Advertising and Cinematic Language: Techniques and Elements
The Language of Advertising
The language used in advertising persuades the masses to buy various commercial products. In political campaigns, it informs people about candidates. In preventive medicine, health campaigns, and environmental issues, it raises awareness. The three main types of advertising are: Preventive, Political, and Commercial.
Key Components of Advertising
- Receiver: The recipient of the message.
- Issuer: The entity publicizing the message, such as the product brand or medium.
- Message: The content being publicized.
- Environment: The medium through which the message is conveyed, such as television, radio, or billboards.
Commercial Advertising Strategies
Commercial advertising aims to persuade or encourage us to buy a specific product or service. To achieve this, various means and strategies are employed.
Media Used in Advertising
- TV
- Radio
- Internet
- Outdoor
- Press
- Magazines
Visual Elements in Advertising
The image shows us what is being sold or promoted. Advertisers want the recipient to focus on the product and the information in the ad. They may use contrasting colors between letters, background, and image. Pictures can also be used to convey a meaning that appeals to the consumer. For example, it is more appealing to see wine being enjoyed by well-dressed people of high social status than to see wine simply placed on a table.
Types of Advertising
Product Presentation
This type is typically used when introducing a new product to the market. The product or service image is prominently featured and described positively.
Qualifying Advertising
This type highlights an object or element that enhances the product’s appeal.
The Language Used in Ads
The phrasing in ads is directly addressed to the recipient. In some cases, imperative terms are used to instruct or command the receiver, such as “Find out!”, “Buy!”, “Watch!”
The Role of Branding
The brand differentiates products within the same genre. When a product achieves significant sales and profits, it is often due to effective advertising and a distinct brand name. This brand name is used to advertise a specific product, distinguishing it from competitors.
Cinematic Language
Cinematic or filmic language is characterized by its exclusive use of visual language. It involves various techniques and elements that constitute a carefully crafted and structured message. The information transmitted through this channel is consciously studied and treated in every detail, every component of the “visual language.”
To be aware of the information received, we must be visually literate and understand the essential elements of cinematic language. The visually literate student can complete their training and learning through multimedia, actively using visual language to understand the message globally.
Elements of Visual Language in Film
- Film space
- Film rhythm
- Film time
- Film scale
- Film light
- Film movement
- Sound in film
- Tone and color in film
- Narrative structure in film
- Camera angles