A Comparative Study of Spanish Literature: From Golden Age to Baroque


I like folk poetry and ballads and worship songs and sonnets and 3 great poems: the solitude, The Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea and the Duke of Lerma Penegírico. The style is based on stylistic Prodeco concentration. Despite allegations of darkness, these forms were extended and built culteranismo. The Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea is a mythological poem consisting of 63 octaves. Shocked contemporaries because of its numerous innovations, like the mythological allusions and convoluted language.
The Solitudes, formed by 2 poems, although the second is not finished. The work reveals the existence of a narrative project similar to the adventure novel: Soledad First: a castaway reaches shore of a cliff. At night aconsigue reach the top, finally passing through a forest to reach the huts of some herdsmen. Soledad second: Pilgrim known to fishermen, then the poem will appear cut off the hunters.
Romances and letrillas: He was admired for his poetry octosyllabic. He composed ballads which showed issues seriously and letrillas burlesque. Famous Romances were Hermana Marica and I’ll go letrillas was hot

Lazarillo: A short book that was created in 1554, with which the modern novel begins with a realistic tone in which the protagonist’s character is a product of the world around him. The play is written as a letter responding to a stranger who speaks your grace. It tells the childhood of Lázaro de Tormes and lasts until the protagonist in kiere clarify their situation, complicated by rumors of his wife say k k is another. The I of the play is about Lazarus and not the author. The author is anonymous and is Lazarus who describes his life with a rude and humble style. In the end we will know his job k is the town crier of Toledo. Lazarus is an outsider who lives alone in society. The novel is divided into seven chapters and a prologue was meant to end the reading. It appears the issue of hunger as the thread of the three treaties. The success of this work ended in 1599 when it was created by Matthew Guzman German.
Quevedo was born in Madrid in 1580. Participated in political intrigues that led him to jail. Muriió in 1645 in Villanueva. Autro is a very good in both narrative and poetry. It has a very good command of language that lets you create verbal associations i transmit a grotesque image of reality. You metaphysical poems, moral, religious, loving, satirical and circumstances.
Metaphysical: Meditate on human existence. The topics are the acceptance of death, the short life … The most commonly used form is the sonnet.
Morales: Majority are sonnets, reflects on the virtues, the power …
Religious Displays passages or characters of the Old and New Testament
Circumstances: highlight the funeral dedicated to characters from the past and present. Also of interest are silvas.
Loving: Important a series dedicated to a lady called Lisi. He tried to renew the Renaissance love lyric with hyperbole and courtly love.
Satirists: their experiments shows that verbal and defects of society.
The Buscon: Created to 1605. It is a picaresque novel that recounts the story of Paul, son of a barber thief and a witch. Pablos entered the service of Alonso, who has a relationship with Cabra, who will go hungry. After the death of his mother, canvia the name and try to be a knight. It goes to India to canviar of fortune, conseguirá.Intencion not create a plausible character with its own voice to a vision of the world since their experiences.

The poetry of the Baroque:
Everything could be material, as a historic occasion, a mythological character, love … It is a poetry of contrasts because it is a difficult world and misleading from a burlesque. In the metric most significantly, the sonnet and romance.

Culteranismo: Created pro Gongora, talks about the embellishment of reality through metaphor, used hyperbaton, cultism and allusions from classical mythology.

Concept: The most important are the puns, the paronomasias, the dilogías. Quevedo is the most representative writer.

Teaching Prose: The genre of dialogue was widely accepted throughout the sixteenth century and was essential for the development of the novel. In Spain the most popular Renaissance dialogue belongs to Juan de Valdés “(dialogue of the tongue)
and Alfonso Valdes (Dialogue of Mercury and Charon).
Didactics and teaching methods required for any type of a literary prose that could reach high levels aesthetic. Excellent prose of many authors of ascetic and mystic like St. Teresa of Jesus.
Teresa de Cepeda, St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila, 1515-Alba de Tormes, 1582) was an exceptional woman, founded many monasteries and reformed Caramel. A descendant of New Christians, wrote with a magnificent prose, classical and popular autobiography – (Book of Life) -, her mystical experiences – (The Interior Castle or The Mansions) – and the story of his work to found convents — (Foundations) -.
The prose fiction, prose fiction of the twentieth century, including the pastoral, the Moorish and Byzantine. Along with these features a unique novel:
Lazarillo de Tormes, the origin of the picaresque novel.

The pastoral novel: Towards 1559 published seven books of Diana, by Jorge Montemayor, Portuguese author who wrote in Castilian. This work paved the genre of books called pastors.
The narrative frame of Diana is constituted by the protagonist’s love Sireno and Diana, a shepherdess in the absence of the pastor marries another.
In the work of Montemayor is given what would be the most prominent feature of the pastoral: the idealization of nature and love, expressed through a language melancólico.La work rested and had numerous descendants: The Diana enamorada, Gil Polo and La Galatea, Cervantes.

The Moorish novel: when big was about to break the rebellion, literature idealized figure of the Moor and the fraternization between the Muslim and Christian. The text released this fashion was the Abencerrage, also known as anonymous work history and beautiful Jarifa Abindarraez.

The Byzantine novel: the argument assumes a form of pilgrimage, where the adventures are interspersed with loving action. The players love, are separated and often throughout the narrative, the final marriage. The first Spanish grower of this genus was Alfonso Nunez de Reinoso, author of the History of the loves of thinning and Florisea. The two most important Byzantine novels (S. XVII): The pilgrim in his homeland, Lope, and Los trabajos de Persiles and Sigismunda, Cervantes.

Novelistic genres during the sixteenth century Byzantine novel was very popular in the romance of chivalry change and the pastoral disappeared.
The picaresque novel was consolidated with Guzman, Matthew German.
In prose fiction genre develops a fictional, satirical Menippean Quevedo reaching with all its splendor.
The novella is much appreciated and cultivated by authors such as Cervantes and Maria de Zayas, the masterpiece of this era is the Quixote of Cervantes.
Mateon German (1547-1616) published in 1599 the first part of Guzman Alfarache rogue.
Guide the formulation of autobiographical tome that part of the life experience of the protagonist, marginalized in a society hard.
He presents his story as a confession which aims to give readers an example of what they have to avoid. Another important work is the picaresque novel Buscon Francisco de Quevedo.