70-411 Exam: PowerShell Cmdlets Cheat Sheet

PowerShell Cheat Sheet

I have finished 70-410 and now working on the 70-411. And this time I will be making a PowerShell Cheat sheet as well. I’m sure I’m missing some command especially the Hyper-V ones.

Add-WsusComputerAdds a specified client computer to a specified target group
Approve-WsusUpdateApproves an update to be applied to clients
Get-WsusClassificationGets the list of all WSUS classifications currently available in the system.
Get-WsusComputerGets the WSUS computer object that represents the client computer
Get-WsusProductGets the list of all products currently available on WSUS by category
Get-WsusServerGets the value of the WSUS update server object
Get-WsusUpdateGets the WSUS update object with details about the update.
Invoke-WsusServerCleanupPerforms the process of cleanup on a specified WSUS server
Set-WsusClassificationSets whether the classifications of updates that WSUS synchronizes are enabled or disabled.
Set-WsusProductSets whether the product representing the category of updates to synchronize is enabled or disabled.
Set-WsusServerSynchronizationSets whether the WSUS server synchronizes from Microsoft Update or an upstream server and the upstream server properties
Approve-WsusUpdateApproves an update to be applied to clients.
Deny-WsusUpdateDeclines the update for deployment
Get-WsusClassificationGets the list of all WSUS classifications currently available in the system.
Get-WsusComputerGets the WSUS computer object that represents the client computer.
Get-WsusProductGets the list of all products currently available on WSUS by category.
Invoke-WsusServerCleanupPerforms the process of cleanup on a specified WSUS server.
Set-WsusClassificationSets whether the classifications of updates that WSUS synchronizes are enabled or disabled
Set-WsusServerSynchronizationSets whether the WSUS server synchronizes from Microsoft Update or from an upstream server and uses the upstream server properties
Get-DfsnRootRetrieves the configuration settings for the specified namespaces.
New-DfsnRootCreates a new DFS namespace with the specified configuration settings.
Set-DfsnRootCreates a new DFS namespace with the specified configuration settings
Get-DfsnRootTargetRetrieves all the configured root targets for the specified namespace root, including the configuration settings of each root target
New-DfsnRootTargetAdds a new root target with the specified configuration settings to an existing DFS namespace.
Set-DfsnRootTargetSets configuration settings to specified values for a namespace root target of an existing DFS namespace
Remove-DfsnRootTargetDeletes an existing namespace root target of a DFS namespace
Get-DfsnServerConfigurationRetrieves the configuration settings of the specified DFS namespace server
New-DfsnFolderCreates a new folder in an existing DFS namespace with the specified configuration settings.
Get-DfsnFolderRetrieves configuration settings for the specified existing DFS namespace folder.
Set-DfsnFolderModifies settings for the specified existing DFS namespace folder with folder targets
Move-DfsnFolderMoves an existing DFS namespace folder to an alternate specified location in the same DFS namespace.
Grant-DfsnAccessGrants access rights to the specified user/group account for the specified DFS namespace folder with folder targets
Get-DfsnAccessRetrieves the currently configured access rights for the specified DFS namespace folder with folder targets
Revoke-DfsnAccessRevokes the right to access a DFS namespace folder with folder targets or enumerate its contents from the specified user or group account
Remove-DfsnAccessRemoves the specified user/group account from access control list (ACL) of the DFS namespace folder with folder targets
Remove-DfsnFolderDeletes an existing DFS namespace folder with a folder target
New-DfsnFolderTargetAdds a new folder target with the specified configuration settings to an existing DFS namespace folder
Get-DfsnFolderTargetRetrieves configuration settings of folder target(s) of an existing DFS namespace folder.
Set-DfsnFolderTargetModifies settings for the folder target of an existing DFS namespace folder
Remove-DfsnFolderTargetDeletes a folder target of an existing DFS namespace folder
Add-RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNodeAdds a server to the load balancing cluster
Add-VpnIPAddressRangeAdds a new IPv4 address range from which IPv4 addresses can be assigned to VPN clients.
