19th and 20th Century Spanish Literature: From Post-Romanticism to the Avant-Garde

Tema3.La literature of the second half of the nineteenth century. The posromanticismo and realism


It strengthens the system of capitalist production.
Diffuse own nationalist ideas of romanticism. At that time the States were born in the modern sense, with a central government, a unified law and a common fiscal system throughout the country. They developed the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, whose fighting was continuing. And get the second industrial revolution, while control methods are implemented at work, and strengthens the labor movement, anarchist and socialist organizations forming, and brewing and N London Workers’ International Association.

2.The Posromanticismo Realism and Naturalism:


The cultural movement characteristic of a bourgeois society that rejected the romantic fantasies.
Influenced by the positivism, evolutionism, and Marxist opposition between romanticism and realism is becoming clearer, being detectable in the following features of realistic literature:

Observation and accurate description of reality:

The real life becomes an aesthetic object represented.

Location next to the facts:

They situate their works in this and nearby places.

-Frequent purpose of social criticism and Politics:

The Conservatives describe reality to show their corruption. And progressives argue that such corruption is due to the persistence of conservatism.

Simple and sober style:

bringing the work of the scientist writer away from the romantic theme.

Predilection for the novel:

Thanks to the spread of new media and publishing. The novel at this time meets certain characteristics:

Likelihood (the stories are like fragments of reality), individual or collective actors, omniscient narrator (the narrator of the story pulls the strings, didacticism (the novels offer a moral lesson or social). Also linear structure (no jumps in time), the d escription and thorough approach to the use of colloquial language (the characters speak according to their social class).


A literary trend, which is the claim that literature becomes a science, arguing that it serves or should serve to analyze human behavior following the principles of observation and experimentation (common in the literature). In this type of literature is more extreme features of realism, with the variation that the novelist has to behave like a scientist, and not intervene in the narrative, but adapted to the reality. The novels have a moral purpose through the influence of the socialists, so they try and defend the equality of men.

In Spain there was a deep interest for the literature on the immediate reality, and e l naturalism is accused of immoral and anti-Catholic, so penetrated with some difficulty in Spain, thanks to the final boundsupport of Emilia Pardo Bazan. Adopted expressive forms that away from Romanticism, vindicating a prosaic language


There are three trends:
Poetry realistic antirhetoric the grandiose and the intimate postromantic.
The first cited forms of expression that took away from Romanticism, vindicating a prosaic language
antirhetoric and serve as a conduit for new ideas. Finding the maximum exponent in Ramon de Campoamor (1817-1901) Characterized by the prosaic, irony, skepticism, sentencing, and appeals to common sense.
His books include Dolores and Small poems
The grand realist poetry yet linked to neo-classicism, both in its themes of civic character, as in his concern for a strong and well built. The author is more representative Gaspar Núñez de Arce who writes poems next to the grand epoch of political oratory.
The intimate post-Romantic poetry, on the contrary seeks to overcome the trivial rhetorical romanticism through formal simplification. Being the most representative writers:
Rosalia de Castro (1837-1885) has a difficult existence. He composed verses both in Galician and Follas Cantares Gallegos as novas in Castilian On the banks of Sar
They openly expresses subjectivity, and emerges directly the inner world.
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer (1836-1870) His literary work only appeared in his lifetime, his writings published for the first time in 1871 under the title Rimas not an autobiography being such loving, but the expression of general ideas of the poet about love. As a prose writer Becquer wrote two collections journalistic and literary epistolary Letters Letters to a women r from my cell and Legends (set of short stories of romantic ambiance fantastic character of the Middle Ages., East, night …) Your main theme is love and poetry itself is being conceived as the immediate expression of inner emotions. There are many romantic reminiscences Becquer’s poetry, but you can not decouple from realism, because it uses the right as an expression of that sentiment, and its simple language.

3.La prose:

The development is due mainly to the rise of journalism, helping to forge a direct prose, agile and flexible. Among the Spanish royalists l Two groups you conservatives and progressives.
This ideological opposition is visible in the texts. It happens first thesis novels interventions omniscient narrator, and behind them the naturalistic novels of influence
Fernan Caballero-1796-1877
his work was a precursor of realism, but had some romantic memories. His plays:
The Seagull
andThe family of Alvareda
“Pedro Antonio de Alarcón (1833-1891) is a writer prereality close to Romanticism. He had a revolutionary and anticlerical in his youth, after conservative and neo-Catholic. His language is very verbose and the characters lack individuality. His most important three-cornered hat The Comendadora
“Juan Valera (1824-1905) Conservative socially and politically moderate liberal fought to Naturalism in Notes on the new art of writing novels defends the poetic character of the novel. Art for him is lack of moralizing intent. His favorite topic is love visible in his novel Pepita.

