19th Century Spain: From Napoleonic Wars to the Bourbon Restoration

Item 9: 1785-1795 hostility with France, aslamiento count of white flowers, death Louis XVI 1793-1795.
1795-1807 war friendship treaty of San Ildefonso united against defeat England Trafalgar 1805

Antencedentes G. Independec: 1807

Treaty of Fontainebleau, 1808 Mutiny of Aranjuez, abdicating from Bayonne, May 2

Phases G

(1808-1813) May-November 1808, November 1808-January 1812 Grande Armée, 1812-end war. Valençay 1813 Treaty recognizes victory
Statute of Bayonne in July 1808, Unoccupied Zone –> local boards (integrate)
provincial boards. Ultimate Board establishing centers (21 Sep 1808) Count floridablaca (head) (transferred power)
regency convenedCourts that created the Constitution of 1812 promulgated on March 19, 1812
Valençay 1813 treaty, 1814 Ferdinand VII returned to restore absolute monarchy declaa void the decrees of the courts and the Constitution of Cadiz
F VII (1814-1833): Six-year absolutist (1814-1820) Liberal Triennium (1820-1823) and ominous decade (1823-1833)
Sexenio absolutist (1814-1820) restored the old regime and stratified society, instability, catastrophic administration, political repression and liberal
Francophile, military uprisings, several attempts, irrigation Colonel triumph 1820
Liberal Triennium (1820-1823) recruitment irrigation prununciamiento force restores the 1812 constitution, political organization directio Board, Courts work to dismantle the old regime and liberal state building. Division liberalism (moderates and radicals). First two years with opposition moderates and radicals absolutist. When power exalted king calls for help Holy Alliance 1823 Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis wins by starting new absolutist period.
Ominous Decade (1823-1833) null constitutional government acts, inquisition boards replaced by faith, collaborators of the King: Reform and Conservative. Opposition: Liberal and ultra-realistic face. 1827 popular uprising Calaluña illiberal. Pragmatic sanction dynastic issue REPEAL 1830 Salic Law (Carlos María Isidro) wife Maria Cristina, daughter Isabel. Sep 29 1833 F VII dies.

Emancipation Colonies:

15 mill diversity and miscegenation.


Confrontations between Spaniards and Creoles, clotted liberal ideals, influence American independence and the French Revolution.
Independencia process begins during the War of Independ. Spanish, in 181 first proclamations of independence. 816 is reestablished Spanish identify themselves less good air, but the repressive policy of FVII revived the independence movement (Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín) 1824 after the Battle of Ayacucho (December 8, 1824) the Spanish colonial empire in America is reduced to Cuba and Puerto Rico.Bankruptcy implications of trade between Spain and its former colonies, public finance crisis, economic collapse of the state.
Item 10: The Carlist Wars.
The final rule F VI, succession struggle between the future Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Carlos Maria Isidro, Salic Law 1832.
Absolutism + carlos radicals, Isabel and regent Maria Cristina de Borbon liberal support, transit former regime to liberal bourgeois regime.
Ideariio Carlist, absolute monarchy, to ecclesiastical and Catholic values, traditional to defense institutions and jurisdictions, rural idealization is support clergy, nobility, and small peasantry.
Carlist three wars. First G. Carlist (1833-1840) suppressed uprisings in rural areas except Basque, Navarre, Catalonia and Valencia argon, Elizabethan regular army camp and cities pupolar Carlist army. 1834 Zumalacárrregui army defeated liberal Amézcoas battle, but died and liverales Z visctoria Mendigorría.
Espartero Liberal wins and the division of the Carlist General Maroto between hardliners and moderates apostolic or transaction. 1839 Convention of Vergara.
Second g. Carlist (1846-1849) ambito + reduced
Conseguencias: monarquiia liberal support, and military role Gaast war, fiscal distress
Absolute Monarch Elizabeth II bourgeois state, vied for power between moderate and Prograsa, 1833-1840 disentailment regeuncia Mendizabal Maria Cristina 1836, royal charter 1834, the sergeants pronunciamiente farm swear constitution obliging 1837.
q favored the conservatives and liberals show M cristina exile and regency
Espartero 1840-1843. Progressive party division.
Proclamation of Elizabeth as Queen of Spain in November 1843 features, military uprisings and predominance moderasdos power.
moderate decade 1844-1854. Narvaez monopoly moderate conservative constitution of 1845, Concordat catolicoa religion unique in Spain.
Narvaez x 1851 revealed resigned Bravo Murillo, progressives Vicalvarada g. Biennium Prograsa Espartero and O’Donnell shared power espatero liberal progressive union O’D. Unborn Constitution 1856, in force after the fall of 1845.
Last Years Elizabeth II Reibo 81856-1868) alternation crisis and moderate unionists narvéez Night O’Donnell student revolts of St. Daniel, progressives and Democrats ruling the glorious overthrow Elizabeth II
Sexenio democratioco 1868 -1874, constitutional 1868, regency amadeo71-73, Prim and Serrano, geurra with Cuba, 72 radical power skunk, sublevacios intransigent federal constitutional republic 1873-1874 Figueras, Pi i Maragall, Salmeron and Castel pavia general, restoration 1833-1875 laborer