Achieving Happiness Through Virtue: An Ethical Treatise
Book One: Theory of the Good and Happiness
The Supreme End of Man is Happiness
The good is the object of every man’s actions. The supreme end of man is happiness. From the general idea of happiness, the good in every kind of thing is the end in view which does everything else. The inevitable perfection of this research of happiness. Justification of the definition of happiness given above. Happiness is not a random effect, it is both a gift from the gods and the result of our efforts. Virtue is true happiness. The influence and fate of our children and our friends are about us. Happiness does not deserve our praise: we deserve more respect. To realize happiness is to be examined the virtue that makes it.
- The virtuous man is the best of all, that alone encompasses all things noble, which is also known to hear the good advice, but who does not understand himself nor keeps in mind the words of another, is an absolutely useless man.
- The good man’s own soul is the activity in accordance with virtue. Happiness is attained by virtue and some learning or exercise that must be considered as a divine thing.
- Called human virtue not of the body, but of the soul, and assert that happiness is an activity of the soul.
Second Book: Theory of Virtue
- There are two kinds of virtue, ethical and dianoetic. The dianoetic stems primarily (and also its increase) in education, therefore it requires experience and time. Ethics, however, comes from the habit.
- The virtue of man is also the habit by which man becomes good, and which performs its own function well. Virtue, therefore, is a voluntary and elective habit, which is an average over us, determined by reason and specifically for that reason decided the prudent.
- Virtue is a middle ground. For all that is laborious to be good and this is because it is laborious to find the middle ground in all things. For example, if it comes to giving and receiving money, what is the average number of generosity, with the prodigality (wastefulness) excess and greed of the defect.
From the distinction of the intellectual and moral virtues. The virtue and habit. A moral treatise should not be a mere theory, but primarily a practical treatise. Immense influence of pleasure and pain in human destiny and in virtue. Explanation of the rule, under which is running a virtuous acts of virtue. General theory of virtue. From the nature of virtue. Applied here to the generality of any such cases. Opposition of vice ends together and virtue that occupies the middle. Difficult to be virtuous, and tips to be.
Book III: Continuation of the Theory of Virtue
Courage and Temperance
Virtue can only be applied to voluntary actions. Continuation of the same subject: the second kind of involuntary things. Theory of moral preference or intention. In deliberation. The real object of the will is good. The virtue and vice are volunteers. Of the value. Of the fearsome objects. Different species of value. Estimation of value. From temperance. More on temperance. Comparison of intemperance with cowardice.
- The man, master of himself on the contrary, acts by elections and not driven by habit.
- The view is distinguished by being true or false, never to be good or bad, while the election is distinguished precisely by the latter, i.e., being good or bad. Thanks to our choices of good or evil, we have a particular character (personality and temperament) but not by our opinions.
When we make a decision after deliberating, our desires are consistent with this discussion. Indeed, the good judge things well and all is shown the truth. What most distinguishes the good man is his ability to see the truth in all things. By claiming that the virtues are voluntary, are somehow responsible for our habits and consistent with our condition we propose a particular purpose.
- The virtue of the intellect is wisdom, or knowledge of the purpose of life, the virtue of the will is the value, the ability to act, and the power of emotions is temperance or self-control.