Add-VpnS2SInterfaceCreates a site-to-site interface with the specified parameters
Clear-VpnS2SInterfaceStatisticsClears statistics for a site-to-site interface
Connect-VpnS2SInterfaceConnects a site-to-site interface that is currently not connected
Disconnect-VpnS2SInterfaceDisconnects a site-to-site interface that is currently connected
Disconnect-VpnUserDisconnects a VPN connection originated by a specific user or originating from a specific client computer
Get-RemoteAccessDisplays the configuration of DirectAccess and VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN).
Get-RemoteAccessConnectionStatisticsDisplays the statistics of real-time, currently active DirectAccess and VPN connections and the statistics of DirectAccess and VPN historical connections for a specified time duration
Get-RemoteAccessConnectionStatisticsSummaryDisplays the summary statistics of real-time, currently active DirectAccess and VPN connections and the summary statistics of DirectAccess and VPN historical connections for a specified time duration
Get-RemoteAccessHealthObtains the current health of a Remote Access deployment
Get-RemoteAccessLoadBalancerDisplays load balanced cluster settings
Get-RemoteAccessUserActivityDisplays the resources accessed over the active DirectAccess and VPN connections and the resources accessed over historical DirectAccess and VPN connections
Get-VpnAuthProtocolRetrieves authentication parameters configured on a VPN server
Get-VpnS2SInterfaceRetrieves configuration details for a site-to-site interface
Get-VpnS2SInterfaceStatisticsRetrieves statistics of a site-to-site interface
Get-VpnServerIPsecConfigurationGets IPsec parameters configured on the VPN server
Install-RemoteAccessPerforms prerequisite checks for DirectAccess to ensure that it can be installed, installs DirectAccess for remote access (includes management of remote clients) or for management of remote clients only, and installs VPN (both Remote Access VPN and site-to-site VPN).
Remove-RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNodeRemoves a server from the network load balancing (NLB) cluster.
Remove-VpnIPAddressRangeRemoves an existing IPv4 address range from the pool for IP address Assignment
Remove-VpnS2SInterfaceRemoves a specified site-to-site interface
Set-RemoteAccessModifies the configuration that is common to both DirectAccess and VPN, such as SSL certificate, Internal interface, and Internet interface
Set-RemoteAccessLoadBalancerConfigures load balancing on the Remote Access server or the cluster server.
Set-VpnAuthProtocolSets the authentication method for incoming site-to-site VPN interfaces on a Routing and Remote Access server
Set-VpnAuthTypeSets the authentication type to be used for connecting to a VPN
Set-VpnIPAddressAssignmentConfigures the IPv4 address assignment method or the IPv6 prefix for IPv6 address assignment
Set-VpnS2SInterfaceModifies parameters for a site-to-site interface
Set-VpnServerIPsecConfigurationSets the IPsec parameters for a site-to-site server
Uninstall-RemoteAccessUninstall the Remote Access
Add-DAAppServerAdds a new application server security group to the DirectAccess (DA) deployment, adds an application server to an application server security group that is already part of the DirectAccess deployment, and adds or updates application server Group Policy Object (GPO) in a domain
Add-DAClientAdds one or more client computer security groups (SGs) to the DirectAccess (DA) deployment, adds one or more DA client Group Policy objects (GPOs) in one or more domains, adds one or more SGs of down-level clients to the DA deployment in a multi-site deployment, or adds one or more down-level DA client GPOs in one or more domains in a multi-site deployment.
Add-DAClientDnsConfigurationAdds the specified DNS suffix, DNS server addresses, or proxy server set to the Name Resolution Policy Table
Add-DAEntryPointAdds an entry point to a multi-site deployment.
Add-DAMgmtServerAdds the specified Management servers to the DirectAccess deployment
Disable-DAMultiSiteDisables a multi-site deployment that contains a single entry point
Disable-DAOtpAuthenticationDisables one-time password authentication for DirectAccess users.
