20th-Century Spanish Theatre: From Pre-War to Post-War

Prewar Theatre

Traditional Theatre

The Bourgeois Comedy

Dramatic subgenre, characterized by themes of everyday bourgeois life, from a critical perspective in a subtle way without offending the sensitivity of the viewer. Jacinto Benavente highlights with vested interests, located in a medieval setting and characters inspired by the Italian comedy.

The Farce

Subgenre dramatic short, critical, popular comedian and traces its origins to the eighteenth century represented among the acts of the other works. Then, they obtained a further extension and aimed at the public amusement. Notable Álvarez Quintero brothers (Tomorrow the sun) and Carlos Arniches (From real Madrid). The tragedy is characterized by grotesque comic aspects of the work reveal the unhappiness of the characters (Miss Trevélez)

The Zarzuela

Subgenre popular theater topic that is characterized by balance in the representation with other parties declaimed vocals. Stand Knights Fernández, Federico Chueca and Amadeo Vives.

The Travesty

Dramatic subgenre that goes back to the Middle Ages, short and satirical character with caricature characters.

Highlighted by authors such as Valle-Inclán (La Marquesa Rosalinda) and Federico García Lorca (The Shoemaker’s Prodigious Wife)

Innovative Theatre

The Esperpento

Subgenre characterized by dramatic representation of reality from a distorted view and grotesque. The term was coined by Valle-Inclán, Luces de Bohemia and the trilogy on Mardi Gras.

The Conceptual Theater

Subgenre dramatic characterized by the influence of the avant-garde. Highlights some of Ramón Gómez de la Serra (media people) and Lorca (The Public and Comedy untitled)


Subgenre represent dramatic characterized by great passions and the tragic destiny of man embodied in the characters. Cultivated by Valle-Inclán (Comedy Barbarian) and Lorca in his trilogy, “Blood Wedding, Yerma and The House of Bernarda Alba.”

Status of Post-War Theatre in Spain

The factors that determine the post-war situation of the theater in Spain are:

  • Author’s disappearance.
  • The difficult economic conditions facing the country.
  • An inescapable need to respond to the tastes of a bourgeois audience seeking escape and entertainment.
  • Restriction of freedom of expression by the censorship.

Postwar Trends in Theater

Theatre of the Exile

Created by playwrights who were forced to leave the country at the end of the Civil War and continued his theatrical production in the countries in which they were received. These include Alejandro Casona (La dama del alba) and Max Aub (The Rape of Europa)

Theatre Continuity of Tradition

Purpose is entertainment with a slight moralistic critique of habits that do not come to disturb or the viewer or censorship. José M ª Pemán stand, Calvo Sotelo, José López Rubio, and Alfonso Paso.

Relevant Characteristics:

  • The dramatic action is presented divided into acts according to the structure: introduction, middle and end.
  • Characters are defined through dialogue and represent the lifestyles of the wealthy bourgeoisie.
  • The scenario reproduces the atmosphere of middle-class living rooms.
  • In the drama of theses are patriotic or political themes and high comedy, family conflict, jealousy, infidelity, with intent doctrine.
  • Construction of the plot carefully and dialogues with well-developed language.

Theatre of Humor

A renewal that breaks with the previous comic theater by creating a new concept of humor related to the European theater of the absurd. Growers: Enrique Jardiel Poncela (Eloísa está debajo de un almendro) and Miguel Mihura (Three hats),

Three hats glasses follows the traditional pattern: three acts and three classical unities: unity of action, stage and time. The novelty of the work is in the discovery of a new type of humor, which manifests itself in unusual situations, bizarre characters and verbal comedy.

Reality Theatre

Trend of the theater of war. It begins with the premiere of Historia de una escalera, Antonio Buero Vallejo and Escuadra hacia la muerte of Alfonso Sastre.

Relevant characteristics

  • Proposes to reflect the harsh reality of Spain at the time.
  • It is very innovative especially in the beginning but eventually taking dramatic resources of modern theater.
  • Use resources to achieve the viewer identification with the characters with the characters.
  • Often uses symbolic or allegorical elements to address issues such as lack of freedom, social injustice.
  • It places his works in a space and time.

Realist Group

In the late 50s, a group of authors (José María Rodríguez Méndez, Lauro Olmo, ..) intend to critically reflect Spanish social reality. They start from a realistic theatrical conception close to farce, with resources from the absurdity and farce.

Most representative works: The ink of Carlos Muñiz and Lauro Olmo’s shirt.