A Comparative Study of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Antonio Machado’s Poetry

Juan Ramon Jimenez

(Moguer1881-P.Rico1958) There are 1cnstant bsqeda JRJ pculiar q explk his work evlcn.Xeso s rsum MNCs rcrrids xl ls dsd espñla poetry Modrnsmo acia l autre PrPi frmas.El ACKAGING evlcn to rdjo its LS3 fass sgntes:


EPCA snsitva , 1915 ast cmnzs dsd ss aprxmdmnt.
Ls prmers librs: cminza to scrbir cn17añs.Ss sample poems sn d un d posrrmntcsmo becqerian tno one adlscnte.Snembrgo, accuses the tmb mu prnto infljo sees mdrnsta cm s ss d VIOLT prmrs librs Souls and nymphs. En1903 s 1 grn pblik his book:
Arias trists in sta ncntrms work 1posia snciya d dnd the frmas evdnt.Ls acnto bcqrian s sntmnts d sldad, mlnclia, the dl time pso, La Murta, prpis dl Neorrmntcsm q sn qn pntra l spirtu mdrnsta. Pro l use d octslbs sta lngje sbRIO stuan to confound the Margna dl ornamntl and mdrnsm ms msm online snro.En l s librs scrts OTRS encntrn ntr 1903y1907:
Jardins ljns, Pastrls or Balads d prmvra.
Rpajes dl mdrnsmo: entr 1908y1915J.R cmpne poms:

Elejías, The sldad SNRA, Poems majics and dlients, sonts espritls .

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Etrnidads, Pidras and Sky, Posies, Beyza

Your plbra qiero pa pntrar nl sr1instrmnt BSCA rlidad n d1new intlgncia. Est era book The dstca x stcion ttl in obsrv LQS NOEL d abolish the time and the desire d etrndad.
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God dseado and dsante, dstca the Craving d etrndad. Cnclsn: s encrnccn mxm Manra d d1 d ls cncbir poetry: Busqeda solitary Abslto d Bellz and therefore result srvio d lighthouse and pa pa ls ls poets cmpnnts purs grpo poetic dl27 dl.

Poetry of Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado exceeded the poetic tradició n tica by symbolist procedures and created a strong emoció possessed of great Introspecció ny n.

Poetic and themes

Machado had defined as “dialogue of man with his time.” Poetic thought of intuition lived, temporary, unlike the logical thinking based on concepts.
Time stands as one of the major issues Machado, the other, dream and love have a common root: the concern for the temporal.


A Machado time cared about lived time. The poet talks with his time: morning, afternoon, evening, water or power, symbols of temporality. His poetry swim time a feeling of anguish at the time, but also refer to temporality as fluidity and mobility.
The procedure whereby Machado overlapping times had the mission to convey the impression of irreparable step and the resulting time feeling of melancholy.

The dream and love

For Machado, the breast is the only form of knowledge. In it, boredom is the dominant emotional note. In his verses, besides man, dreams of nature as a projection of the poet.
In his work there is little eroticism. In his poetry are incorporated bitter allusions to the lack of love, which can be glimpsed as the cause of his sadness, along with the idea that their opportunity has passed.

Solitudes. Galleries. Other poems

Solitudes published in 1903, the second edition are added and deleted Galleries too loud or external, which is replaced by a feeling intimate and simple. This book is a perceived preference for certain environments: the gardens gloomy and melancholy autumn sunset.
Solitudes topics are the passage of time, dreams, lost youth. In general, reactions are expressed poetic about nature and the problem of death.
Solitudes is characteristic of the way of the dialogue with the seasons, sunrise, night … That is personified.

Symbols Machado in Solitudes

The afternoon:

the space-time favorite, a symbol of decline, decay. Machado is the time, sad, slow, melancholic.

Water and power:

these elements, Machado creates a complex symbol that expresses the antithesis joy / pain:
– Water is a symbol of life in his poetry more youthful. But it also symbolizes the monotony, boredom of life, eternity of pain.
– The source requests the memory, but the poet pursues evocations of joy and love, and reveals a past source of sorrow.

The orchard and garden:

– The garden symbolizes the hope, joy and light in the childhood memory.
“The garden is linked to the afternoon and source. It is also very wet, dark and gloomy. In the opposition-free nature and nature under canon, Machado was leaning towards freedom.
Campos de Castilla
Campos de Castilla has a more direct referentiality than symbolic. Now images corresponds to a real landscape.
In Campos de Castilla, Machado deliberately turns his gaze outward: toward the landscape, people, history.
The underlying theme of the earliest poems is the decline of Spain, the character of its inhabitants. Machado evokes the real landscape, but the descriptions become meditations.
The play is also facing the conundrum of life and assaulted her religious concerns. It also includes formal and thematic developments:
-The “Proverbs and Songs”, a set of very short poems, most judgmental character, and “Parables”, which is often the problem of “other.”
“Seven poems about the death of Leo,” “Land of Alvargonzález” about the legendary human evil. In their fratricidal history, come together envy and greed for land.

Subsequent production

Some poems from New songs remind Campos de Castilla, in others it appears the Andalusian countryside. In this collection of poems abound short compositions inspired by folk tradition, and pithy and aphoristic poems. Machado’s poetic work concludes with a score of texts that have been called poetry of war.