Algorithm Design and Complexity Analysis
1. Defining an Algorithm and Its Characteristics
An algorithm is a finite set of well-defined instructions to solve a problem in a step-by-step manner.
Characteristics of an Algorithm:
- Finiteness: Must terminate after a finite number of steps.
- Definiteness: Each step must be clear and unambiguous.
- Input: Accepts zero or more inputs.
- Output: Produces at least one output.
- Effectiveness: Instructions must be basic and executable.
2. Time and Space Complexity of an Algorithm
- Time Complexity: Measures the amount of time an algorithm takes to run as a function of the input size (n). Example: O(n), O(n2).
- Space Complexity: Measures the memory space required by the algorithm during execution, including inputs, outputs, and auxiliary variables.
3. Divide and Conquer vs. Dynamic Programming
Aspect | Divide and Conquer | Dynamic Programming |
Approach | Solves subproblems independently. | Solves overlapping subproblems. |
Subproblem Nature | No reuse of subproblem solutions. | Reuses solutions using memoization. |
Examples | Merge Sort, Quick Sort. | Fibonacci, Shortest Path. |
4. Understanding Big-O Notation
Big-O Notation: Describes the upper bound of an algorithm’s time complexity in the worst-case scenario.
Example: If an algorithm’s time complexity is 5n2 + 3n + 2, Big-O is O(n2).
- Compares the efficiency of algorithms.
- Provides scalability insights.
5. Bubble Sort Algorithm Explained
- Start from the first element.
- Compare adjacent elements and swap if needed.
- Repeat for all elements until the array is sorted.
for i = 0 to n-1
for j = 0 to n-i-2
if arr[j] > arr[j+1]
swap(arr[j], arr[j+1])
Time Complexity:
- Best Case: O(n).
- Worst Case: O(n2).
6. Greedy Algorithm Technique
Definition: Greedy algorithms solve problems by choosing the locally optimal solution at each step, aiming for a global optimum.
Example: Huffman Encoding
Used for data compression. At each step, the algorithm merges the two smallest weights/nodes.
7. Merge Sort Algorithm Steps
Merge Sort uses Divide and Conquer to sort an array.
- Divide the array into two halves.
- Recursively sort both halves.
- Merge the two sorted halves.
Time Complexity: O(n log n) for all cases.
8. Backtracking Explained with an Example
Backtracking: A technique for solving problems recursively by trying to build a solution incrementally and backtracking when a solution fails.
Example: N-Queens Problem
- Place queens one by one in columns.
- If placing in a column leads to failure, backtrack to the previous column.
9. Understanding NP-Completeness
- P (Polynomial): Problems solved in polynomial time.
- NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial): Problems where solutions are verified in polynomial time.
- NP-complete: Problems that are both in NP and as hard as any NP problem.
Example: Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).
10. Prim’s vs. Kruskal’s Algorithms
Aspect | Prim’s Algorithm | Kruskal’s Algorithm |
Approach | Starts from a node, grows MST. | Sorts edges and adds to MST. |
Data Structures | Adjacency Matrix/Heap. | Disjoint Sets. |
Graph Type | Dense Graphs. | Sparse Graphs. |
11. Recursive Algorithm for GCD
Algorithm (Euclid’s Method):
- Base Case: If b = 0, return a.
- Recursive Case: GCD(a, b) = GCD(b, a mod b).
GCD(a, b):
if b == 0:
return a
return GCD(b, a % b)
12. The Knapsack Problem and Its Variations
Knapsack Problem: Optimize the total value of items placed in a knapsack without exceeding its capacity.
- 0/1 Knapsack: Items are either included or not.
- Fractional Knapsack: Items can be divided into fractions.
Dynamic Programming solves 0/1 Knapsack, and Greedy solves Fractional Knapsack.
13. Dijkstra’s Algorithm Explained
Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes in a weighted graph.
- Initialize distances to infinity; set source distance to 0.
- Select the node with the smallest distance.
- Update distances of adjacent nodes.
- Repeat until all nodes are processed.
Time Complexity: O(V2) or O((V+E) log V) using a priority queue.
Additional Problems and Solutions
1. (a) Prove: 2n2 + 5n + 2 = θ(n2)
To prove, compare lower and upper bounds:
- Lower Bound: 2n2 ≤ 2n2 + 5n + 2 for n > 0.
- Upper Bound: 2n2 + 5n + 2 ≤ 3n2 (as 5n + 2 is dominated by n2 for large n).
Hence, 2n2 + 5n + 2 is θ(n2).
(b) Solve the recurrence relation: T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n
Using Master’s Theorem:
a = 3, b = 2, f(n) = n. logb(a) = log2(3) ≈ 1.58.
Since f(n) = n and logb(a) > 1, T(n) = θ(nlog2(3)).
(c) Binary Search Algorithm:
- Set low = 0, high = n-1.
- While low ≤ high:
- Compute mid = (low + high) // 2.
- If arr[mid] == key, return mid.
- If arr[mid] < key, set low = mid + 1.
- Else, set high = mid – 1.
Complexity: Best Case: O(1), Worst Case: O(log n).
(d) Adjacency List Representation:
For a graph with vertices A, B, C, D:
A -> B, C B -> A, D C -> A D -> B
(e) Quick Sort Steps:
List: 8, 29, 30, 6, 25, 7, 8, 9
- Pivot = 8. Partition: [6, 7, 8] | [29, 30, 25, 9].
- Recursively sort left and right partitions.
Final Sorted List: 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 25, 29, 30.
2. (a) Definitions:
- Connected Graph: A graph where a path exists between every pair of vertices.
- Cycle in Undirected Graph: A path that starts and ends at the same vertex without repeating edges.
(b) Euclid’s Algorithm for GCD:
- If b == 0, return a.
- Else, GCD(a, b) = GCD(b, a % b).
Example: GCD(48, 18) = GCD(18, 12) = GCD(12, 6) = 6.
3. (a) Spanning Tree and Applications:
A spanning tree is a subgraph that connects all vertices with the minimum number of edges.
Applications: Network design, circuit design.
(b) Dijkstra’s Algorithm:
- Initialize distances to infinity; source = 0.
- Select the vertex with the smallest distance.
- Update distances of adjacent vertices.
- Repeat until all vertices are visited.
Complexity: O(V2) or O((V+E) log V) using a priority queue.
4. (a) Greedy Technique:
Greedy algorithms solve problems by choosing the best option at each step, aiming for a global optimum.
Example: Huffman Encoding.
(b) DFS Traversal (Starting from A):
Traversal: A -> B -> C -> D (adjust according to the graph structure).
5. (a) Mathematical Induction Proof:
Prove: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n = n(n+1)/2
- Base Case: For n=1, LHS=1, RHS=1. True.
- Inductive Step: Assume true for n=k, prove for n=k+1.
- LHS: 1 + 2 + … + k + (k+1) = k(k+1)/2 + (k+1) = (k+1)(k+2)/2.
(b) Prim’s Algorithm for MST:
- Start with any vertex.
- Add the smallest edge connecting visited and unvisited vertices.
- Repeat until all vertices are included.
Complexity: O(V2) or O(E log V) with a heap.