19th Century Spanish Agricultural Reforms & Disentailment

Situation d XIX Century Spanish agriculture:

According to the census of the active population d Godoy trabjo agricultura.Mayor part d inthe land in the hands dla church, nobility and orders militares.Varios groups linked to the land: 1.

Large stately states:

subject to mayorazgo.2.

Campesinos d land and livestock owners:

leasing their farms to other campesinos.3.

Ls tenant farmers:

as lease payments and leasing land x q foreros long periods in return d 1 or income census fija.4.

Pelentrines Laborers and Andalusians

Ls large landowners leasing their land to prsonas solvent worst land ls ls ls peasants and they had had some animal d q trabajo.La weights economy remains “mediocre yields x hectarea.-Null technical advances: Roman follows the plow, manure and crops are barbecho.-ls Ls same: “A trilogy mediterranea. D ownership structure unfavorable: the estates still dominate and smallholdings ls pa insufficient feed 1 family.

D agricultural reforms: The sale:

reforms needed to Revoluc. Agricola.La work: to ensure the inviolability dla increase in private property and owners d q No support system liberal.2 measures:-abolition of lordships and the untying d ls d ls d mayorazgos.-
disentailment eclesiasticos.Se goods was liberalized land ls. The sale in several phases:

1-d real d Sale Jesuits:

Esquilache d after the riot and subsequent riots d ls 1766 Campomanes blame inductors Jesuits d ls d ls be themselves and hang xpulse Cia d Jesus d abducted x the state and rented or sold.

2-Godoy Secularization d:

d Charles IV’s reign (1788/1808) lived situation dla 1caotica estate x lo q ª disentailment la1 realize Godoy (1798): “The State xpropió church lands, stas were sold at public auction. Between 1798-1808 on sale Propertys dla crown d Castilla served pa q reales. Redeem vouchers ls ls-Ls bought land and rich landowners.

3-Ls measures Courts disentailment d d Cadiz and the Liberal Triennium:

Ls Cadz d Corts enacted some laws decoupling pa dla goods ls ls disentail nobility and church property and municipales.Ls facts:
1. lordships and privileges abolished ls GOD gentlemen, tdos ls were territorial lordships.
2. expropriated land ls d ls d convents cn least 12 friars, sales d waste lands and commons.
3. nationalized real estate ls dls Francophile, Jesuits, militars orders, convents and monasteries.

In the Triennial Liber. (1820/1823), 2 phases:
doceanista or moderate-ls (1820/1822), presidids x Martinez d la Rosa: the law of religious reform comunidads d (1820). It was the beginning dla ecclesiastical disentailment dl .- S. XIX + tard Veinteañistas ls (1822/1823): dls xpulsion new Jesuits, convents dls land sale DAYS MNOs d 24 d frailes.Pero Absolutist during the decade (1823/1833), the legislation overrides any FernandoVII dl Liberal Triennium.

4-Secularization d Mendizabal (1836/1851):

dls disentailment church property, 3 decrees: “Suppression dls en1835 religious orders.Ests-nationalized property and pass properties estado. Dl-Its subsequent auction publica.Su pa objective was to obtain money to pay off the state deudapublica dl, x it n was 1reforma land or street desamortizacion.Mendizabal wing command + d 30,000 monks, dls provoke breach of effect Espña diplomatcas relations and the Holy See, was resolved with the concordat d 1851 which ends xel demortizacion wing.

5.La desamrtizacion in progressta biennium (1854/1856):

Secularization of Madoz (1855/1924): dla law is General demortizacion d d 1855: fue1demortizacion total, he sold: a) Ls goods com dl both regular secular clergy, tdavia n desamortizads.B) Ls goods Estado.C dl) requires municipalities to ls ponr sale goods . Objetivs Ls: achieve political development and sale was economico.El procdimiento d dl d 1copia with dferencias Mendizabal “Ls payments in cash,” Eldinero was devoted to railroad owners compensated cn-Ls dla public debt titles, some of assignment d d own community lots to vecinos.Resultads: wing d-doubled Mendizabal, but land ls ls provocand rich adqiridas x 1-agrarios. Riots bankruptcy estate dls Ruin municipales.-religious orders.

6.The implications disentailments DAYS


dla radical 1transformacion caused property, lands were distributed mong n mens ls favorecids, increased landlordism Spanish, acted as the tmpoco Social hacendistica .-: d ruin religious orders and clergy, the nobility kept their estates and grndes she cn Andalusian grew .-


Master: lost d d art works, disappearance d CHOOLS parish and convent, convents, barracks or convertids in public buildings, the delay causes 1dlas agricultural economy dla dla Spanish late industrialization.