African Church History: Key Events, Figures, and Growth
History of the Church in Africa
Primary Focus: God and the coming of His Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reasons to Study Church History
- Scripture exhorts us to study history.
- God wants us to be inspired by men and women of faith who have gone before us and to learn from those who have failed.
- Studying history gives us a sense of God’s purpose as it relates to humanity.
Key Theological Terms
- Pneumatology: The study of the Holy Spirit.
- Missiology: The study of God’s mission.
- Ecclesiology: The study of the church.
Jewish Contributions to Christianity
- Monotheism: Emphasis on the belief in one true God, spread by synagogues throughout the Mediterranean area.
- The Jewish Scriptures: Provided the infant church with its message (the Old Testament).
- An Ethical System: Judaism offered the world the purest ethical system in existence.
Africa in the Bible
- Jesus was taken as a baby to Egypt to escape King Herod.
- Simon of Cyrene (North Africa) helped Jesus carry his cross.
Questions for Reflection
- List aspects of modern African society that help or hinder the spread of the gospel.
- Is Africa fulfilling God’s purpose today? Explain.
- How would you respond to someone who believes the baptism of the Spirit only occurred once on the day of Pentecost?
- Was the church in Egypt and North Africa missional? Explain.
- What is the significance of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8?
Responding to Islam
The church should be acquainted with Islamic teachings and share the gospel of Christ with Muslim neighbors who desperately need to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
The Moravian Missionaries
They may be considered some of the earliest Protestant missionaries, founding a spiritual community called Herrnhut on Count von Zinzendorf’s estate in 1722. Their impact resulted in the revival of missions and church planting.
Samuel Crowther’s Significance
He was a key agent in the establishment and spread of Christianity in the African context.
Challenges Faced by Missionaries
- Attacks from slave traders
- Sicknesses
- Lack of supplies
- Hostility from communities
David Livingstone’s Contribution
How was David Livingstone significant in the advancement of Christianity in Africa?
The Holy Spirit’s Role
The Holy Spirit was leading the church back to the Upper Room to wait for empowerment to fulfill His mission.
Criticism of the Pentecostal Movement
Some criticized the Pentecostal movement due to a lack of knowledge and reliance on hearsay and rumors.
Key Countries Involved in Early Missions
Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Belgian Congo (now DRC), Gold Coast (now Ghana), and Togo.
Mutual Servanthood and Brotherhood
It means full partnership through spiritual unity, purpose, and commitment in all that the Lord Jesus taught.
Growth of Pentecostal Churches in Africa
What has been the key to the growth of the Pentecostal church in Africa?