José María de Pereda (1833-1906) top representative of the traditional novel.
Defend in his works an idyllic rural patriarchy. His characters are stuffy, there is an overwhelming moralism, constant meddling by the narrator Jane Smith and The puchera
“Emilia Pardo Bazan (1851-1921) His early romantic literature but later it is the follower of spiritualism. His works The rostrum and Mother Nature are representatives of a formal naturalism.

-Benito Perez Galdos (1843-1920) compositions are divided into three parts:

First novels, contemporary novels, and later novels

The first thesis are novels in which the two ideologies are contrasted characters of the period and included a didactic intention , of this period include La Fontana de Oro and Doña Perfecta.
The contemporary are the disinherited and Meow.
And in her later novels include the realistic aesthetic crisis that propels him to seek new avenues of expression that are manifested in Tristana or Torquemada tetralogy of Galdós’s life was very hectic, and devoted himself to journalism, writing a collection of national Episodes (collection of 46 novels arranged in 5 episodes each) that were an attempt to understand the conflicts that divided Spanish society.

Leopoldo Alas Clarin (1852-1901) produced a large number of newspaper articles and was formed as a literary critic, just write two novels The judge’s wife and their only child but makes up a large number of stories in which accentuates a moralizing intention
Pipe and Moral Tales

4.The theater

In the representations thepublic is divided according to their social position, differing work if they are directed to a sector or another of society. The zarzuela is born at mid-century. Is oriented toward an audience of a popular, social class also addresses gender low boy or theater for hours, long and expensive fragmenting theater to suit a more economical price. They had character comedy.

The bourgeois drama directed toward high comedy triumphs

In which certain memories are still romantic, but attenuates idealism. Their F inally usually appeasers.
Being characteristic of these works the character of the reasoning that openly exposes the author’s ideas. The most characteristic representatives of this genus are Adelard Lopez de Ayala, whose most notable work is the percent
Baus, Manuel Tamayo, author of a new drama
With the merger of prosaic realism to sentimentality born neoromanticism topic whose main figure to Jose de Echegaray, who came to get a Nobel prize, composing or madness or holiness and The Big Galeotti
On stage is simplified realistic intrigue, and consolidates the language prose and drama.
Modernism and the Generation of ’98.


There is a great improvement in living standards of society, due to increased industrialization.
There was a big international business. It imposes a new imperialism which is the domination of one nation over others. While France, Germany, England and the United States vie for economic supremacy, and mechanical Spain is mired in depression since the early nineteenth century. Spain is still a rural country, where wages are very low, so there are social conflict and exodus from the countryside. Again the ideological confrontation between conservative and liberal, persistent in Spain …
Disaster strikes, 1898 date on which loses its remaining colonies. As the restoration is in crisis, and society is strongly opposed to the continuation of this government in power.

2.Modernismo and 98:

These writers take different ideological positions, socialism, anarchism, Carlism.
.. Due to both social and cultural crisis that was lived. Overwhelmed by the sense of decay. The modern name of the principle is used in a pejorative sense to designate them as inexperienced or lacking in sense, by some previous authors ..
The features that characterize this movement are much eagerness to be original in an outward show of contempt for the conventional . Pose a new scale of values. Opposes the modernist conformity.
The artist feels the margins of society. Modernists are turning to ancient times, showing a primitivism that led them to reassess the old .. Thedecadence is also a typical feature of the time (misery). It extends a general feeling of weariness of life.
Also often the subject of pain, eroticism and the marginal.
This contrasted with an unusual taste for the exotic and for travel.
Exalted ideal of beauty as a priority by aestheticism.
Poetry is the supreme art for them, a syncretism able to join the colors of the painting and musical sounds

Spanish poetry 3.La turn of the century:

It departs from the realistic prose of lyrical, and establish a new use of language (the word as being evocative realities and color art light …) So the poems are multiple images. Presence of environments with symbolic value (fountains, fountains, gardens …) are the typical lines and endecasyllable dodecasyllabic.
Written romances, couplets, quatrains … The most important writer of poetry of the time is:
Antonio Machado (1875-1939) is one of the young poets who burst into the twenties, his first published work was that after some years Solitudes reeditaría and titled Solitudes. Galleries. Other poems appear five years later Campos de Castilla y Cancionero apocryphal New songs and a fifth book that would bring together the poems composed during the Civil War. It dominates the melancholy and suffering, mitigating the subjectivity and introspection contained in Solitudes and disappears in Campos de Castilla.
His only published prose was Juan de Mairena.

