A Comprehensive Study of Religious Beliefs and Practices: Hinduism, Judaism, Rastafari, Indigenous Religions of North America, and Christianity

1.(a) List the Classes of hin

·Brahamians/Priests: highest social class, pure

·Kshatriya: warriors and noblemen

·Vaisya: artisans and peasants

·Shudras: servants

Untouchables : Blacks(b) Write Brief notes on any ONE of the following concepts in Hinduism:
Karma: = deeds/works; one’s thoughts, words, and actions have ethical consequence, Explains problem of suffering and injustice; answer to India’s problems, Famine, illnesses etc. Good acts produce good Consequence. Evil acts lead to Evil consequences; all suffering is deserved. No judgment or day of judgment

(c) Describe any ONE way to Salvation in Hinduism. Your description should be at least 1/3 of a page in length

Way of Works: = way of ritual, domestic way, very old way; practical, Intelligible & traditional; Emphasizes need for people to do good works. Encourages Offering of sacrifices to gods and ancestors. Rites of passage must be carried Out meticulously (outlined in the Code of Manu). One must observe caste system; Particularly not marrying outside one’s caste. Rites for dead and ancestors to Be taken seriously.People should carry Out rites & duties according to custom and scripture. Central teaching is That people had to follow the ways, rules and direction of priest to get Salvation. If rites are not carried out meticulously, then one’s soul may not Be saved.

(d) Describe any ONE god in Hinduism

Vishnu: male, takes many forms (avatars), benevolent, preserver of Values; usually presented with 4 arms; most popular avatars: Krishna, Rama; Krishna considered ideal woman & god.

3. (a) Although King Solomon built the First temple for God, he, just like his predecessorshad his dark side. Briefly describe any FIVE Aspects of his dark side.

·married to foreign woman à against law

·built temples for foreign wives’ gods

·Transferred rights and privileges from tribal elders to Himself

·forced people to work during his building projects

·overtaxed people to pay palace workforce, provide Luxuries for wives

(b) State any FIVE immediate causes of The Maccabean Revolt

·firing of high priest Jason, angered many Jews

·adoption of Greek uniform irritated some Jews

·possession of Torah became criminal offense

·Jews forced to eat pork

·The Modein Incident

(c) List any FIVE articles of the Jewish Faith

·God, the creator, exists

·God is eternal

·Messiah will come

·written and oral Torah is true

·biblical prophets are true

(d) Give any FIVE of the Ten Commandments In Judaism

·Acknowledge one God only

·Worship no other

·Never commit theft

·Never commit murder

·Never commit adultery

5. (a) State THREE prophecies by Marcus Garvey and then explain any TWO of his teachings

·Ras Tafari Makonen would be crowned King of Ethiopia

black people would be liberated from slavery

·black people would go back to Ethiopia


·Ethiopia was origin of black people

·Jamaica = land of exile from which black people had to Be liberated and sent back to Ethiopia

(b) Summarize the life history of Emperor Haile Selassie I. Your summary should be ½ of a page in length and Should be in note form.

born in Ethiopia in 1892, crowned King of Ethiopia in 1930, 4 Jamaican Ministers prophesied Selassie had divine origins, proclaimed Incarnate of Jah (God), King & God of Rastas, did not accept that he was god, Rastas Believed/proclaimed he was, Rastas disappointed when Haile Selassie died/was Killed in 1975 after being pushed from throne, rastas preached his death was Hoax, Jah could not die

(c) State any FIVE spiritual benefits Of the Weed of Wisdom in Rastafari Religion

procures vision, calms the spirit, spiritual food, smoking helps Understand during, meditation/discussion, increases feelings of community

(d) List the FOUR Rastafari colors and What they symbolize


Blood of Rasta martyrs, Green:
Beauty/Nature of Promised Land: Ethiopia, GOLD:
Wealth of Ethiopia, Black:
Color of Africans

6. (a) List any FIVE major problems a Researcher of the Indigenous Religions of North America’s beliefs and practices Encounters.

·some researchers used derogatory terms (primitive, native,…)

·difficult to generalize (too much variety)

·no specific creed

·no known founder

·no missionary zeal;
religion is way of life for them

(b) State any FIVE benefits of the Sun Dance

·empowers dancer and community

·renews dancer

·dancer might see visions of Great Spirit

·instills discipline on participant

·makes individual realize his full potential

(c) List any FIVE prerequisites of the Vision quest

·Ability to fast

·Ability to sleep out for long period of time

·Knowledge of how to deal with emergencies

·Ability to perform spiritual exercises (meditation)

·Ability to chant is of great help

(d) Give any FIVE negative effects of globalization and colonization on the Indigenous Religions of North America

·wars cost many lives

·some people forcefully converted

·some forced to move from their lands

·led to spiritual resistance (ex: Ghost Dance)

·some enslaved à Lost freedom of worship

7. (a) Name any FIVE of Jesus’ twelve Apostles

Peter, Andrew, Simon, John, Thomas

(b) List any FIVE sacraments in Christianity

Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Confession, Matrimony

(c) Describe any ONE miracle that was Performed by Jesus. Your description should be at least half of a page in Length.

turning wine into water: wedding at Cana, guests ran out of wine, Mary Tells people do whatever Jesus says Jesus tells people to fill in empty jars With water, asks elder to try water, water changed into wine, better wine than They had before, people were astonished

(d) List any FIVE beliefs/practices which All Christian denominations have in common

Rituals, Code of Ethics, Hope of Afterlife, Holy Spirit, All Sing