20 Self-Esteem Boosting Tips for Teenage Girls


I Love Myself!

It is worth loving yourself because, with self-esteem at its highest, we enjoy life with more joy!

Here are 20 tips to boost your self-esteem:

1. Try to find your most beautiful qualities.

Have you noticed how we have a better angle for photographs? With things that are inside us, it works the same way. Like a sharp nose, we also have a foolish pride, a shyness that makes us half paralyzed at times. But try to “take a picture” of yourself without these “defects” being in evidence. Notice the good lessons you have learned, the friendships you have made, the victories you have achieved – however small. Nothing happened by chance, it happened because you made it possible.

2. Accept your way of being.

You even can – and should – change your hair if it is bothering you. Beauty treatments are there for that. But it’s nice to know that not everything can be changed and some things, however, take time. Focus on what you do well and forget the rest.

3. Forget the comparisons.

It’s okay to admire the qualities of other people and want to copy the good things, but the path chosen by a person we like is not always what will make us happy. Therefore, the most important thing is knowing what you want. Have the courage to decide your own fate, based on your values and your desires. How about looking further into yourself?

4. Celebrate the small victories.

Managed to talk with your mother instead of fighting and even convinced her to let you go out? Did very well on that difficult test? Apologized to a friend who was hurt? These are all signs that you’re becoming a better person every time. Tell that to yourself whenever something good happens.

5. Do what you like.

Seek activities that you consider fun: a sport, a guitar course or any other form of hobby. When we do something that entertains us and makes us feel lighter, we achieve good results, and there we feel stronger to face greater challenges.

6. Stay away from people who always put you down.

If your friend now and then says something that hurts you, talk to her. But if she is constantly inventing boring nicknames or puts you in humiliating situations, run! Go after the people who deserve your love and your friendship.

7. Collect people who make you feel good.

Since the rule is to keep it cool and be happy, a lawful way is to seek the company of people who actually have to do with you, showing special care for your feelings and ideas. Love is good.

8. Run the risk of making mistakes.

There are lots of girls who are terrified of kissing because they do not quite know what to do. There are also those who do not want to date because they are afraid of suffering if a separation happens. They do not rely on the fact that during the relationship, they will enjoy and learn a lot. It is through experience that we overcome challenges and prepare to meet larger ones.

9. Give less attention to others’ opinions.

Have you noticed how we waste much of our lives trying to impress a crowd that neither knows us? Yes, because true friends already like our company and will be hard to spoil it. How about starting to put your ideas and goals first?

10. Laugh it off.

With good humor, the worst tumble of the world or the biggest nonsense are never as big as they seem. Soon, people will forget and, until that happens, laugh at your own monkey business.

11. Have goals.

To live happier with yourself, set goals, some easier – such as passing the year in school – and others that will only be achieved over time – as an exchange program. Striving to achieve these things gives special meaning to life.

12. Accept the compliments.

When someone says that your tennis shoes are beautiful, try saying “thanks” and accept that you deserve to be admired.

13. Discuss your worries.

While we are locked in our bedroom feeding our anxieties, no solution appears. But talking with a friend, with parents or with a therapist about what is bothering you is the first step to feeling relieved. Ask someone you trust for help.

14. Be flexible.

You have planned every detail of your 15th birthday party and suddenly realized it would not go as you had dreamed? Or waited weeks to be with a boy and found that he wasn’t all that? Being prepared for sudden changes is the easiest way not to get frustrated. It happens and you just deal with it!

15. Do not rely on others to be happy.

Does your self-esteem plummet when someone criticizes you? Simply accept that no one in the world today could satisfy everyone with their attitudes. If you can please yourself – or those that are most important in your life – that is already sizable.

16. Share your good feelings.

Instead of dwelling on someone’s failure, praise what they have done well, send text messages saying how much you like your friends, write to your parents. These little things make us feel great!

17. Try to be optimistic.

Throw yourself into life, without thinking twice. It’s okay to feel a little sadness occasionally, because not everything goes as we would like. In these moments remember something cool, fun or even someone who loves you very much. Thus, the joy comes in double.

18. Appreciate what is good.

Make a short list of your best friends, the coolest things you have learned, your best qualities. All this helps to ward off low self-esteem.

19. Find your style.

Have you already spent an evening in front of the mirror trying on clothes, risking some crazy hairstyles or practicing for a party? That’s how we discover what goes with us. Do this until you like what you see in the mirror.

20. Believe that you deserve the best.

If life is giving you less than you deserve, don’t waste time complaining. Think about goals that will make you happier, and fight for them. You will see that with persistence and dedication, you will go increasingly far.