19th Century Spanish History Overview

Fer.VII reign of the repeal of presidential term laconstitucion and absolutist

4 dmayo de1814, fer VII decree accepted the proposal and the repeal of the constitution. Pimer absolutist reaction against the emerging liberal, King annulled the legislative work of the courts and promoted repression against the Constitutionalists, q muxos of them were exiled. Started well in Spanish history of intolerance and repression x q ideological issues led to the exile of 15,000 Spanish families. Initiated a period in q 6años was to dominate the most reactionary sectors of the church lasociedad cn lacabeza, lainquisicion was restored, all the bishops opposed the idea of an amnesty q was raised in 1816. Marked the return to absolutism lapostracion economic and ruin of the estate. America became independent.
the liberal triennium (1820-1823) was xsectores featuring military pronouncements supporters laconstitucion 1812, qsiempre ended in failure. In 1820 won the header x rafael irrigation. 1denero de1820 the people of Seville in the Cabezas de San Juan, irrigation proclaimed the constitution of 1812. PLAYING ferVII expired pronounce the sentence, and I frankly march on the path pimero constitutional. Thus began the period known as the liberal triennium. Q 3 years were tough test elpimer constitutional government of Spain‘s history. Was put into practice a moderate politics. L church was removed from the organs of state power, the Jesuits were expelled.
enfranchisement dela Spanish america the coup against the Liberal government.
No areas had EN1822 Catalonia, Basque Country, Galicia, Navarre … In qThe nobles and clergy had organized games militares.Estos absolutist groups came to control large areas of Catalonia and Navarra. The coup d wing action is intervecion joined the European powers agreed at the Congress of Verona q culminated in the entry of the hundred thousand sons of St. Louis. The French army of 60,000 x 35,000 and a realistic españoles.Este army crossed the border and toured the country pursuing the Liberal government.

Absolutist decade

apartir coup led x ferVII there was an absolutist restoration 2nd, q hard until his death. The return of absolutism, brought a wave of repression and the abolition of all forms of liberal freedoms were executed politicas.Muxos including irrigation. The church became the main ally of ferVII justifies repression, this repression provoked q qmile of Spanish exile in countries were this decade europeos.En Telecommunications Satellite dl was no change in status, so it istituyó the cabinet and the system was reorganized public extraterrestre. The Spanish economy after almost 2Dec of instability and war began to take off.

T11.A) political organization:

constitutional monarchy and political parties. The years of regency 3primeros fully served g.Carlista q xa moderate liberals politica.La were entrenched in the regency of Maria Cristina, MC en1833 issued Decree drafted x Javier de Burgos x ELQ territorialmnt the state was organized into 49 provinces, organization q has remained until today. The main political instrument x to the letter was a pre-constitutional transition. Actual status (1834) Issued a charter quo recognized national sovereignty or political freedoms or the division of powers and legislative lainiciativa left in the hands of the monarch, Civil War and the disastrous economic situation in 1835 led revolts of the militias q Urban and demanded more political freedom to vote and demanded the handover of power to progressives like jose maria politcos calatrava.
The 2nd Costitucion liberal (1837) during 1836 resulted in riots and uprisings malaga barcelona a group of noncommissioned officers in the force entroxla palace of La Granja San Ildefonso, where the q maria cristina d spent his summer vacation. The military forced the mayor to sign a decree reinstating x on q is the constitution of 1812 and repealed the Royal Charter of 1834 this has been known as Mutiny on the farm. When the war ended in 1839 Carlist a government attempt to limit the reforms and the participation of urban middle lasclases enacting a law abolished municipalities q 1840 Delos derexo uss citizens to elect mayors to be appointed Qienes Pasban x directamnt government.

the War pimer Carlist
in 1833 had begun the long Civil War between the Chartists and the Elizabethans would end in 1840 q cn el q conto apoyopopular this movement was so great he qlashostilidades semantuvieran q along the entire siglo19. Carlist, and uncompromising absolutist supporters of hereditary Derex ferVII brother, carlos mariaisidro faced the regent Maria crist q xun group was leaning liberal and more moderate absolutists, the Elizabethans q isabelII accepted as heir to padre.Durante desu 1st Carlist war became strong in the north of the Carlist general lapeninsula Ramon Cabrera came to an expedition dsd maestrazgo area to the gates of Colonel madrid.El zumalacarregui shots fer q VII wing death joined the cause of carlos Mria isidro elejercito succeeded in organizing and directing rebel north and consolidated elpoder Carlist in the Basque Country. The death of this infamous warlord occurred in June 1835 during the siege d bilbao, ending the trend in the region Carlist vasconavarra.Apartir 1835 victory Elizabethan army to force them to flee to carlosmaria isidro 1839 France. Marce Elizabethan baldomero Fernndez Espartero and General held talks crlista maroto xa end the war culminated in the agreement q vergara, with the signing of the agreement guaranteed the preservation vergara some Councils and recognized Derex jobs and degrees Carlist Army . However, the suitor carlos and do not accept exile in France, General tampocolo cabrera accepted nor who pressured x ctaalanes Carlist General Espartero had to flee q lo q Frania in 1840 ended the first political Carlist War.

