A British Adventure: Exploring Culture, History, and Traditions

British Pubs

What did Pablo think was crazy about British pubs?

Pablo thought it was crazy that British pubs close at 11:00 p.m.

Why do people go to Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve and what exactly do they want to hear?

People go to Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve because it’s a tradition. They want to hear the bells of Big Ben ring in the new year.

Why is the Globe Theatre famous?

The Globe Theatre is famous because it was where most of Shakespeare’s plays were performed for the first time.

Why are plays only performed in the Globe Theatre during the warm summer months?

Plays are only performed in the Globe Theatre during the warm summer months because there isn’t a roof over the center of the building. If it rains, the audience gets wet.

In Shakespeare’s time, who played the female roles in his plays and why?

In Shakespeare’s time, the female roles in his plays were played by teenage boys. Women were not allowed to be actresses.

London Underground

Why is traveling on the Tube in London interesting?

Traveling on the Tube in London is interesting because people of every nationality are traveling on the train. It’s a great way to see the diversity of the city.

What do people do at the Notting Hill Carnival?

At the Notting Hill Carnival, people of all cultures celebrate together. There is music, dancing, and food from all over the world.

What is a Cockney?

A Cockney is a slang term for a person from the East End of London.


Who built the city of York and what was it originally called?

The city of York was built by the Vikings and was originally called ‘Jorvik’.

What is a guest house or B&B?

A guest house or B&B is a type of hotel that offers bed and breakfast.

What period of time is covered at the Jorvik Viking Centre?

The Jorvik Viking Centre covers the period of time from 948 AD to the present day.

What do we learn about the most famous stained glass window in York Minster?

The most famous stained glass window in York Minster tells the story of the beginning and end of the world.

What might you hear at night in the Castle Museum?

At night in the Castle Museum, you might hear the ghosts of former prisoners crying and pulling their chains across the stone floors.

Oxford University

What is special about Oxford University?

Oxford University is special because it is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. Many famous people have studied at Oxford, including 25 British prime ministers and Bill Clinton.

Why was Antonio disappointed when he arrived in Oxford?

Antonio was disappointed when he arrived in Oxford because he found that there were modern shops everywhere.

What effect has the Scholastica Massacre had on the life of Oxford?

The Scholastica Massacre has had a lasting effect on the life of Oxford. The townspeople and university students have not gotten along well with each other for more than 600 years.

What unusual tradition is there in Oxford on May Morning, after the May Ball?

On May Morning, after the May Ball, there is a tradition of jumping off a bridge into the river.

Christmas in England

Give three reasons why Antonio was happy that Nicola had invited him to her parents’ house for Christmas.

Antonio was happy that Nicola had invited him to her parents’ house for Christmas because:

  1. He hadn’t made any plans for Christmas.
  2. He was excited to experience a traditional English Christmas.
  3. He was looking forward to spending time with Nicola and her family.

Why did Antonio enjoy himself on Christmas Eve?

Antonio enjoyed himself on Christmas Eve because it was like so many films he had seen about England, but it was real.

When do the British have Christmas dinner and what is the traditional menu?

The British have Christmas dinner in the afternoon or early evening. The traditional menu includes turkey, vegetables, and potatoes.

When did Antonio receive his Christmas presents and what were they?

Antonio received his Christmas presents on Christmas morning. He received a bottle of Scotch whisky from Nicola’s parents and a book about Shakespeare from Nicola.

How do you open a Christmas cracker, and what is inside it?

To open a Christmas cracker, you pull on the two ends. Inside the cracker, there is a colored paper hat, a joke written on a piece of paper, and a small present.

Gareth and Angharad

How long has Antonio known Gareth and how did they get to know each other?

Antonio has known Gareth since he was a child. Their fathers were university friends and their families always spent their holidays together in Almería.

What did Castle Coch look like?