Enable-DAMultiSiteEnables and configures a multi-site deployment, and adds the first entry point.
Enable-DAOtpAuthenticationEnables and configures one-time password authentication for DirectAccess users.
Get-DAAppServerDisplays the list of application server security groups that are part of the DirectAccess deployment and the properties of the connections made to the groups
Get-DAClientDisplays the list of client security groups that are part of the DirectAccess deployment and the client properties
Get-DAClientDnsConfigurationDisplays all the Name Resolution Policy Table entries and the local name resolution property.
Get-DAEntryPointDisplays the settings for an entry point
Get-DAEntryPointDCRetrieves a list of entry points and the associated domain controllers
Get-DAMgmtServerDisplays the configured Management servers. Management server here refers to update servers, Domain Controllers, and other servers
Get-DAMultiSiteRetrieves global settings applied to all entry points in a multi-site deployment.
Get-DANetworkLocationServerDisplays the detailed Network Location Server configuration.
Get-DAOtpAuthenticationDisplays one-time password authentication settings for DirectAccess.
Get-DAServerDisplays the properties of the DirectAccess Server
Remove-DAAppServerRemoves the specified list of application server security groups (SGs) from the DirectAccess (DA) deployment, removes the specified application servers from the specified DA application server SG, and removes the application server Group Policy objects in the specified domains.
Remove-DAClient– Removes one or more client computer security groups (SGs) from the DirectAccess (DA) deployment, removes one or more DA client Group Policy objects (GPOs) from domains, removes one or more SGs of down-level clients (down-level clients can connect only to the specified site) from the DA deployment in a multi-site deployment, and removes one or more down-level DA client GPOs from domains in a multi-site deployment.
Remove-DAClientDnsConfigurationRemoves the Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) entry corresponding to the specified DNS suffix from the NRPT
Remove-DAEntryPointRemoves an entry point from a multi-site deployment
Remove-DAMgmtServerRemoves the specified management servers from the DirectAccess deployment.
Set-DAClientConfigures the properties related to a DirectAccess client
Set-DAClientDnsConfigurationConfigures the DNS server and proxy server addresses of a Name Resolution Policy Table entry and configures the local name resolution property.
Set-DAEntryPointConfigures settings for the entry point
Set-DAEntryPointDCModifies domain controller settings for the entry point.
Set-DAMultiSiteConfigures global settings for all entry points in a multi-site deployment.
Set-DANetworkLocationServerConfigures the Network Location Server.
Set-DAOtpAuthentication– Configures one-time password authentication settings for DirectAccess.
Set-DAServerSets the properties specific to the DirectAccess server
Update-DAMgmtServerUpdates the list of Management servers of the DirectAccess deployment.
Add-RemoteAccessRadiusAdds a new external RADIUS server for VPN authentication, accounting for DirectAccess and VPN, or one-time password authentication for DirectAccess.
Get-RemoteAccessAccountingDisplays the accounting configuration for Remote Access, such as the different types of accounting that are enabled and the respective configuration.
Get-RemoteAccessRadiusDisplays the list of RADIUS servers, including RADIUS for VPN authentication, RADIUS for DirectAccess and VPN Accounting, and RADIUS for one-time password authentication for DirectAccess
Remove-RemoteAccessRadiusRemoves an external RADIUS server from being used for VPN authentication, accounting for both DirectAccess and VPN, or one-time password authentication for DirectAccess.
Set-RemoteAccessAccountingSets the enabled state for inbox and RADIUS accounting for both external RADIUS and Windows accounting, and configures the settings when enabled.
Set-RemoteAccessRadiusEdits the properties associated with an external RADIUS server being used for VPN authentication, accounting for DirectAccess and VPN, and one-time password authentication for DirectAccess.
Add-KDSRootKey –EffectiveTime ((Get-Date).AddHours(-10))creates a key distribution services root key for the domain.