20th Century Spanish History Highlights

Early 20th Century

Law of the Lock (1910)

This statute, enacted by Spanish President José Canalejas y Méndez, prohibited the establishment of new religious congregations in Spain, limiting the Church’s power over the State.

General Strike of 1917

A general strike jointly convened by the UGT (socialist) and CNT (anarchist) unions.

Primo de Rivera’s Dictatorship (1923-1930)

With the approval of King Alfonso XIII, Miguel Primo de Rivera led a military dictatorship supported by employers, the Catholic Church, the military, and conservative forces. His regime controlled all branches of government.

Landing of Al Hoceima (1925)

A military landing in Al Hoceima by the Spanish and French forces, considered the first naval aviation landing in world history, leading to the War of the Rif.

Berenguer’s High Commissionership in Morocco

Dámaso Berenguer, a Spanish political and military figure, served as High Commissioner in Spanish Morocco. His ambitious plan for pacification and occupation ultimately failed.

Aznar’s Mayoralty

Spanish sailor and politician Manuel Aznar replaced Berenguer as mayor after a career in the Moroccan campaigns.

Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939)

Elections of April 1931

Municipal elections, held instead of general elections, signaled the advent of the Second Spanish Republic.

Gil Robles and the CEDA

José María Gil-Robles, a Spanish politician and lawyer, collaborated with José Calvo Sotelo on the Municipal Statute. He was elected in the first elections of the Second Republic and later led the CEDA (Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right-wing Groups), a Catholic political alliance.

Lerroux and the Radical Republican Party

Alejandro Lerroux, a Spanish politician, served briefly as Prime Minister during the Second Republic. He founded the Radical Republican Party in 1908.

Elections of November 1933

The second general elections of the Second Republic, with universal suffrage, resulted in a right-wing majority, leading to the “radical-CEDA biennium” (1934-1935).

Elections of February 1936

The third and final general elections of the Second Republic resulted in a victory for the leftist Popular Front coalition.

Popular Front

Electoral coalitions of anti-fascist and leftist parties formed in the 1930s.

Revolution of October 1934

A revolutionary strike movement, primarily in Catalonia and Asturias, encouraged by the PSOE and UGT during the radical-CEDA biennium.