¿Qué hizo Castillo que Coch se parecen? -The interior looked like Cinderella’s castle. El interior se parecía el castillo de Cinderella.
+Why does Gareth tell Antonio 2 give Angharad a lovespoon? ¿Por qué le dicen Gareth a Antonio que le dé un lovespoon a Angharad? -Because There’s an old Welsh custom in which a young man gives a lovespoon 2 the girl he likes as a symbol of his affection 4 her. Porque “Hay una costumbre galesa vieja en la que un hombre joven le da un lovespoon a la muchacha que le gusta como un símbolo de su afecto por ella.
+What 3 things impressed Antonio @ the Eisteddfod? ¿Qué tres cosas impresionaron a Antonio de Eisteddfod? -windsurf, Royal National Eisteddfod (music festival), Angharad. windsurf, Eisteddfod Nacional Real, Angharad.
7) +Why does Gareth think Cornwall is a great place 2 write about? ¿Por qué piensan Gareth que Cornwall es un gran lugar para escribir sobre? -It hs a beautiful coastline, a lot of small seaside towns & very dramatic scenery. Tiene un litoral bonito, muchos pueblos de la costa pequeños y paisaje muy dramático.
+Why did the time pass quickly 4 Antonio in the pub in Bude? ¿Por qué pasó el tiempo rápidamente para Antonio en la taberna en Bude? -He seemed 2 know everything about Cornwall, its history & its myths. El parecía saber todo sobre Cornwall, su historia y sus mitos.
+What do we learn about the legendary king, King Arthur? ¿Qué aprendemos nosotros sobre el rey legendario, Rey Arturo? -He lived in Tingagel Castle, virtuous king, who attracted the best knights in the Christian world 2 serve him. (Knights of the Round Table) (& their mission was 2 fight againts all the evil forces in England) Él vivió en Castillo de Tingagel, rey poderoso, atrajo a los caballeros más buenos en el Christian mundo para servirlo. ( Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda )( y su mision era luchar contra las fuerzas malignas de Inglaterra) King Arthur was born in Tintagel Castle, he was from Cornwall, Merlin, Arthur’s teacher, lived in a cave below Tintagel Castle. Rey que Arturo nació en Castillo de Tintagel, él era de Cornwall,Merlin, el maestro de Arturo, vivia en una cueva debajo del Castillo de Tintagel.
+How succesful was Antonio’s article 4 the magazine? ¿Cómo exitoso era el artículo de Antonio para la revista? -He didn’t win the competition, but they published his story. (the article much more interesting) Él no ganó la competición, pero ellos publicaron su historia. (el articulo más interesante)
8) +In Britain, what happens 2 famous people like popo stars, actors & football players? ¿En Bretaña, que le pasa a las personas famosas gustan las estrellas del estallido, actores y jugadores del fútbol? -A famous person is automatically public property. Una persona famosa es automáticamente propiedad pública.
+What does Antonio say about queuing in Britain? ¿Sobre qué dice Antonio haciendo cola en Bretaña? -Always stand in tidy lines, not like the big groups of people in Spain. siempre están de pie en líneas ordenadas.
+What is special about the libraries in Britain? ¿Cuál es especial sobre las bibliotecas en Bretaña? -Libraries in Britain R wonderful places where U can find not only books, but also records, cassettes & videos.(also have Internet) Las bibliotecas en Bretaña son lugares maravillosos donde usted no sólo puede encontrar libros, pero también los archivos, cassettes y videos.(también internet)
+What shows that Manchester United R a very successful football club? ¿Qué le muestra un club del fútbol muy exitoso a ese Manchester United? -Manchester United R also the richest football club in the world,They’ve got their own television station.(M.U.T.V) .Manchester United también son el club del fútbol más rico en el mundo,Ellos tienen su propia estación de la televisión.
9) +Apart from being 1 of the most beautiful cities in Europe, why is Edinburgh an interesting place 4 tourist 2 visit? ¿Aparte de uno de las ciudades más bonitas estando en Europa, por qué es Edimburgo un lugar interesante para el turista visitar? -it hs a fascinating history & there is a lot 2 see. tiene una historia fascinante y hay mucho que ver.
+Explain briefly how Antonio & Martin met. Explique brevemente cómo Antonio y Martin se encontraron. -Martin & he met @ an school in Spain. Martin y él se encontraron en una escuela en España.
+What type of performances can U see @ the Edinburgh Festival? ¿Qué tipo de actuaci1s puede ver usted a la Fiesta de Edimburgo? -Fringe classical music, opera, theatre & comedy. Franja música clásica, ópera, teatro y comedia.
+How do the actors @ the Edinburgh Festival advertise their shows? ¿Cómo anuncian los actores a la Fiesta de Edimburgo sus muestras? -Giving leaflet in the hand. Dando papeles impresos en la mano.
+Who was the 1st king of both England & Scotland? Where was he born & when did he become king? ¿Quién era el primer rey de Inglaterra y ” Escocia? ¿Dónde nació él y cuándo se volvió él el rey? -In the tiny room ofthe Edomburgh Castle. “He became King James VI of Scotland & King James 1 of England in 1603, when Queen Elizabeth 1 of England died. En el cuarto diminuto del Castillo de Edomburgh.Él se volvió Rey James VI de Escocia y Rey James 1 de Inglaterra en 1603, cuando Reina Elizabeth 1 de Inglaterra se murió.
10) +What R the Highland Games? Que son los juegos de las islas montañosas? -They’re a competition of the traditional Scottish sports (sports outside) Son una competición de los deportes escoceses tradicionales.
+What it tartan & what is made from it? ¿Qué él el tartán y lo que se hace de él? -It’s the special pattern in the material that kilts R made from the material with the different coloured squares. Es el modelo especial en el material del que se hacen faldas escocesas -el material con los cuadrados diferente coloreados.
+What is Nessie? Que es Nessie? -the Loch Ness Monster el mosntruo del lago ness
+According 2 tradition what 3 presents must be brought 2 some1’s house @ Hogmanay, & why? ¿Según la tradición, qué tres regalos deben traerse a alguien la casa a Hogmanay, y por qué? -A piece of coal, so that the house will always be warm, a bag of salt, so that the family will always have something 2 eat & a bottle of whisky, so that the family always have something 2 drink. UIna bolsa de sal, para que la familia siempre tuviera algo que comer y una botella de whisky, para que la familia siempre tenga algo que beber.