20th Century Spanish Theater & Poetry

20th Century Spanish Theater & Poetry

Comic Theater

Carlos Arniches

  • The Saint of Isidro
  • The Friend Melquiades
  • The Caciques
  • My Man
  • Mrs. Trevelez

Hermanos Álvarez Quintero (Serafín and Joaquín Álvarez Quintero)

  • The Grid
  • Fans and Panderets
  • Patio
  • The D Cain
  • Love and Romance
  • Malvaloca

Pedro Muñoz Seca

  • Venganza Don
  • The Witch

Generación del 98

Miguel de Unamuno

  • Band
  • Raquel
  • Sentenced on Another
  • The Sphinx
  • Fedra


  • The Trilogy of the Invisible, consisting of:
    • The Spider in the Mirror
    • The Reaper
    • Doctor Death of 3 to 5

Ramón María del Valle-Inclán

Phase Transition: Comedias Bárbaras
  • Eagle Coat
  • Romance of Lobos
  • Face d Silver
  • Divine Words
  • Dragon Head
  • Marqués Rosalinda
  • Italian Farce
  • Love d the King’s License Farce and Queen Castiza
  • Bohemian Lights
  • Tuesday Carnaval
    • Don Fiolera Horns
    • The Trappings of the Deceased
    • The Captain dl Ija
    • Altarpiece mde Greed
    • Lust
    • La Muerte

Jacinto Grau

  • Count Alarcos
  • The Prodigal Son
  • Monsieur de Pygmalion

Stage 27

Alejandro Casona

  • Judit and the Tyrant
  • The Director

Rafael Alberti

Political Theater
  • Fermín Galán
  • From One Moment to Another
  • Night in the War Museum Prado
Poetic Drama
  • The Adefesto
  • Romance
  • The Black Poet in New York
  • The Curse of the Butterfly
  • Tragi-comedy of Don Cristobal and Rosita Sena
  • Retablillo Don Cristobal
  • Don Perlimplín in Love with Belisa in the Garden
  • The Shoe Prodigiosa
Works of Fullness
  • María Pineda
  • Blood Wedding
  • Yerma
  • Doña Rosita the Spinster and the Language of Flowers
  • The House of Bernarda Alba
  • The Public
  • And qe within 5 years

Playwrights 27

Miguel Hernández

  • Who Seen and Quin Ta T See
  • Shadow of qe Eras Mas L Air Labrador
  • Theater Guerra

Max Aub

  • A Bottle
  • The Jealous and His Girlfriend
  • Close Your Eyes to Die For

Pedro Salinas: Madrid 1891-Boston 1951

Studio Derecho Edge and Letters, reader in Paris, Murcia and Sevilla won professorship, he is in Cambridge and participate in steering the Uni FUNDAC Santander, exiled, continuous n USA, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico.

Stage 1
  • Omens
  • Secure Chance
  • Fabula and Second Lid Signo
Stage 2
  • The Voice Due to You
  • Reason dl Amr
  • Long Lamento
Stage 3
  • The Contemplator
  • Appointments Dei
  • Clear and Others

+ Poems Essays: Jorg Manrique or Tradition and Originality, Poetry Rubén Darío, Literature Española, 19th Century, The Defender.

Jorge Guillén: Valladolid 1893-Málaga 1984

Studio Edge and Madrid and Granada, Lectra Español, won in Uni Catdra Literature Murcia, teach at Oxford and Sevilla, U.S. exile, awards Cervantes 1976 till his death Málaga.

Our Air
  1. Song: Faith Life
  2. Clamor: Time History Divided: Pandemonium, Can Give at Sea, at the Height of Circumstances
  3. Homage Reunion of Lives
  4. Other Poems
  5. Final

Rafael Alberti: Cadiz 1902-1999

Trasladado to Madrid, hobby bulls, militant poem España, trips to USSR, defended the Republican regime, Buenos Aires, Rome, and Spain, Cervantes 1983.