4.La early twentieth-century prose:

The test at this time reached an important position, serving as a conduit to social and existential concerns of the new writers, some of them identified with regeneration (which seek to address the crisis of Spanish society) There are large biological metaphors
Spain identifying a corpse. Important writers of the period include:
Angel Ganivet (1865-1898)

Contrasts between the Spanish-beens and the decadence of the era

His most important novel is The Conquest of the Maya realm where distinction between savagery and civilization.

Ramiro de Maetzu:

defended socialism in other books such as Towards Spain but after a change in his thought ended in a more conservative Defensa de la Hispanidad

Jose Martinez Ruiz Azorin:

Like Maetzu became a conservative. His most important literary Will Castilla Antonio Azorín and close to the essay genre.
Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) great essayist, advocate, and projector of his thought in his compositions, in theaters as prosaic, tryingproblems of an existential and metaphysical. I had a great taste for paradox, as a novelist was very influential and consistently. Post a novel which is titled Peace in War and after 5 years is a second call Love and pedagogy in which breaks with traditional narrative forms, and style that appears close to realistic in peace in the war.
As a poet he wrote hundreds of them, publishing his first book of poems at age 42 for him poetry is the highest expression of spirit. His most influential lyrical sonnets Rosary Poems and Rhymes playwright As reflected in their common concerns in dramas such as Phaedra and The Other
Pio Baroja (1872-1956) a supporter of anarchism, ideas and values rooted and strong, Baroja was the foremost novelist of his time, his work characterized by the presence of his thinking, influenced by various philosophical and theory Nietzsche.
The decadent taste for the marginal and poverty is printed in all his novels, which encouraged the need for radical change in society, and a strong social critique. His most important books are The Tree of Knowledge wanted by the struggle for life and some adventure books as the Adventurer Zalacaín clear and simple style.

5.The from the early stage:

The most abundant was the theater of consumption for a popular audience. Works with intrigue, narrative continuity, and outcome, is passed to representations and increasingly shorter numbers.
The dramatic numbers do not generally exceed 10 minutes and the place of honor it now holds the song.
The high comedy in the comedy derives from bourgeois or parlor. New trends emerge and authors related to modernism as:
Jacinto Benavente (1866-1954) initial Linking symbolist aesthetic evolves into the aesthetic and ideological conservatism.
He criticized the hypocrisy and bourgeois conventions, but without going beyond what is acceptable and what is considered fashionable. Highlights of his theatrical production Madam Ama, Vested interests and the unloved contrasted the world of interest and the world of love.

Poetic drama appears:

at first within the modernist spirit generic aims to break boundaries, was an attempt to approach the drama genre of lyric poetry.
Novecentismo and Vanguards

European liberal civilization collapsed with the Great War (1914-1918)
leaving even the victorious countries in bankruptcy (except USA). He signed the Treaty of Versailles, trying to fend off the German government, and Russian. Spain remained neutral during the First World War, profiting by manufacturing a large number of exports to countries at war. But contrary to improve the situation of societypoverty increased due to higher prices resulting from the war. Therefore intensified the class struggle, with the effect the general strike of 1917.
Attacks were organized employers and scabs. Because of this crisis is the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, ending the Restoration. That was not very successful, so after years of crisis in 1931 proclaimed the Republic.
2.The Novecentismo:

It is the cultural movement that is opposed to what is considered proper to eight hundred, was therefore rejected Romanticism and Realism.
The Decline of Modernism is evident in the new magazines, which advocate the emergence of a new literature, expresses the weariness of the old ways and is a new mentality. It is not a literature produced by journalists, if not by philosophers, scientists, philologists …
Such intellectual origins explains the features of this literature:


Prefers intellectual rigor, cold and objective analysis of the circumstances and clarity.


Reject the sentimental, prefer the classic, intellectualized expression of emotions.

Defense of pure art:

the, body art has to stop himself, melt away with disciplines such as psychology or sociology. It just providing aesthetic pleasure, and should not be the vehicle of concern.

Intellectual elitism:

The search for objectivity and thoroughness makes the texts are addressed to minorities.

Style care:

The ideal of a job well done is important not only aesthetic but moral, clean style.

3.The Vanguards:

Until the end of World War I does not arise in Spain a vanguard movement, led by the hand of Ramon Gomez de la Serna. Were disseminated through Vicente Huidobro the principles of aesthetics creationist.

