A History of Spain: From Pre-Roman Times to the Franco Regime

1. The Roots: Roman Hispania

1.1 The Hominization Process in the Iberian Peninsula: New Discoveries

1.2 The Pre-Roman Peoples

1.3 Historic Settlements: Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians

1.4 Stages of the Roman Conquest of Spain

1.5 The Process of Romanization: The Cultural Legacy

1.6 The Process of Romanization: Public Works

1.7 The Visigoth Monarchy: Institutions

2. The Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages: Al-Andalus

2.1 The Muslim Conquest and Invading Peoples

2.2 The Emirate and Caliphate of Córdoba

2.3 The 11th-Century Crisis: The Taifa Kingdoms

2.4 The 11th-Century Crisis: The North African Empires

2.5 Economic and Social Organization

2.6 Thought and Literature

2.7 Muslim Architecture in Spain: Palaces and Mosques

3. The Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages: The Christian Kingdoms

3.1 The First Centers of Christian Resistance

3.2 Principal Stages of the Reconquista

3.3 Models of Resettlement and Social Organization

3.4 A Pluralistic Culture (Christians, Muslims, and Jews)

3.5 Art in the Peninsula: The Romanesque

3.6 Art in the Peninsula: The Gothic

4. The Late Middle Ages: The Crisis of the 14th and 15th Centuries

4.1 Political Organization and Institutions: The Crown of Castile

4.2 Political Organization and Institutions: The Crown of Aragon

4.3 Demographic, Economic, and Political Crisis

4.4 The Expansion of the Crown of Aragon in the Mediterranean

4.5 The Atlantic Routes: Castilians and Portuguese in the Canary Islands

5. The Catholic Monarchs: The Construction of the Modern State

5.1 Dynastic Union

5.2 The Conquest of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada

5.3 The Integration of the Canary Islands and Relations with Portugal

5.4 State Organization and Government Institutions

5.5 Foreign Policy: Italian and North African Politics

5.6 The Discovery of America

6. 16th-Century Spain

6.1 The Empire of Charles V: Internal Conflicts, Communities, and Germanías

6.2 The Hispanic Monarchy of Philip II

6.3 The Iberian Union

6.4 The Political Model of the Habsburgs

6.5 Government and Administration in America

6.6 The Renaissance in Spain

7. Baroque Spain

7.1 The Spanish Habsburgs: The Validos

7.2 The Spanish Habsburgs: Internal Conflicts

7.3 The Crisis of 1640

7.4 Foreign Policy: The Decline of Habsburg Hegemony

7.5 Economic and Social Developments in the 17th Century

7.6 Mentality and Culture in the Golden Age

7.7 Art in the Golden Age

8. The 18th Century: The Early Bourbons

8.1 The War of the Spanish Succession and the Treaty of Utrecht

8.2 Dynastic Change and Internal Reforms

8.3 The Practice of Enlightened Despotism: Charles III

8.4 The Evolution of Spanish Foreign Policy in 18th-Century Europe

8.5 Bourbon Policies in 18th-Century Latin America

8.6 The Enlightenment in Spain

9. The Crisis of the Ancien Régime

9.1 The Crisis of 1808: War and Political Revolution

9.2 The Independence Movement and the Constitution of 1812

9.3 Ferdinand VII: Absolutism and Liberalism. The Emancipation of Spanish America

10. The Construction of the Liberal State

10.1 Opposition to the Liberal System: The Carlist Wars and the Foral Question

10.2 Isabella II: The Organization of the Liberal Regime

10.3 The Democratic Six-Year Term (1868-1874): The Reign of Amadeo I and the First Republic

10.4 Economic and Social Change: The Beginnings of the Labor Movement (1833-1875)

11. The Restoration Regime

11.1 The System of Turnismo: The Constitution of 1876 and the Rotation of Parties. Opposition to the System, Regionalism, and Nationalism

11.2 The Liquidation of the Colonial Empire: Cuba and the Philippines. The Disaster of 1898 and its Repercussions

11.3 Society and Mentality: Education (1875-1902)

12. Alfonso XIII: The Crisis of the Restoration

12.1 Regenerationism and Political Revisionism. The Crises of 1909 and 1917. The Colonial War in Morocco. The Disaster of Annual

12.2 The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. From the Alfonsine Monarchy to the Second Republic

12.3 Economic Developments and Society (1902-1931)

13. The Second Republic

13.1 The Constitution of 1931 and the Reformist Biennium. The Radical-CEDA Biennium. The 1936 Elections and the Popular Front

13.2 Spanish Culture from the Silver Age to 1936

14. The Civil War

14.1 The Military Uprising and the Development of the Civil War. Political Developments in the Two Zones During the War

14.2 The International Dimension of the Conflict and the Consequences of the Civil War

15. Spain During the Franco Regime

15.1 The Franco Regime: Political, Economic, and Social Developments from 1939 to 1959

15.2 The Franco Regime: Political, Economic, and Social Developments from 1959 to 1975. Opposition to the Regime