Aircraft Traffic Pattern Procedures: A Pilot’s Guide
Aircraft Traffic Pattern Procedures
Objective: Fly a rectangular racetrack pattern to ensure an orderly flow of traffic or continuous approach and landing traffic. All legs represent specific tracks with reference to the ground.
General Guidelines
- Published VFR arrival routes and other procedures, local flight rules, for an approach to an airfield for traffic pattern entry must be followed.
- Normally, a traffic pattern is flown at 1000ft AGL unless LFR or ATC dictate deviations.
- The traffic pattern altitude for the TB10 at LESA, due to local regulations, is 800ft AGL.
- There are left and right traffic patterns depending upon the directions of the turns in the traffic pattern.
- Aircraft already in the traffic pattern will have preference over entering traffic except in emergency situations.
- The traffic pattern will be carried out in accordance with the AOM and the procedure book. The turns will have a 30° bank angle except for the crosswind turn, which will have 15° bank.
Note: Sometimes, with high temperatures and weight, the aircraft reaches the traffic altitude when turning downwind. In this case, the turn to downwind will be of 15°.
Upwind Leg
From the moment the aircraft initiates the takeoff run until it turns to crosswind. The takeoff and climb will be carried out in accordance with the previously explained technique, watching at all times the position of preceding traffic. If necessary, this leg will be extended in order to maintain adequate separation.
At 400 ft AGL, flaps up, the pilot flying uses climb power, throttle 25, propeller 2500, and maintains a climb speed of 80kt. Once overflying the threshold of the opposite runway, turn to crosswind.
Note: In order to turn to crosswind, both of the following conditions must be complied with: the aircraft will have overflown the threshold of the opposite runway and have reached 400ft. Never turn onto crosswind until the preceding traffic has turned to downwind. The upwind leg is the only one in the traffic pattern that you can extend without being authorized, and none of the others should be extended unless the controller authorizes you. You shouldn’t ask to extend any other leg than the upwind.
Crosswind Leg
- This leg is perpendicular to the runway and connects the upwind and the downwind legs.
- Level off at 800 ft or the traffic pattern altitude in other aerodromes.
- Lower the aircraft nose and perform initial trimming.
- After reaching 100kt, adjust throttle to 20 and 2500 RPM.
- Maintain 100kt and 800ft.
- Final trimming.
Note: Turn onto downwind while watching the position of preceding traffic.
Downwind Leg
The downwind leg is a ground track parallel to the runway. Plan the turn onto downwind so that the aircraft is ½ mile from the runway. Turn to the heading required to maintain track. Altitude 800ft, airspeed 100kt. At mid-field, reduce throttle to 18 inches of manifold pressure. When reaching 95kt, set flaps to 1 dot, maintain 90 kt, and trim. Abeam the threshold, decrease 2-3 inches of MAP in order to have a rate of descent of 200-300ft/min and 90kt. When you can see the threshold behind the wing, at 135° with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, turn to base leg. Complete this turn with a wind correction angle (WCA) to maintain the track perpendicular to the runway.
Note: Never turn onto base leg until the preceding traffic has turned to final.
Base Leg
- Perpendicular to the runway and connects downwind and final.
- Adjust MAP to increase rate of descent to 500ft/min.
- Report position and intentions.
- Coordinate stabilator and throttle to control rate of descent and airspeed.
Final Approach
During the turn to final, adjust speed to target speed, proper final approach, and correct glide slope from roundout to rollout. Use an aiming point. A planned power-on final is desired.
Initiating Descent for Landing
Perform last check:
- Throttle as required
- Propeller full forward
- Gear down, 3 green
- Flaps as required
- Airspeed 85kt without flaps, 80kt with flaps
- Trimming
- Clearance obtained
Establish a pitch attitude with a descent towards the aiming point, keeping the aircraft aligned with the runway.
Note: In order to perform a landing without flaps, flaps will not be used in downwind. PAPI lights will be used for glide information. Never complete the turn to final below 400ft. If necessary, apply power and maintain altitude until the aircraft is established on final.
Maintaining Traffic Pattern Altitude
Throttle full power, flaps up. If the maneuver happens at base leg after having flaps up, climb at 85kt to traffic altitude. When reaching 100kt: throttle 20, propeller 2500, trim. Continue normal traffic pattern. Watch for other traffic carrying out this maneuver.