19th Century French Naturalism in Literature

ralism nineteenth-france 1830 s eu. Art rprsntacion Fidler ral world. Dscripcio urban environments. Prsntn problms analyzed tmpramnt prsnatgs-social. Prspctiva criticism. Accurate and impartial chronicler objctivitat-author. Yenguatg adapts prsnatgs
Matrix nivy novlista-100tific. Emilio Zola started corrnt x-plantja concpt ssr amu and he sdvnir array comxtamnt Studier. 3t basics: dtrminism: prsna yiur xq acts driven PL ps NCRE biological and social q prssions MDI lives: race, NCRE-MDI-momnt istoric.
influence 100tifica exprimnta novla
Expriencia prsnatg colokn in divrss analyze situations and environments tmatica conditions prsnatgs divrss tarsus prtanyen qualsvol rank. Tcnica stil: LIMITS postulates stablixen ralism-maximum rigor to analyze documntacio ralitata ral, ralitat + documnts. Costumism: corrnt liters caractristica trasfrir sxix introduces dscripcio marked tndncia to dixar documnts TST. Nostalgic attitude, and indigenous dscriu ayo + + + pintorsc traditional society. Dsconix ralitat array novlistica. Transformed nineteenth story in pictures or articles of customs-customs difrnts Pcs Brus argumnts or not imxtant Action + k-dscripcio narrative. 1 1865-bcn stmanari satirical and save them dtrmina-GNR Evolution Modlin d-ks yengua speech.
novla ralista: lack imagination and rpticio scns manners and situations possible novla modrna FR-vur ralitat as TMA litrari. GNR rflctira new dynamism society momnt rvolucio Industrial burgsia triumph. Most novls ralists Catalans contnnlmnts costumism romantic-novla foyeto rprsnta objctivism ralitat contmxana-ralitat author conix k k prtant can dscriur with exactitud.Critica-yxart Jospin, Joan Sardinian Zola’s work was introduced rbutjar rrfons idologic movimnt ADMT RCL-naturalist Zola yeis , NCRE visio dtrminista world but not vur will umanalmnt able contrarrstar natural value – prfrncia sttica. Yxart-tories vrsmblança-rlat logic, and structuralmnt-tmaticamnt climate vracitat and fiction. Novla modrna-problms: lack prstigi, yengua anachronistic, absncia appropriate platform, lack prstigi Scriptor lack critical. Novla romantic-1 novla istorica Catalan. Orfnta-mnargus S.XV novla romantic atmosphere, GN istoric, corrnt rnaixença + mdievalista and consrvadora any line, gradually adjusts ralitat as tma.Narcis Oyer vays 1846 bcn 1930 crador novla Catalan modrna. Rprsntacio rural urban world and villains. Sttica ralism-2 trts funds rrfons romantic ralitat SDV-out art gracis emprnta with k l transmtartist Manra caractritza prsnatgs as good and b dolnts critri poetic justice triumphs evil punished darrr DRT + Oyer vocation. Yxart cosi new corrnts novlists Oyer contact with Franks and with Zola crador novla Catalan modrna. FBR-gold novla ambition oyer.Cim stories ralista Catalan. Caractristiks: world of the stock, rising 2 parts and stimbada, prsnatgs class mnstrals intgrars burgsia, transforms bcn city modrna new formation burgsia, ascnsio social dgradada moral prsns. Scanyapobrs-1884-om miser rural society dgradacio moral transformation. 1882 papayona ralism, romantic dscripcio and analysis comxtamnt sduccio girl hands papayona moralism. Difrncia sttica Oyer and new. Made historic political and cultural context marked deeply thought and work also reads joventuts.Autors not professional stage from 1880 to 1906 peak. Wants to write the representation of reality and in a stage-specific restoration of Catalan society.
