19th Century Spanish Literature

Author: Joseph Espronceda


His life was passionate and idealistic, finding success in England and France. His most famous poem was inspired by the curse and marginal characters (including a beggar and an executioner). He dedicated poems to them, such as The Song of the Pirate. His major work is The Student of Salamanca, a long narrative poem. This book tells the story of Don Félix de Montemar, an unscrupulous seducer who abandons Doña Elvira after seducing her. She dies for love. Don Felix kills her brother. One night, after encountering his own funeral procession on the street, there is a macabre scene in which he dances with the skeleton of Doña Elvira.



Plays were based on legends and history, a genre known as historical drama. The theme of passionate love facing a tragic fate due to opposition from society or powerful forces fascinated the public.


They belong to higher social classes. They are rebels, exalted, and marked by mystery due to their tragic condition.


The form was very innovative, mixing verse and prose, elevated and colloquial language, and the comic and tragic.


The plays are set in convents, cemeteries, and other dismal places that evoke a sense of foreboding.

Author: José Zorrilla

He was inspired by historical and legendary figures. His most popular work is Don Juan Tenorio. The libertine Don Juan is a rogue who has killed Don Gonzalo, the father of Doña Inés, a young innocent woman whom he has seduced. In a macabre scene, Don Gonzalo’s statue appears to Don Juan, announcing his final judgment and demanding repentance. Don Juan dies, condemned by his pride.

Spanish Society (1868-1898)

The Democratic Six-Year Term (Sexenio Democrático)

It began with the Glorious Revolution, an uprising that ended conservative governments and the reign of Isabella II. It was a very tense period in political life, during which the middle class achieved an influential position.

Monarchist Restoration

In 1875, the conservative politician Antonio Cánovas del Castillo restored the Bourbon monarchy and designed a political system that resembled a parliamentary monarchy but protected the political and economic privileges of the upper classes at the expense of the weaker middle and lower classes. This period lasted until 1898.

Characteristics of Spanish Realism

Observation of Reality

The mentality of the time prioritized the rational analysis of reality. In this movement, the novel stands as a mirror reflecting society and, therefore, must depict both the positive and negative elements of society.


The literary work must construct a narrative similar to the real world. Great importance is attached to the description of spaces and characters, recounting daily events in a time close to the writer and the public.

Tendency to Objectivity

While the writer has a critical intention towards society, they cannot avoid incorporating their personal views and opinions into their works.

Characters with Deep Psychological Characterization

The writer reveals the inner world of human beings in their relationships with society. The protagonists struggle to find love and happiness in a world that does not value feelings but rather money and status.

Simple Style

Realist novels avoid rhetorical and poetic expressions, favoring the common use of language and a colloquial style closer to everyday speech.

Author: Benito Pérez Galdós

His extensive work went through three stages:

Stage 1

His first novels coincide with the period of the Democratic Six-Year Term. They were instruments of liberal propaganda. The protagonists are characterized by civic virtues such as faith in the ideals of progress and modernity, often becoming victims of conservative forces. Example: Doña Perfecta.

Stage 2

In the 1880s, he wrote what he called “contemporary Spanish novels,” which include some of his most celebrated works, such as Fortunata and Jacinta. Galdós became interested in the intimate world of human beings and modern society. His plots follow a simple scheme of action, but they also feature many secondary actions that weave the tapestry of community life.

Stage 3

Galdós became interested in the more spiritual nature of his characters. They are characterized by striking features of generosity, contrasting with a materialistic bourgeois environment. Example: Misericordia. In this novel, the protagonist, a gentle and kind beggar, is distinguished by her solidarity and commitment, despite the ingratitude and selfishness of the characters she helps. In this novel, Galdós presents exemplary characters, full of generosity and compassion, who reveal the spiritual dimension of human life in a world degraded by ambition.

Late Romanticism (1855-1875)

In its early years, Spanish Romanticism suffered from an excess of rhetoric. Many Spanish authors imitated foreign writers without fully assimilating their artistic lessons, exaggerating their styles. The literary language became simpler but more intense. The expression of the inner world of the poet is achieved through images that evoke the drama of human beings confronted with the mysteries of love, disappointment, loneliness, death, and their mission.

Spanish Society (1830-1875)

In Spain, the War of Independence against Napoleon’s invasion led to social transformations that resulted in the disappearance of the old regime. These changes led to the abolition of the privileges of the nobility and clergy. Later, a person’s status was determined not by birth but by wealth. A deep social division emerged between two forces:


They belonged to the nobility, the clergy, and the wealthy classes, seeking to remain in power and maintain the structures of the old regime.


They belonged to the bourgeoisie and wanted to hold political office and manage the country’s economy.

Spanish Romanticism (1830-1855)

Romanticism is the expression of the cultural ideals of the bourgeoisie, which struggled to gain political, social, and cultural power. To achieve this, the bourgeoisie confronted the forces of the old regime as well as the ideals of the working class.

It is characterized by the following features:


The Romantic artist expresses their originality through rebellious and nonconformist attitudes, driven by a deep sense of dissatisfaction with society.


The Romantic artist prioritizes the expression of their own beliefs and personal views.


They seek the free expression of feelings (especially related to rebellion) against the moral code imposed until then.

Idealism and Pessimism

The Romantic author dreams of a better world and a better life but is simultaneously tormented by the inability to achieve their aspirations.

Artistic Freedom

The work of art is the product of inspiration and is not subject to the rules inherited from tradition.


In the 19th century, thanks to the printing press, which allowed the publication of many copies at low cost, Romantic literature reached a large number of readers. Romantic culture spread throughout all levels of society. Newspapers played an important role in the development of literature, especially in novels and short stories. Spanish writers cultivated narrative subgenres that were in fashion, such as the historical novel and the love story, although none of them achieved lasting success.

Author: Mariano José de Larra

He was the most important prose writer of Spanish Romanticism. His work was almost entirely dedicated to literary journalism. He was a nonconformist and critical observer of the society of his time, which he considered uneducated, apathetic, and lacking in a spirit of innovation. He stood out as a journalist for his articles on literary criticism, political commentary, and customs. The latter, known as “Artículos de costumbres,” are the most enduring part of his work. They offer a critical and often bitterly mocking view of Spanish life.



Themes of loneliness, failure in love, and the Romantic angst of the individual are prominent. To express these feelings, poets draw on medieval themes. It is an expression of hopeless and bitter rebellion.


Romanticism retrieves traditional forms, especially in narrative poetry. Poets, exercising artistic freedom and originality, also invent new verse forms.

Poetic Language

It uses images of the night, cemeteries, and ruins.