded the science policy. It argues that the end justifies the means and the power of the state represented by the prince is above the moral order
-Baldasarre castiglione offered a role model to the Renaissance nobility in his major work “the crotesano.
Erasmus holandes rotterdan the attempt to reconcile classical culture and Christian religious and seek spiritual renewal of the church and harmony among Christians, engaged in religious wars.
– The English TMAs Moor explained in his “utopia” a theory on the perfect state
‘The Frenchman Michel de Montaigne analyze the society of his time and denounce the contradictions of their views and constumbres institutions dominated by inflexible rules.
in Spain
historical prose
Bernal Diaz del Castillo was the prototype of a writer – a soldier. Described the arrival of the Spanish MexECO with a simple prose.
Friar Bartolomé de las Casas wrote “Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies” which accuse the Spaniards of Indian people and I realize you destroy an idealized Indian defense.

Didactic prose

the objective was to propose and teach a new model of Renaissance man.
stresses in this line Fray Antonio de Guevera.


-define the Castilian and the situation at the same level as the Latin.
, proposes a style based on conciseness, sencillex and naturalness.
-used proverbs and examples as a teaching resource to convey their ideas.
-rejects unnecessary neologisms
Renaissance Theater
the sixteenth century Spanish drama originated in the Italian Renaissance theater.

The commedia dell’arte

-was a spectacle of entanglement and love affairs.
“His purpose was to provoke laughter.
-was based on a pre-gion from which improvised situations and dialogues.
-the characters were the same and had a very marked characteristics, ie were prototypes

Italian comedy

abia two types:
“The comedy of manners that criticized some aspects of society and used as a model the classical theater. Works of Lope de Rueda:
Niccolo Machiavelli was one of the authors most representative of this type of comedy “mandrake”
-sitcom aimed to capture the attention of the viewer by intrigue

Bartolome de Torres naharro

Previous by Lope de Vega
espuso naharro Propaladia towers in their ideas about theater.
“Theater is a spectacular and must be written to be represented and not read.
-it is possible to mix the tragic and the comic
-the argument should entertain and amuse the public
-open a maximum of 12 characters and 5 acts
are divided into two types:
“comedies” to news “are realistic and satirical works easily structured as tinelaria and soldiers.
“comedies” to fantasy “arguments are based in fabulous and imaginative and the lack of focus of the plot” and Aquilana Hymen ”

Lope de Rueda

represents the triumph of Italian comedy and drama Spanish.
His works are more Cnoc plays calls brief steps interspersed throughout the comedies “olives” “pay and no pay.”
wrote in prose and use the language of the street always with a comedic fianlidad
Eighteenth-century prose in europe

is the cradle of the leading thinkers of the time. From there spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe.
Its principal prose writers are: Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu.
Voltaire use literature for extending the enlightened ideas. Provo all literary genres especially the philosophical essay and the novel “candid”
Rousseau argued in his essays and novels that ombre is by nature good pro as a corrupt civilization
Montesquieu contributed to the drafting of the free and compose vair ensallos political character “spirit of laws


the eighteenth-century English narrative has great significance for the modern European novel, especially the writers:
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe wrote
Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver’s old
Laurence Sterne wrote the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy knight
literature aimed at renewing the Spanish culture and society. The essay was the best way of

Fray Benito Jeronimo Feijo

oviedo step in his life where he was professor.
His work aims to teach the people the truth, in its discretion and address the misconceptions and superstition “universal critical stage”
his style is clear and precise

Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos

besides it was a major political writer.
the key is supensamiento assertion that reason and education are the source of happiness and Pilitas must put them to serve the people
His work is linked to political office performance q but the central theme is the need and modernize Spain “A report on land law”

The novel

is very significant

Diego Torres Villarroel

was religious and a math professor in salamanca
his work has the same contradiction between religious and worldly side, tragic humor, which leads her to laugh at l reader and himself in autobiographical tone

Father Island

q was a priest tried to retrieve the good sense of clarity and order in the sermons
His work history of the famous preacher fey aka Campazas gerund of dunces is a satirical novel with didactic and modal fianlidad.

Jose scaffold

was a great traveler and an influential figure in the Spanish cultures of their time
His work is very critical. Wrote poetry, essays and an epistolary novel “Moroccan Letters”. Also wrote “Mournful Nights” which is the 1st novel of the Spanish preromanticismo
in europe
The countries best represented were: France, England and Germany


framework guidelines
Nicolas Boileau
wrote poetic art, which established the principles of neoclassicism aprtir the rules of Greco-Latin authors. I apply these principles to his satires
Jean de La Fontaine is the author of the fables, didactic poems aSet end with a moral


plays a minor role
Alexander Pope was a poet and wrote a poem ensallista and classical didactic and satiric topics
Edward Young preromanticismo opened on a play that dealt with the feelings, she was inspired scaffold par jose his “nights lugobres”


appears dominated by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Pro also wrote romantic poems neoclassical in praising the intelligence and reason

In Spain

-imposition of reason and rejection of the expression of emotions
– Search of good taste, understood as common sense and absence of excess
-belief that poetry can be useful
the two genders preferred Spanish neoclassic poets are the lyrics and the fable

Lyric poetry: Melendez Valdes

His work brings together the two fundamental tendencies of the lyric of this century: the rococo lirica this reprensentada in his “Odes Anacreontics” poems that express a taste for decoration, sensuality and elegance.
the lyrical philosophical and moral ideas expressed in the illustration appears in the “philosophical and sacred odes”

Didactic poetry: the fables of Iriarte and Samaniego

iriarte intakes rose to fame with the publication of his literary fables THROUGH them dictate the rules to preside devian in good literary style as “the squirrel and the horse”
Felix Maria Samaniego is the author of moral fables. Ridicules them human failings and gives advice for proper social comporatamiento “the dove”
in europe
there are 3 trends classical tragedy and comedy and tragedy drama burgesa Romanesque


volaire his work Oedipus attacks and defends the individual religions
pierre burgesa comedy of amorous conflicts miravaux represents the analysis recional burgesia by the passions of the soul and a gentle sense of humor and elegant “double inconsistency”


Lessing was a great illustrated theater critic and director of local theater “Emilia Galotti” raises social conflicts of the bourgeoisie.
Schiller wrote tragedies on the conflicts of the bourgeoisie “bandits” his best known work belongs to the pre-Roman drama “William Tell”

In Spain

Spanish drama of this century lived great polemics tried to restore a sense of classical and educational theater as a tool to enlighten the people

Characteristics of the neoclassical theater

away from the baroque theater through the imitation of Greco-Roman classicism from a set of keys that he collected the ilistrado Ignacio de Luzán
Repeated-rule him 3 units: action, time and place
-separation of tragedy and comedy
-didactic function: theater devia serve to educate, not only to entertain
-realist defense of truth as represented in q must produce the impression that what you see is real q

The most representative author: Leandro Fernandez de Moratin

comedies are the realization of the theory pratica neoclassical theater
– The old and the girl is the 1st of his comedies
“the new comedy or the cafe is a satire against the improbable drama that invaded the charts of the time
– The girls if his comedy is more relevant