  • No Land Sailor
  • Lover
  • Dawn
  • The Trees Perdida
  • Masonry
  • Silly
  • Sermons and Moradas
Civil Poetry
  • To Die
  • From One Moment to Another
  • The Poet d Street
  • 48 Stars 13 Bands
  • Madrid the Capital of Glory
  • Carnation and Sword
  • High Tide
  • The Quick Return of Distant
  • Sometimes Maritima
  • Ballads and Songs of Parana
  • Ode to Painting
  • Songs of John Baker
  • Roma Danger to Walkers
  • The 8 Picasso Names
  • Dialog Venus and Priapus

Dámaso Alonso: Madrid 1898-1990

Law, research in Madrid, linguistics and literary criticism, and language and literature professor, 1968 President of the Royal Academy Española, Cervantes Prize 1978.

Pure Poetry
  • Poems
  • Poemillas of the City
  • The Wind and Verse
Existential Poetry
  • Sons of Anger
  • Dark Story
  • Man and God
  • Doubt and Love on the Supreme Being

Gerardo Diego: Santander 1896-Madrid 1987

Studio Letters, examined in Salamanca, career in Madrid, won language and literature lecture, taught in Gijón, Santander, Madrid, exile in France, Royal Academy Española.

Avant-Garde Creation
  • Image
  • Poems
  • Hand Foam
  • Favula of Xs and Zeda
  • Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea
Traditional Creation
  • Ballads of the Bride
  • Soria
  • Love Alone
  • Violante Sonnets
  • Love Poetry
  • My Crib
  • My Word
  • Ordeal
  • Angeles de Compostela
  • Divine Verses
  • Verses Umanos
  • Lark
  • Biography Incompleta
  • Landscape with Figures
  • Luck and Death

Federico García Lorca

Era of Youth
  • Views and Landscapes
  • The Book of Poems
Era of Plenitude
  • Cante Jondo Poem
  • First Songs
  • Songs
  • Gypsy Romances
  • Poet in New York
  • Tamarit Divan
  • Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías
  • 6 Galician Poems
  • Sonnets of Dark Love

Vicente Aleixandre: Sevilla 1898-Madrid 1984

Studied law and commercial business, taught, chronic illness, first poems in literary magazine, part of the homage to Góngora, 1950 Royal Academy Española, 1977 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Comic Style
  • Scope
  • Passion of the Earth
  • Swords and Lips
  • Destruction or Love
  • Shadow of Paradise
  • Romance of the Civil War
  • Birth Ultimo
Historical Style
  • History of Heart
  • A Vast Domain
  • Pictures with Name
  • The Consummation Poems
  • Dialogues of Knowledge

Luis Cernuda: Sevilla 1902-Mexico 1963

Studied law, knew Pedro Salinas, taught in Toulouse, exile to Britain, USA and Mexico.

Pure Poetry
  • Profile of the Air
  • Eclogue
  • Elegia
  • Oda
  • A River
  • Love
  • Pleasures Prohibited
  • Where Oblivion Lives
  • Innovations
  • The Clouds
  • As if Waiting for the Dawn
  • Living with the Hours Counted
  • Desolation of the Chimera
  • Ocnos
  • Variations on a Mexican Theme

Emilio Prados: Málaga 1899-Mexico 1962

Studied in Germany, founded and directed the print magazine, died in Mexico.

Pure Poetry
  • Time
  • Songs from the Keeper
  • No Sky Swimmer
  • Vuelta
  • Captive Voice
  • Walk
  • Walking Around the World
  • Land Alienta

: songbook of bread and fish, October tears, crying blood, songbook less for combatientes.4) exile: minima luck, garden closed, natural river, circumcision sleep, written stone, signs of being quoted without limits. Manuel Altolaguirre: malaga1905-burgos1959, edicion d d Rvista foundation books and literature (coast), exile to Cuba and Mexico, s embarkation n multipls proycts publishers, without abandoning poetry, contributed cine. / islands invited and other poems, such as poetry, wilderness together, the slow release, the islands invited, to love.