B) the reign of isaII

the bienioprogresista, began with a military coup known as the Vicálvaro. The initiator was General Leopoldo O `Donell. No movement to dethrone Queen Elizabeth II.En 1844 as stated in elmanifiesto of the liberal apple antonioCánovas q compose. Apart from this coup began a new political era hard q q 2years in drafting a new constitution, put into practice qnbo so q is known as non-cream. Elizabeth General puidio progressive Espartero q form a government. The Jesuits were expelled from Spain. ImxtanT other measures the Government was the application of a second disentailment (1855). The consequences of these actions were beneficial in q partexq lands were cultivated previously improductivas.Xo this disentailment also caused a worsening of living conditions of laborers and farmers. Delaño1855 is also the railway q laey planned rail network. In 1856 a law was enacted Banking q xa foreign investment facilitated the creation of credit thus regulating the banking system español.El progressive biennium coincided with a good time of the Spanish economy, the reason of this economic boom was the Crimean War (1853-1856) in the q turquia luxaron France and Britain against the Russian empire.

C) the elsexenio revolutionary pimerarepublicaLa

1868 revolution in Spain and the flight of Queen Elizabeth II led to a provisional government headed by General Francisco Serrano y Domínguez.
The new government convened the Constituent Cortes proclaimed the 1869 Constitution, which established as a monarchy form of government constitucional.Se sought a candidate, finding the second son of Victor Emmanuel II (the first king of Italy), Amadeo Fernando Maria of Savoy, who reigned in Spain under the name of Amadeo I.

On 11 February 1873, the king Amadeo I abdicated the crown before the Senate and Congress. In his message to the Spanish Cortes defined as ungovernable and returned to Italy and died on 18 January 1890 in Turin.
The Cortes proclaimed the Republic, which lasted less than eleven months:

February 11, 1873 to 3 January 1874

He had four presidents:

Estanislao Figueras, Francisco Pi y Maragall, Nicolás Salmerón, Emilio Castelar

This short life was mainly due to the conspiracies of the royalists, the Carlist war, foreign policy conflicts and difficulties coloniales.El June 1, 1873 Figueres resigned, confessing to being unable to cope with the chaos and anarchy to which they had drawn Spain uprisings cantonal pro-royalist conspiracies and military discipline. The Cortes proclaimed the federal republic, Pi y Maragall grata, who was appointed president, but failed to finish with the disturbances, which are multiplied. The federal cantons formed in Malaga, Cadiz, Seville and Cartagena.
The Carlist conflict spread throughout the Northern Peninsula. He resigned on 18 July 1873.
He was replaced by deputy Nicolás Salmerón,
Almeria brilliant professor who a few weeks for the presidency succeeded in stopping the movement Cantonese and stop the advance of the partisans of Charles VII.
But these brilliant achievements, has resigned just three months after his election to the grave charge that raised awareness sign a number of death sentences considered essential to restore discipline and stop desertions within the Army. On September 7, 1873 he was appointed Head of State and Government Castelar.
Forced by the prevailing social decay, dissolved the Parliament and ruled most dictatorial, even to act against their own convictions in order to get peace and order which he considered crucial to national reconstruction. He attacked with great vigor the task of saving the nation and fought tenaciously to recover the principle of authority, his decision being successful return to conscription in order to restore military discipline. Restored discipline. Do not hesitate to apply the death penalty. Some political leaders, including its predecessors Pi and Salmeron, accused him of having forgotten the revolutionary principles that fostered the birth of the Republic and, subject to a confidence vote, he lost the vote and was forced to resign. It was seven in the morningJanuary 3, 1874. Initiated the process to determine whether Rep.
Eduardo Palanca replacing Castelar, news came that the Captain General of Madrid Manuel Pavia y Rodriguez de Alburquerque, was preparing to take the Congress, appearing a few helpers of General Pavia that came with the mandate to evict the plenary hall, which order was met with protests by lawmakers, but these stopped immediately to make their appearance several members of the Civil Guard and some soldiers Republic
Capitanía.La I anticipated an end when the clock marked seven Chamber average. Executive in charge was the Duke de la Torre, directing the new Government with a manifesto to the country, justifying the coup, and was reorganized on the basis of separating the executive, which was entrusted to the Duke de la Torre, the prime minister that mandated the General Juan Zavala y de la Puente.
This government was faced with three major problems: cantonalism of Cartagena, which he mastered General Lopez Dominguez, January 13, 1874;
the last Carlist War was acquiring sizeable because Charles VII ruled over a large part of northern Spain and he even threaten Madrid, the separatist war that burned in Cuba since
1868. Meanwhile, the party led by alfonsino Canovas del Castillo swelled their ranks. Anticipating Canovas, which advocated a constitutional rather than a pronouncement, General Arsenio Martinez Campos at Sagunto Anton proclaimed King of Spain Alfonso XII, 29 December 1874.