By way of one example explain the policy, procedures and processes that you will establish and monitor for equipment hire and maintenance.*Example: Mobile elevated work platform, scissor lift*Policy: Company uses Kennards*Procedure:Ensure that the equipment is suitable for its intended use.*Complete order form*Seek authorisation approval*Contact Kennards for equipment availability and placing the order.*Process:*Contact Kennards with order form*check level of maintenance and condition*check that it has been inspected and maintained by the owner according to the manufacturer’s specifications.Describe the on-site operations used to maintain a safe and cost-effective work environment.*Supervision and consultation of the onsite operations in accordance with appropriate schedules and contracts*project communications management to ensure effective internal and external communications*project risk management to identify, analyse and mitigate potential risks*Reference the construction plan and scope, manage the project time to provide an efficient project schedule*project cost management to identify needed resources and maintain budget control.Explain the policy a professional builder will use to ensure subcontractor operations are managed and coordinated to comply with company obligations.*Use sub-contracts to ensure subcontractor carries out work for the builder in accordance with plans, specifications and compliance with head contracts*At all times good communication is necessary to ensure that subcontractors’ quotes are correctly based on plans and specifications, and that work is carried out in accordance with those plans and specifications*Be sure the subcontracting process is compliant with the ‘80/20 Rule’.Describe the system you will establish and manage to deal with problems (variations, weather, industrial relations, not proceeding with due diligence, materials availability, contract availability) which cause delays and affect performance.*Effective scheduling can eliminate problems due to production bottlenecks, facilitate the timely procurement of necessary materials, and otherwise ensure the completion of a project as soon as possible*The most widely used scheduling technique is the critical path method (CPM) for scheduling, often referred to as critical path scheduling. This method calculates the minimum completion time for a project along with the possible start and finish times for the project activities*Management is ‘harassment’*In case of any delaying problems occurs, seek the possibility to use conditions of contract to apply for extensions of time and variations to the scope of works.How will you manage industrial relations in your business so that they are in accordance with company policy and regulatory guidelines.*Know what the ‘law’ is and be diligent in compliance. Such as:*The Fair Work Act 2009*National Employment Standards*Requirements on awards and wages*Seek advice from industry associations such as Master Builder or HIA.Explain by use of a flow chart, how contact/communications with statutory
*Readings:Commercial construction companies must have a procedure in place when variations are requested. Variations may occur because of:*correction of errors and omissions in the contract documents*site/building conditions differing from those described in the contract documents*change requested by the principal (client)*changes to contract plans, drawings and/or specifications as a result of client request*Depending on the variation, statutory authorities may be required to sign off or consult as part of the variation*Statutory Authorities are those bodies created by law or statute that, through their capacity to issue licences, permits and approvals, will usually have an interest or requirement to approve building applications and/or changes to building applications*Planning authorities may have certain policy or planning conditions that must be implemented, or structure plans that projects must comply with. Local councils may require review of changes and public comment may be sought in order to confirm the requested variation. Utilities may require compliance with particular planning provisions. As a rule of thumb, if a permit or approval was required for any part of a project in the first instance, then it is likely that the relevant authority will need to be informed if any changes or variations to the project occur*Most planning authorities and local governments provide details of their planning frameworks on the Internet. They also staff planning departments that can assist you through planning applications and variations. However, the larger the variation the more likely it is to have implications for project scheduling. Project managers who monitor their projects carefully and plan ahead are likely to best manage or avoid delays caused by variations*The extent to which a variation to the works is reflected in an adjustment to the Contract Sum is determined by the “valuation” of the variation. After a variation has been valued and agreed, an adjustment can be made to the Contract Sum.List and describe four “problems” associated with Multi-site management and how you would manage the problem. *Time: *Supervision:*Resources:*Financial:*Higher authorities:*Contractors:*Location:*Efficiently directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project, using proven management techniques to achieve objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction*The key to multi-site management is identifying and allocating the right resources to the right areas*Regular communication is another key to keeping projects running to time, within budget and to a high standard that both you and customer expect. Describe four reasons for careful consideration when preparing progress claims schedules.*To ensure;*Cash flow, the final or detailed cost estimate provides a baseline for the assessment of financial performance during the project. To the extent that costs are within the detailed cost estimate, then the project is thought to be under financial control*Reasonableness of the claim, a payment claim is for the amount to which the claimant claims to be entitled at the reference date. Basically, you claim for what you have done to make sure the payment approval process to go smoothly, fairly and as quickly as possible*Compliance with head contract and sub-contract, contract schedules and job specifications provide the criteria used to assess and assure the required quality of construction, the claim need to prove the value of work claimed meets the requirements specified in the contract*Time management / date of the claim specified in the payment terms. Especially, allowing a date gap between Head contract claim and sub-contract claim. Ideally, making sure the funds will be ready from the head contract claim, so when the subcontract claim is due, the funds are ready. Also, to void processing both progress claims at the same time, therefore less of a chance to make mistakes.