1898-madness-debate different perspectives on the fundamental principle literary naturalist determinism-serralloga main character is crazy perke society will be made either madness inheritance law is product-naturalist
Pilar Prim-1906 last novel focuses on psychological study linked widow-husband will attempt to get closer to new literary approaches
procedures to achieve literary material internal half-Aparicio fiction novels about the same characters in different spatial locations in two frames, repeating sub-themes (bag, railways, caciquisme), subject background, social transformation caused by industrial revolution and rise of bourgeoisie . Potter wants to play realism, naturalism and romanticism. 1 Catalan-modern novel third century Spain Catalan translations Version celebrate works of authors epoch.
levels: within spongy bone compact bone tissue growth outside ematopoeisi
length: lining periosteum, bone tissue grows thick spongy bone covered with cartilage epiphysis compact bone diaphysis Osseo Yellow Lipids osteoclats undo intracelular Ca bone substance. 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 dorsal, 5 lumbar, coccyx 3-5, 7 true ribs, 6 false, 2 floating Ilil Ischia ass.
sinartrosis brain tissue fixed + or – fibrous plan-plan / amfiartrosi little movement Cartilage strong linkage fro / diartrosi casing lined membrane liquid lubricant secret slip. Spongy bone marrow tissue planes along epiphysis hematopoeisi eritro thrombus Leuca / reservoir bone mineral Ca F Mg Via hormonal. Osteocits cellular cartilaginous conjunctiva + calcium salts / organic substance intracelular portion colagen, elasticity.
Inorganica rooms phosphates Ca hardness. Composite cross-channel conduit Wolkman the periosteum or bone yellow channel flows Havers / diaphysis plans or long bone periosteum. Spongy red bone plates cross-hematopoietic tissue inside bones plans EPIPHYSES long. Osteocits cellular canaliculi. Osteogenes grows thick periosteum differentiate osteoblasts sinteitzaen colagen afterward calcifiquen channels are assets osteoclats degrade bone marrow cavity and inner medullary bone eixamnple. Elongation-cartilage tissue creates bones plans
muscles esternocleido neck to turn head / neck lift trapeci shoulder shoulder aduir Scapula/ Dorsi move arm extensio
Humor shoulder / collarbone point deltoid abduction arm / chest chest flex arm abduction / flexion lifting arm forearm brachial biceps / triceps arm arm down extensio forearm / butt buttock leg extensio / Sartori crossed flexion lateral rotation abduction / thigh quadriceps extensio knee flexion anterior rectus care / post thigh flexion knee extensio darera thigh / leg extensio anterior tibial foot / leg move kisses External Internal solea foot flexion motion raises Talo / eyebrow raise eyebrows / eyelids closing orbicularis eye / pyramid transverse nose and lifting up nose lip Higher / obicular lips smile / eat flap whistle / mandibular muscles mandibula lower bid-
muscle spindle forms the center around a bulky beta plans annular ring. Miofibrilar muscle fiber bundle endomisi muscle perimisi epimisi MUSCLE tendo bone periosteum. Zygomatic cheeks. Nerve impulse, acetylcholine release Aparicio power accio +30 mV muscle action potential propagation fixing release Ca ions on myosin actin sliding miofilaments shortening sarcomas
set of chemical bond forces when the atoms are held together either crystal molecules and the forces that hold together the molecules when present in solid state or likid.
ION: yield electrons and atoms become ions. Covalent electron sharing Metals share for all.
Ionic: ionic formula of a compound indicates the proportion q combining atoms. Empirical formula since these compounds do not form molecules. Are hard and brittle solids temperature environments, leading electricity disolen be melted in water.
Bond: non-metals each particular molecular comprising two or more atoms linked by covalent bonds smallest amount that maintains all the properties. Number indicates a substance made of atoms of each element there-molecular formula. Octet rule exception BF3 SF6 link dative H3O + and NH4 + in the centers that are in negative voltatn central atom are arranged in space so that repulsion between them is minimal.
polarity links: link atoms equal, same electronegativity evenly electron-nonpolar covalent bond. Polar + electronegative atom. Partial atom charges a boot acosegueix not only attracts other electrons. Semporta-dependent electron-bond electronegativity difference between pure: 0 differs very high ionic binding and covalent ionic polar percentage.
Metallic: atoms combine elements similar electronegativity and low metals lose electrons. Solid point Fusio high heat and power leads be ductile and deform to scratch maleables times.
intermolecular forces: links between molecules: dipole-dipole link between polar molecules H2O / H binding molecules H atoms attached to atoms and small electronegatius nof pretty intense responsible H2O likid between 0-100 / IM dipole-dipole molecules induce non-metals diatomikes apolars molekula major cause electrons to move at a match with another. Intante. Force occurs between two very weak iodine sublimates easily / io-dipole disol ionic compound in polar solvent, solvent molecules will reorder the positive posters voltatn io negative. Solvatacio energy power system is a solvent molecules and that io envolten.Energia largest network disoldra q