19th Century Europe: Key Events and Timeline (1814-1921)
Posted on Mar 23, 2025 in International Relations
The Foundations of the Restoration (1814-1820)
- 1814
- June 4: Louis XVIII grants La Charte.
- October 1: First meeting of the Congress of Vienna.
- 1815
- June 9: Last session of the Congress of Vienna.
- June 18: Battle of Waterloo.
- July 18: Napoleon definitively exiled.
- September 14: Russia, Prussia, and Austria sign the Holy Alliance.
Revolution and Counter-Revolution (1820-1830)
- 1820
- January 1: Colonel Riego’s Revolt in Cabezas de San Juan.
- March 8: Ferdinand VII endorses the Constitution of Cádiz.
- 1823
- April 7: Entry into Spain of the Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis.
- 1824
- December 9: Battle of Ayacucho. End of Spanish presence in the Americas.
- 1825
- December 26: The Decembrist Revolt in St. Petersburg.
The July Monarchy as a Model (1830-1848)
- 1830
- July 27-29: Revolution in Paris. Fall of Charles X.
- August: The Netherlands Revolution breaks out. Belgium is born.
- 1832
- June 7: Electoral Reform Law in England.
The Revolution of 1848 and its Consequences
- 1848
- February 22-25: Revolution breaks out in Paris (II French Republic).
- March 4: Charles Albert of Savoy promulgates a constitution (Albertine Statute).
- May 18: The Frankfurt Parliament is constituted in Prussia.
- 1849
- February 9: Promulgation of the Republic in Rome (Mazzini).
- 1850
- January 31: Frederick William IV grants a new constitution for the Kingdom of Prussia, which would remain in force until 1918.
Italian Unification (1852-1861)
- 1852
- Camillo Benso (Count of Cavour) becomes Víctor Manuel II’s prime minister.
- 1858
- Cavour meets with Napoleon III at Plombières. Franco-Sardinian Alliance.
- 1859
- May – July: Austria is defeated by Franco-Sardinian forces in Magenta and Solferino.
- August-September: Tuscany, Parma, Modena, and part of the Papal States are incorporated into the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia.
- 1860
- May 11: Garibaldi lands at Marsala (Sicily), leading a force of 1,000 “redshirts.”
- 1861
- March 14: Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy (tricolor flag).
German Unification (1862-1871)
- 1862
- September 23: Bismarck heads the Council of Ministers.
- 1866
- July 3: The Austrians are defeated by the Prussians at Königgrätz (Sadowa).
- 1870
- September 2: French defeat at the Battle of Sedan. Napoleon III is taken prisoner.
- 1871
- January 18: William I is proclaimed the kaiser of the German Empire in the Palace of Versailles (Hall of Mirrors). The Germans take revenge for the humiliations inflicted on them by Louis XIV and Napoleon.
- March 18 – May 28: Paris Commune.
The Armed Peace (1882-1914)
- 1882
- Bismarck forges the Triple Alliance with Austria and Italy.
- 1892
- August 17: Franco-Russian Alliance. Ratified in 1893 and in 1894 by Russia and by France.
- 1904
- April 8: Non-aggression and colonial expansion pact signed between France and England (Entente cordiale).
- 1914
- June 28: Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo.
Fernando VII’s Reign (1814-1833)
- 1834
- April 10: Enactment of the Royal Statute.
- 1837
- June 17: The liberals enact a new Constitution in Spain.
- 1839
- August 31: Convention of Vergara (Maroto and Espartero). End of the First Carlist War.
Regency of General Espartero (1840-1843)
- 1841
- Treaty Law of Navarra that enables its full integration into the Spanish State.
Elisabeth II’s Majority (1843-1868)
- 1845
- May 23: Narváez promulgates a new constitution in Spain.
- 1868
- September 9: Glorious Revolution in Spain. Dethronement of Queen Elizabeth II.
The Six-Years Democratic Period (1868-1874)
- 1869
- First democratic constitution in Spain.
- 1876
- New Spanish constitution (Cánovas del Castillo).
- 1878
- Basque Economic Agreement enables full integration of the Basque provinces in the Spanish State.
- 1898
- Spanish-American War. Spain loses its last colonies in America (Cuba) and Asia (Philippines).
- 1921
- July 22: Disaster of Annual. Thousands of Spanish soldiers are brutally killed by the Moroccan tribes of the Rif, because of the ineptitude of their officers and commanders.