Al-Andalus History: Key Events and Figures
The Rise of Al-Andalus
Who betrayed Rodrigo in Guadalete?
Some Visigothic nobles betrayed Rodrigo.
In what year did the Battle of Covadonga take place?
The Battle of Covadonga took place in 722.
Who led the Christian army in Covadonga?
Don Pelayo led the Christian army.
What do we call the first period of Al-Andalus?
The first period is known as the Dependent Emirate or Valiato (711-756).
Who was the last king of the Visigothic Kingdom?
Don Rodrigo was the last Visigothic king.
Who was the commander of the Muslim troops in 711?
Tariq ibn Ziyad commanded the Muslim troops.
When was the Battle of Guadalete?
The Battle of Guadalete was in 711.
Who was the soldier who expanded the territories of Al-Andalus around the year 1000?
Almanzor expanded the territories.
What were the territories called into which Al-Andalus was divided after the Caliphate?
They were divided into Taifa Kingdoms.
What were the tribes that came from Africa called during the Taifas?
They were called Almoravids and Almohads.
What was the last stage of Al-Andalus called?
The last stage was the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada.
What dynasty defeated the Umayyads?
The Abbasids defeated the Umayyads.
What city was the capital of the Caliphate of Al-Andalus?
Córdoba was the capital.
Who fled from Damascus and made Al-Andalus independent from the Caliphate?
Abd al-Rahman I established independence.
Who became religiously independent from Baghdad and created the Caliphate?
Abd al-Rahman III created the Caliphate.
In what year did the Emirate become independent?
The Emirate became independent in 756 AD.
In what year did Al-Andalus become a Caliphate?
Al-Andalus became a Caliphate in 929 AD.
In what year was the Caliphate dissolved into Taifa Kingdoms?
The Caliphate was dissolved in 1031.
In what year did the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada disappear?
The Nasrid Kingdom disappeared in 1492 AD.
Which Islamic Caliphate first took control of the Iberian Peninsula?
The Umayyad Caliphate first took control.
Which Islamic dynasty defeated the Umayyad dynasty?
The Abbasid Caliphate defeated the Umayyads.
Society and Culture in Al-Andalus
What were the privileged groups in Al-Andalus?
The privileged groups were Arabs, Berbers, and Muladíes.
What were the non-privileged groups in Al-Andalus?
The non-privileged groups were Mozarabs, Jews, slaves, and women.
What do we call the Islamic city center?
The Islamic city center is called the Medina.
What is the name of the market in an Islamic city?
The market is called the Souk.
What were the places of the Medina?
The Medina included the mosque, souk, hammam, alcázar, and alhóndigas.
What was the Al-Andalus economy based on?
It was based on agriculture, trade, and craftwork.
What were the two main new irrigation techniques of Muslims?
The new techniques were channels and water wheels.
What are the names of the Al-Andalus coins?
The coins were the golden dinar and the silver dirham.
In what year was the Great Mosque of Córdoba built?
It was built in 785.
What was a basic idea in Islamic medicine?
The basic idea was the importance of hygiene.
In which mathematics areas did the Arabs advance?
They advanced in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.
What game did the Arabs also bring to Europe?
They brought chess to Europe.
What were two new instruments invented by the Arabs used for geography?
They invented the compass and the astrolabe.
Who were the main philosophers born in Córdoba?
The main philosophers were Averroes and Maimonides.
What is the main element of Al-Andalus architecture?
The horseshoe arch is the main element.
What kind of art was limited in Islamic art?
Pictorial art was limited.
What are the main UNESCO World Heritage sites of the Al-Andalus era?
The main sites are the Great Mosque of Córdoba and the Alhambra in Granada.
What type of building is the Alhambra and from what dynasty?
The Alhambra is a fortress-palace built by the Nasrid dynasty.
Who ordered the construction of the Great Mosque of Córdoba?
Abd al-Rahman I ordered its construction.
Where was the first paper mill in the Peninsula?
The first paper mill was in Xátiva (near Valencia) in 1051.
Who invented the concept of zero?
The Arabs introduced the concept of zero.