4P61 Cheat Sheet: Automata and Formal Languages
4P61 Cheat Sheet
Assignment 1
1) Function f: N→N has a fixed point at i such that f(i) = i. Show that the set is not countable.
Answer: If countable, f1, f2,… define function f; f(i) = fi(i) + i for i = 1, 2, 3,…
Therefore, (1) f does not have a fixed point since f(i) > i and (2) f ≠ fi since f(i) ≠ fi(i); i.e., not countable.
2) k≥1, A: N→(1, 2,… k), B: (1, 2,… k)→N. Is A or B countable?
Answer: k=1, only 1 function. If A is finite, then yes, it is countable. k>1, similar to the proof in class, then the set of binary functions is uncountable. Assume countable, let f1, f2,… be functions; define a new function: f(i)=fi(i)+1 if fi(i)<k, f(i)=1 if fi(i)=k.
3) Proper subset – B is a proper subset of A means all elements in B are in A, but A has at least 1 element not in B. Converse: if q→p.
4) Onto but not 1-1: 2i-2, i>2; 1-1: 2i.
5) a) An infinite countable set that is a subset of (0,1): (1/2, 1/4, 1/8,…). (a,b) for any 0<a<b<1 – an uncountable set that is a proper subset of (0,1).
10) x011=011x where xε(0,1)*: x>1
Assignment 2
- If you see δ(q0,a)={q1,q2}, it means 2 different states (q1) and (q2). [q1,q2] means one state.
- 3) L1 = a* (regular), L2 = (ap|p is prime), L1υL2 (regular).
- b) L1 = a2 (regular), L2=(anbn|n≥1) (nonregular), L1υL2 (nonregular).
- c) L1=a2 (regular), L2=(anbn|n≥1), L1∩L2 (regular).
- d) Any nonregular language and its complement gives you L* (regular) (L1υL2).
- 5b) apaq|q is a prime, p is not a prime. Use the pumping lemma; every even number 2k≥6 is a sum of a prime and a composite number, 2k = 2+2(k-1), 2 is a prime and 2(k-1) is composite because k≥3. Every odd number 2k+1 ≥7 is a sum of a prime and a composite number. The regular expression is aaaaaa+, a string of at least 6 a‘s.
Other Tips
- If |x| = m, then |2x| = 2m i.e., the power set.
- Distributive property: X∩(YυZ) = (X∩Y)υ(X∩Z).
- Onto – every element in the set is used.
- 1-1→every element in set A is used and points to only one element in set B.
- Bijection – both onto and 1-1.
- If X and Y are both infinite, |X| = |Y| iff at least 1 (1-1) between X and Y.
- The union of countable sets is also countable.
- Can enumerate by mapping functions.
- (0,1), numbers between 0 and 1 is not countable→can show using the technique of diagonalization.
- A finite set is always countable.
- Technique of Diagonalization:
- First, make a new function (f) that follows other functions.
- Put the elements in diagonal from the table of functions into your new function. The new function should be in the list; if not, then it is not countable.
- Always assume countable first for the technique of diagonalization.
- Cantor – for any set A, |A| < |2A|; if |A| = n (finite), then |2A| = 2n.
- Prefix – any number of leading symbols.
- Suffix – any number of trailing symbols.
- Concatenation of strings – xy, order matters- xy≠yx.
- Kleene closure→ L* includes the empty string as well.
- Positive closure → L+ same as Kleene, does not include the empty string.
- DFA – M=(Q,∑,δ,q0,F), Q-finite set of states, Σ is the alphabet, q0 is the initial state, F is the final states, δ is the transition function.
- From NFA to DFA, there are 2Q states in the DFA, Q are the number of states in the NFA.
- The theorem states that if L is accepted by NFA, then there is also a DFA and NFA without E moves. NFA = DFA = NFA without E moves.
- Can show a language is regular by doing one of 4 things: regular expression, NFA, DFA, or NFA without E Moves.
- If L is finite, then L is regular for sure.
- Example: s mod 3→only 3 possible values, 0, 1, 2.
s mod 3 (s can be 010) | 0 | 1 | 2 |
s0 mod 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
s1mod 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Adding 0 is the same as x2, adding 1 is the same as x2+1. Give 0 state a 0 goes to 0 state, give 0 state a 1, goes to state 1, give state 1 a 0 goes to state 2, and so on.
- MyHill-Nerode theorem – any finite language is regular, any nonregular language is infinite.
- Pumping lemma – necessary condition for a language to be regular. There exists n such that zεL, |z| ≥n, z = uvw where |uv| ≤n, |v| ≥ 1 such that for any i≥0, uviwεL.
3a) (00)+.
- ((ba)*ba)* is really (ba)+.
- If set A has a proper subset that is uncountable, then A is uncountable.
- Example: aj| j is prime, show nonregular. a) z=ap, p is prime, p≥n. z=uvw=auavaw, want uviw not in L, want to find the i. Want to find u+vi+w is no longer a prime. = u+v+w+(i-1)v =p+(i-1)v, i = p+1→p is prime so prime +1 makes it composite, i.e., not in L.