50 General Knowledge Trivia Questions

General Knowledge Trivia Quiz

Questions and Answers on Various Topics

  1. Where in your body is your patella?

    Answer: Knee (it’s the kneecap)

  2. Who was the first man in space?

    Answer: Yuri Gagarin

  3. Which animal (not a bird) lays eggs?

    Answer: Duck-billed platypus

  4. What does a funambulist do?

    Answer: Tightrope walker

  5. Who starred as Rocky Balboa?

    Answer: Sylvester Stallone

  6. Who invented the television?

    Answer: John Logie Baird

  7. What do deciduous trees do?

    Answer: Lose their leaves in winter

  8. What was Erich Weiss better known as?

    Answer: Harry Houdini

  9. Who sailed in the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria?

    Answer: Christopher Columbus

  10. Which leader died in St. Helena?

    Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

  11. Whose nose grew when he told a lie?

    Answer: Pinocchio

  12. If you had pogonophobia, what would you be afraid of?

    Answer: Beards

  13. What, in business terms, is the IMF?

    Answer: International Monetary Fund

  14. Which company is owned by Bill Gates?

    Answer: Microsoft

  15. What is the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross?

    Answer: Red Crescent

  16. How did Alfred Nobel make his money?

    Answer: He invented dynamite.

  17. Who discovered radium?

    Answer: The Curies

  18. Triskadecą“…aphobia is the fear of what?

    Answer: Number 13

  19. What is a baby rabbit called?

    Answer: Kit or Kitten

  20. Which country had The Dauphin as a ruler?

    Answer: France

  21. Who won the Eurovision Song Contest with “Save All Your Kisses For Me”?

    Answer: Brotherhood of Man

  22. Ictheologists study what?

    Answer: Fish

  23. Who or what lives in a formicarium?

    Answer: Ants

  24. Which part of the human body contains the most gold?

    Answer: Toenails

  25. Mohs scale: The hardest substance is diamond – what’s the softest?

    Answer: Talc

  26. La Gioconda is better known as what?

    Answer: Mona Lisa

  27. Who wrote *The Man in the Iron Mask*?

    Answer: Alexandre Dumas

  28. What was the first James Bond film?

    Answer: *Dr. No*

  29. What 1991 film won Best Film, Actor, Actress, and Director Oscars?

    Answer: *The Silence of the Lambs*

  30. What is the capital of Ethiopia?

    Answer: Addis Ababa

  31. What is the largest state in the USA?

    Answer: Alaska

  32. Which human rights organization, founded in 1961, received the Nobel Prize in 1977?

    Answer: Amnesty International

  33. Whose autobiography was *The Long Walk to Freedom*?

    Answer: Nelson Mandela

  34. What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter?

    Answer: Tutankhamun’s tomb

  35. Who ran through the streets naked crying “Eureka”?

    Answer: Archimedes

  36. What is the correct term of address to the Pope?

    Answer: Your Holiness

  37. In which city was Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847?

    Answer: Edinburgh

  38. Who composed the ballets *Sleeping Beauty* and *The Nutcracker*?

    Answer: Tchaikovsky

  39. Robin Williams dressed in drag for which 1993 film?

    Answer: *Mrs. Doubtfire*

  40. Which chess piece could be a member of the church?

    Answer: Bishop

  41. What is the national flower of Japan?

    Answer: Chrysanthemum

  42. What did mathematician John Napier invent in 1614?

    Answer: Logarithms

  43. What are the Sirocco, Mistral, and Chinook?

    Answer: Winds

  44. Who wrote about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

    Answer: Roald Dahl

  45. What was the name of the plantation in *Gone with the Wind*?

    Answer: Tara

  46. Which group believes in The Great Architect of the Universe?

    Answer: Freemasons

  47. If someone said they were from Hellas, which country would they be from?

    Answer: Greece

  48. What martial arts name means “gentle way”?

    Answer: Judo

  49. Who directed *A Clockwork Orange* and *The Shining*?

    Answer: Stanley Kubrick

  50. Which character has been played by the most actors?

    Answer: Sherlock Holmes