A Comprehensive Guide to Educational Reform in Chile: Understanding Key Concepts and Initiatives


1. Why did it become necessary to draft the MBD?

A. – To improve efficiency in educational management, change management, and automation.

2. What are the main objectives of MBD?

R. – Improving school management by emphasizing the role of managers and granting them new powers to enhance the management of the establishment.

3. What powers do directors of educational units have under MBD?

A. – To be responsible for the educational establishment.

4. Name the four areas referred to in MBD?

R. Leadership – School – Resource – Management Coexistence

5. Name at least two criteria for each of the areas of MBD?


  • To inform the educational
  • The curriculum project is in line with the PEI

6. Why did it become necessary to draft the MBE?

A. – To enhance teaching practices, as the results of education in Chile, particularly in municipal education, were deemed unsatisfactory.

7. What are the four domains of EBM?


  • Preparation for teaching
  • Enabling Environment – Professional Liability

8. Name at least two criteria by domain.

R. – ———————————————– ——————————————

9. What is a project in technical terms?

R. – Developing a series of actions that lead to satisfying a need.

10. What does a project as a plan of action entail?

R. – Activities, results, and resources.

11. What are the basic elements that any project should have to be considered as such?

A. Goal – Evaluation – Weather – Activities – Targets

12. What is a project from an educational standpoint?

R. – ———————————————– —————————

13. How are educational projects characterized?

R. – Innovation, pedagogical

14. What is a curriculum innovation project?

(No answer provided)

15. Explain the differences between task, activity, project, program, and plan and illustrate each.

R. – Levels of detail of each.

16. How do you arrange them from high to low concreteness and specificity?

R. – ———————————————– ————————————————– —————–

17. What is the real challenge of Chilean education in the new millennium?

R. – Quality and equity as instruments achieved through PEI.

18. Considering the nature of reform, what is the center of its action and change?

R. – In the classroom, SACGE, MBE, MBD, progressions.

19. What do you think is the significance acquired by IBP in institutions in the context of educational reform?

A. – It provides identity and meaning to the educational establishment and guides all elements of school management.

20. What is an education policy?

A. – An idea or force that gives rise to an educational project to develop an educational system.

21. What are the elements of education policies?

R. – An idea, a responsible party, and a deadline.

22. What are the key elements underpinning the education reform?

R. – Decentralization, quality, equity, and participation.

23. What are the implications of the concepts of quality and equity in education?

R. – They imply good results and equal opportunities for all students.

24. What does SACGE evaluate?

R. – Dimensions to measure the quality of school management.

25. What is the purpose of SACGE?

R. – It aims to ensure the quality of school management.

26. What are the components of SACGE?

R. – Leadership, curriculum management, resources, results, school life, and student support.

27. What are the functions of the Quality Model School Management?

R. – ———————————————– ————————————-

28. What are the stages of implementation of SACGE in an educational establishment?

R. – ———————————————– ————————————

29. Is there a relationship between MBD and SACGE?

R. – Both aim to improve the quality of school management.

30. Define: Self-Institutional, Coordination, Content Standards, Educational Management, OFT, Strategic Objectives, Strategic Planning, PEI, Vision.

R. – ———————————————– ————————————–

31. According to Silvia del Solar:

a) What has been the involvement of stakeholders in strategic planning?

R. – Orchestrated participation, with teachers’ responses influenced by the attitude of the directors.

b) What does volunteerism contribute to the desired changes?

R. – Will alone did not bring about the changes; there was resistance to change.

c) How does the deficit of self-reference manifest itself?

R. – There was fear of taking on more responsibilities.

d) What happens with authoritarianism?

R. – ———————————————– ————————

e) What about conflicts?

R. – Conflict is seen as a positive force, as it leads to… … … … … … … … … … … ..

f) What relevance does a holistic perspective have?

R. – It is highly relevant.

g) What about management?

R. – It involves a comprehensive view of the entire educational establishment.

h) What are the dimensions of school management? Elaborate on two.


  1. Pedagogical Dimension – Curriculum
  2. Management Dimension – Financial
  3. Organizational Dimension – Operational
  4. Community Dimension
  5. Coexistence Dimension
  6. Systemic Dimension

32. Explain why the Curricular-Teaching dimension is the most important center or focus for various subject matter specialists.

R. – It is not considered merely as an instrument.

33. What is the main difficulty that the IEP has faced so far?

R. – Interrelationship between teaching and learning and achieving desired results.

34. What is the relationship between the PEI and improving the quality of education?

R. – Both seek to enhance learning and teaching. The PEI structures its goals to achieve quality through different methods, while the improvement of education involves programs, scholarships, and updates for teachers to enhance their skills.

35. Define: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Pertinence, Relevance.


  • Eficacia (Efficacy): Doing something right for a specific purpose.
  • Efectividad (Effectiveness): That which produces the desired effect, which is suitable for a certain thing.
  • Pertinencia (Relevance): Ensuring that what is being done is consistent and relevant.
  • Efficiency: The ability to achieve planned goals and objectives with minimal resources and time, optimizing the process.

36. Name the features a good IEP should have.

R. – Clear objectives, well-defined stages, participatory approach involving all community members, established goals, and evaluation mechanisms.

37. Define each of the features that a good IEP should have.

(No answer provided)

38. Why speak of PEI and not just PE?

A. – To emphasize the inclusive nature of the plan, involving the entire institution.

39. What is a General Purpose? Define and explain through three examples.

A: It is a clear necessity derived from the mission. Example: To deliver quality education to students.

40. What is a Strategic Objective? Define and explain through three examples.

R.Example: After one cycle, students will improve their English vocabulary.

41. What features should a well-formulated strategic objective have?

A: Concrete, attainable, with defined goals, deadlines, and responsibilities.

42. What is the difference between ex-ante and ex-post?

A: The difference lies in the time of application. Ex-ante instruments are used before implementing a change process, while ex-post tools are employed after the process.

43. Define: Assessment.

A: It is the process of analyzing how goals are accomplished.

44. What is Management Assessment?

R: It involves determining whether desired results are being achieved and monitoring school management to improve outcomes.

45. What are the guiding questions of the evaluation?

A: What to assess, how to evaluate, and when to evaluate.

46. What are the basic principles of evaluation?

A: Objectivity and relevance.

47. What are the stages of evaluation?

R: Diagnosis, process, outcome.

48. What are the types of evaluation?

R: Diagnostic, summative, formative.

49. What are the functions of assessment?

A: To diagnose, monitor, and correct or modify.