Poem is intended to provoke excitement about the value of creation itself

Ultraist Aesthetics encourages the emergence of some journals, which reject tradition and clear a desire for formal experimentation and thematic.
On display are objects from strange perspectives and unexpected relationships are established between them.

Poetry is conceived as a new reality

It departs from romantic subjectivism and modern sentimentality.
Futurism assumes great importance in this literature. The new formals are rejecting traditional meters and stanzas, and the elimination of the clarification and the capitalization, which give shape puzzle. The new metaphor breaks the logical link, and the only way to understand it is through intuition.

4.La prose:

The two most important types of representations are test and the novel.
In the trial include the following scholars:

Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1956) Professor in Metaphysics dedicated his life to develop intellectually, obtaining visible fruit in trials as Quixote Meditations on Invertebrate Spain and / or the dehumanization of art, where an analysis of the avant-garde art.

“Eugenio D’Ors:

(1882-1954) wroteGlosses in Catalan, were brief comments on various topics. And it was art critic for three hours in the Prado Museum and the baroque, he joined the Spanish Falange

-Manuel Azaña:

(1880-1940) founded the Republican Party of Action, published many essays, special mention Don Quixote and personal diaries, they analyzed their lives. He also wrote two works of biographical character Fresdeval and The Garden of the Friars
In the novel’s most prominent authors were:

Gabriel Miró:

(1879-1930) was a pure writer, dedicated to his ideals. He composed lyrical novel, there are two stages in its composition the first is the influence modernist cemetery cherries
The second phase seeks perfection through a prose style elaboradísima Nuestro Padre San Daniel and Bishop leper

Ramón Pérez de Ayala:

(1880-1962) wrote four books of poems that correspond with the advancement in age path The peace of the innumerable The trail walking trail and the trail blazing after an initial period when his style is composed autobiographies in double novels as Honeymoon, moon of ice and the work of Urbano and Simona and Tigre Juan and El curandero in his honor
Ramon Gomez de la Serna (1888-1963) Most characteristic of his work is a different theme greguerias, Kissing is a philosophical hunger of immortality lyrics When you close a door we take the finger to silence these compositions blend with the mood metaphor creating false etymologies, paronomasias … Wrote plays but failed to change the course of the scene with these beings and Ladders media but which was really successful with the novels The woman amber Rebecca!
and the incongruous

5The poetry:

Appears simpler language and personal, which presents the irony and the intellectualization, the poets are defined as postmodernists among which Moralesque Thomas publishes his poetry in two volumes of The Roses of Hercules and Alonso Quesada Flax of Dreams.
Affinity Noucentisme there in Perez de Ayala.
Neopopularismo born, r eelaboración the poetry of traditional and folk, this line will include books of poems by Fernando Villalon. There is therefore a reaction at this time of the Avant-Garde


Futuristic, creationists, and ultraists. The most important author of this period is:
Juan Ramón Jiménez(1881-1958) had a high sensitivity, which favored high quality in his poetry, but isolated him from his contemporaries. Published several anthologies, of which later made corrections and reprints. He conceives his work as a unit. There are three stages in its production: time sensitive, intellectual time and real time. In the first period shows a decadent tone and neo-Romantic Arias sad.
The intellectual era begins with Diary of a newly married poet who opens Spanish poetry to cutting-edge developments.
And in the real time production of the years of exile total station.
As a prose writer who wrote Platero and I stressed a lot at the time by his desire for harmony with nature.

6.The theater

Decline of the genus boy. Zarzuela benefits of taste by the singers, cafes, and entertainment. The commercial theater on the other hand is nourished by the plays of Benavente. Inside the theater comic highlights Carlos Arniches, creator of ambient sketches of Madrid. Continue on the other hand attempts to renew the theater with Jacinto Grau, who tried to find new avenues of expression, Alarcos Count and Don Juan de Carillana criticizes the exclusive economic desire of society. The author was most important:

Ramon Del Valle-Inclan:

(1886-1936) is a man with a literary existence.
Not only write drama, but also poetry Aromas of legend, but where it stands as a playwright his work is divided into four stages:
The decadent phase, influenced by the decadence, where highlights Sonata Autumn Sonata summer

In the primitive stage of Romance de lobos highlights where exalts Comedy barbaric primitivism, violence, cruelty. In the third stage or stage of artificial distancing April Story highlights where is the unfortunate loves of a troubadour for a princess. And finally the stage of the nonsensical Divinas palabras and Luces de bohemia his masterpiece, most recognized, retaking the mysterious world and overcoming the artificial.