Alfonso XIII’s Reign: Restoration to Crisis in Spain (1902-1923)

Alfonso XIII’s Reign: From the Restoration to the Crisis

The Restoration System Designed by Cánovas

When designing the Restoration system, Cánovas del Castillo envisioned Spain as:

  • A rural country with scarce communication media.
  • Where local *caciques* (political bosses) controlled the vote.

However, 30 years later, the situation had changed:

  • Economic growth and the development of the middle class occurred.
  • Vote control was no longer possible in large cities, leading to the rise of socialist movements.

The system was blamed for Spain’s backwardness and for serving the interests of the oligarchy. The dynastic parties were in crisis, lacking a clear program. Bipartisanship was threatened by opposition parties:

  • Radical Republican Party: Led by Alejandro Lerroux, known for his anticlericalism and demagoguery. It gained support among the middle and working classes.
  • Regionalist League of Catalonia: Led by Francesc Cambó, a monarchist party representing the conservative Catalan bourgeoisie. It advocated for administrative reforms.
  • PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party): Led by Pablo Iglesias, it adopted reformist positions, seeking social improvements.

Major Problems of the Period

Domestic Policy Issues:

  1. Constitutional: The need for genuine democratization of the political system.
  2. Religious: Left-wing demands for the separation of Church and State.
  3. Social: Social inequalities and poor living conditions for day laborers (*jornaleros*).
  4. Regional: The rise of nationalist demands in Catalonia.
  5. Military: The army’s growing protagonism, leaning towards conservative positions. The Law of Jurisdictions further empowered the military.

Foreign Policy Issue:

  1. Morocco: The major powers agreed to the partition of Morocco at the Conference of Algeciras, with Spain receiving the northern part.


Attempts were made to improve the system’s image without altering its essence.

a) Maura’s Government (Conservative)

Antonio Maura aimed to eliminate electoral manipulation and *caciquismo*.

  • Local Administration Law: Created provincial councils with professional corporations.
  • Electoral Reform: If there was only one candidate, they were automatically elected.

However, these actions did not lead to genuine democratization.

b) The Tragic Week of Barcelona

Military actions in Morocco resulted in the disaster of the Barranco del Lobo. The call-up of reservists in Catalonia led to protests and anticlerical violence, which were suppressed by the army. Consequences included:

  • International protests over the execution of Francisco Ferrer Guardia.
  • Criticism of Maura, leading to his resignation.
  • Increased cohesion of the labor movement, particularly anarchism.

c) Canalejas’ Government (Liberal)

José Canalejas’ liberal government implemented the following:

  • “Padlock Law”: Restricted the establishment of new religious communities.
  • Abolition of the consumption tax.
  • Establishment of mandatory military service, eliminating the possibility of redemption through payment.

4. The End of Reformism

After Canalejas’ assassination, a period of uncertainty began. The oligarchy prevented reforms that could endanger their power.

  • The Commonwealth of Catalonia was established, led by Enric Prat de la Riba.
  • The outbreak of World War I divided Spanish society into *Alliedophiles* (supporters of democracy and the Entente) and *Germanophiles* (supporters of order and the Central Powers).

The Crisis of 1917

The crisis had three phases and two main aspects:

  • The economic impact of World War I favored some sectors but not others.
  • The triumph of the Russian Revolution spread socialist ideals throughout Europe.

The regime faced challenges from three sectors: the military, the political opposition, and the labor movement.

a) Formation of Defense Committees

Army officers were discontented. The war in Morocco led to rapid promotions based on merit, while rising prices negatively affected those on fixed salaries.

b) The Parliamentary Assembly of Barcelona

Pressure from the Defense Committees forced the government to dissolve the *Cortes* (Parliament). The Regionalist League convened an assembly in Barcelona, calling for the reopening of the *Cortes* and the recognition of regional autonomy.

c) The General Strike

The CNT (National Confederation of Labor), UGT (General Union of Workers), and PSOE called for a general strike, demanding the convening of a Constituent Assembly and a new constitution.

King Alfonso XIII entrusted Eduardo Dato (conservative) with forming a government. Dato harshly repressed the strike, dissolved the Parliamentary Assembly, and made concessions to the military. Socialists accepted some of the workers’ demands.

The Crisis of the System (1917-1923)

a) Political Crisis

The traditional parties were in decline, and a succession of coalition governments followed, with both conservative and liberal ministers.

b) Increased Social Conflict

The end of the war led to factory closures and an economic crisis, resulting in increased unemployment. In Catalonia, strikes and conflicts intensified. In Andalusia, the “Bolshevik Triennium” was characterized by demands and struggles of day laborers, leading to strikes and repression.

c) The Annual Disaster

General Silvestre initiated a poorly planned military operation in Morocco, resulting in the Disaster of Annual. A commission led by General Picasso was tasked with investigating the disaster.

The most conservative sectors saw a dictatorship as the solution to the political and social crisis. Miguel Primo de Rivera, Captain General of Catalonia, staged a coup d’état in 1923, suspending the Constitution and ending the Restoration system.