A Concise History of Timekeeping and Historical Records

The knowledge and control of time-setting events in time is the basis of history. Our solar calendar comes from the Gregorian reform of 1582, so named because it was made by Pope Gregory XIII.El day is a measure not easily alterable and perceived by man, the seasons, although variable, are easily assumed by a economy agrícola.Las weeks is an artificial element and months are linked to changes in the luna.Los years, for their part, were spaces too long, and it was very difficult to measure its duration. The twelve-hour day and night twelve hours, seems to be rooted in the culture hebrea.La week with the same origin, is linked to the sacred character of siete.La number of months duration was established by observing movements towards luna.Parece unless half of the second millennium BC Babylon already had an annual calendar divided into twelve lunar months, Totaling 354 days and adding after an undetermined period of years, one month, to allow adjustment of the holidays. The Egyptians were governed by a lunar calendar, the Greeks came to develop a timetable solar.Los Romans, began with one mole of 355 dias.Pero was Julius Caesar who decreed in 46 BC the year would have 365 days, and añadaria another day every four years. The mulsumanes have always had a lunar calendar, the Muslim year has twelve months alternativamentede 30 and 29 days, making uun total of 354 days per year.The Easter, the day of the resurrection of Christ, is the celebration par excellence of Christianity , and since it is produced iglesia.La liturgical calendar of the French Revolution produced a new schedule which include the change of names of months and its adaptation to the order of nature and in some African Climate. People have a calendar that determines the holidays with the celebration of religious events. In the Chinese calendar elabración was entrusted to astronomers.
The tablets Mesopotamian
cuneiform writing was developed as early as the fourth millennium BC by the Sumerians, the scribes wrote down with wedge-shaped signs, sonbre clay, merchandise, security of tenure. With texts that for centuries kept religiosos.Las libraries of clay tablets, a record of the events that took part turno.Un the king of clay together twelve writing tight tablillasde preserved in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (668-626 BC) and copied from ancient Babylonian sources of the First Dynasty around the year 2000a.C. Containing another account of the deluge, it is the famous poem of Gilgamesh, the lord of a city state Uruk. The story is a blend of oriental poetry, rich in pictures and vigorosa.El narrative poem describes an actual, amazing in its dimensiones.La Babylonian culture was another class of sources that we sit
n at the same threshold of literature histórica.El code of Hammurabi is the most famous document. Assyrian culture is closely linked to the Babylonian primitiva.En she found, also, lists of dignitaries whose names served to identify some events of the year, particularly expeditions militares.Estos life stories were produced in the biografiado up the point which reproduced several of these texts on the walls of palaces, and exposed to the gaze of the king himself aquien glorified. The stories are becoming so large that would hardly laudatory stories truthfully, settling more with the heroic legend, every king at the beginning of his reign sent to their own records. King Ashurbanipal collected a large library of conserved ore than 20,000 clay tablets in writing cuneirforme, where apart from its annals, also commanded his scribes to group the events of the past in order of subject or topic, rather than following a strictly chronological approach nature.

St. Augustine. (354-430) The church had caused a revolution with his new conception of history and hombre.San Bishop Augustine of Hippo, in his youth was educated in rhetoric and literature in Greek and best way romana.El learn about life and the evolution of Augustine pensamientode undoubtedly his own work: Confessions. He was one of the greatest debaters in a time when theology was taking Cartagines forma.San Augustine, had lived in back in the intellectual pursuit of social and political Donatists Donatists norteafricana.Para essentially herjía Church <> , which had earned the reconociemiento of Emperor Constantine, was the church of traitors. The Donatists were persecuted the true believers in the communion of saints, was erected in the poor and watchmen oprimido.San Augustine was African, but also was very RomanBut Rome will always be for him the second Babilonia.Combatio the donation. Culturay assimilated Greek thought, I believe that science and knowledge of the pagan classics, despite the errors contained many elements of truth. His Platonic philosophy is known through the Alejandria.Establece Filon of St. Augustine in his City of God a dualism: the earthly and the heavenly city, which has its antecedents in Tyconio, the most original writer of the century Donatist IV.La City of God. Tyconio this idea was already expressed by St. Augustine in his treatise on the catechism of the roughs, and will become the central scheme of his great work, The City of God, transformed into a theory of society and the state and a eclesiología.Esta year work was begun in response to 413 who said the fall of Rome were due to disrespect the gods of Rome. Defines human society as a multitude of rational creatures associated by mutual agreement based on the things you love aman.Si well be goodIf the object of his affection is abominable, it will mala.Todos loves of men is reduced to one: The desire for happiness, paz.Pero the church itself can not be identified as the City of God because it Mismatch good and bad. The poor are equally affected by the nature humana.San Augustine will face all the interpretations related to the fall of the Roman Empire through the doctrine of the two cities, which at the same time placed the stones of the intellectual structure and politics occidental.San medieval Augustine negated by any claim to see in the events of this world, progress or improvement, and proclaim that since the coming of Christ human affairs are going worse than before, only matter which man finds peace in himself for the work of faith.
Voltaire (1694-1778) was Voltaire who best embodied the spirit of the French Enlightenment, and was a great defender of reason, to the point that put reason in place that God would correspondía.Teorizón much about history, though he also wrote historical works as: The age of Louis XV, and constumbres essay on the spirit of the DeLuise naciones.El XV century is a study of the monarch of the time distributed by subject: art, science, religion, politics, etc. .. Chapters that are representative characters of the time and each test tema.En his work on the usual, tries to make a universal history, which tells the bald truth seeking and which attacks the lies, which is in the fables, myths and customs and leyendas.Estudia constumbres of major nations always opposing the light of reason to superstition and ignorance, which are none other says, but religion and established truths. From this position, launching a furious attack on the Jewish religion and tradition. Attack with arguments so convincing as scarce fuerza.Este pensamientono an obstacle to assert that the whole nature is telling us that God exists and <>.