19th Century Spain: Political and Social Transformations

19th Century Spain: Key Events and Figures

1. Correcting Words (VI – VII, Implemented – Repealed)

  • VI & VII (Roman numerals representing the centuries)
  • Implemented – Repealed
  • Repealed – Implemented
  • Pragmatic Sanction – Salic Law
  • The *Criollo* Bourgeoisie – Spain

2. Completing the Sentences

  • The main causes of the political instability were the crisis of the monarchy.
  • Amadeo I was a liberal monarch chosen to take the throne.

3. What Was the First Republic?

The First Republic was a regime that prepared a program of economic and social reforms.

4. Completing the Sentences

  • a) The crisis of the monarchy led to the abdication of Amadeo, which aimed to abolish the monarchy and establish a republican political system.
  • b) During the *Sexenio Democrático* (Democratic Six Years).

5. Questions in English

  • a) What role did the army play? – Military leaders became political leaders.
  • b) What were the most important events of the crisis of the Ancien Régime? – The French invasion, the Mutiny of Aranjuez, and the War of Independence.
  • c) What was Ferdinand VII’s position? – Ferdinand VII was an absolutist.
  • d) What were the consequences of the Spanish-American Wars of Independence? – Spain lost tax revenues.
  • e) Which social group supported Isabella II? – The Upper bourgeoisie and landowners.
  • f) Why did the First Republic fail? – Division between republicans, the opposition of monarchists, wars, etc.

6. Definitions

  • Pronunciamiento: Military uprising.
  • Carlism: Movement that supported Carlos María Isidro.
  • Salic Law: Law that prohibited women from reigning.

7. Defining People

  • Ferdinand VII: Spanish King who defended absolutism.
  • Espartero: Progressive general, regent, and prime minister.
  • Amadeo of Savoy: King during the *Sexenio Democrático*.
  • Joseph I: King of Spain (1808-1813), Napoleon’s brother.
  • Simón Bolívar: Politician who led the independence movement in South America.
  • Prim: Progressive general who was murdered in 1870.
  • Infante Carlos: Ferdinand VII’s brother who did not recognize his cousin Isabella’s right to the throne.
  • Narváez: Moderate general, the most influential politician during Isabella II’s reign.
  • Cánovas: Conservative politician who ruled Spain during the Bourbon Restoration.

8. Differences

  • Carlists / Liberals: They supported Don Carlos / Isabella II.
  • Moderates / Progressives: They defended shared sovereignty / national sovereignty.

9. Correcting Words (Blog) – The Spanish Constitution of 1876

  • The Spanish Constitution of 1876 declares the King, not Isabella, and Cánovas del Castillo.
  • The legislative power resides not in the judges, but in parliament.
  • Chamber of Representatives: *Congreso de los Diputados*.
  • Senators are not elected.
  • Senators must be at least 30 years old.
  • Every 75,000: Universal suffrage.
  • Six years: Three years.
  • The King is inviolable.

10. Alison’s Questions

  • What did the 1812 Constitution establish? – Sovereignty resides in the nation, Cortes has legislative power, suffrage was universal, etc.
  • What did Ferdinand VII do when he returned to Spain? – Ferdinand VII revoked the Constitution.
  • How did the independence of the colonies affect Spain? – Spain became bankrupt.
  • Why did Ferdinand VII revoke the Salic Law? – To ensure his daughter’s reign.

11. Exercise from the Book in English

  • Choose three areas of ideology and explain the differences: Moderates defended shared sovereignty, very limited suffrage, and restricted rights. Progressives defended national sovereignty, census suffrage, and individual rights.
  • What other political groups were there? How did their ideologies differ? – Democrats promoted universal suffrage. Republicans wanted to establish a republic.

12. Completing Sentences

  • a) Maria Christina supported moderate liberals.
  • b) In 1843, Isabella was proclaimed queen.
  • c) The Constitution of 1845 restricted suffrage and limited liberties.
  • d) Carlists included rural nobility, clergy, and peasants.

13. Explaining the Roles of the Following People in Politics

  • a) Maria Christina was regent between 1833 and 1840.
  • b) Mendizábal confiscated church lands.
  • c) Isabella II was queen between 1843 and 1868.
  • d) O’Donnell created the Liberal Union.