Analysis: Moix’s Julia & Spain’s 2008 Youth Report

Option A: Ana María Moix – Julia Analysis

Source: Ana María Moix. Julia. Barcelona: Lumen, 1991, pp. 9-10.

1.1 Text Summary

The text recounts the feelings of a girl after a nightmare, remembering how comforting it was for a child when that happened.

1.2 Stylistic Analysis

  • Syntactic Viewpoint: The text is built using short phrases, giving it a fast-paced and choppy rhythm.
  • Lexical Viewpoint: Emphasis on specific nouns: tremor, palpitations, pain (unbearable), screams, horror, respiration (contained, breathless); verbal expressions: the heart beat in the throat, shortness of breath, dug her nails; and adverbs: quickly, continuously, etc.

1.3 Vocabulary Definitions

  1. To fold the sheet of the bed in the part that touches the face (DRAE definition).
  2. Shrunken, contracted, curled up (as a reaction to fear, pain, etc.).
  3. With the body bent so that the buttocks are close to the ground or heels (squatting).
  4. Would surely be arriving soon / It should take some time to arrive.

1.4 Comprehension Question

The correct answer is c).

1.5 Comprehension Question

The correct answer is a).

3.1 Grammatical Analysis

  1. Direct Object.
  2. Concessive Adverbial Subordinate Clause.
  3. Clause: los brazos que se cierran contra un pecho que unas veces pertenecía a Aurelia y otras a Ernesto, que explicaría la salida de mamá al cine o al teatro y que no tardaría en llegar. (The arms that close against a chest that sometimes belonged to Aurelia and others to Ernesto, who would explain Mom’s departure to the cinema or the theater and would surely be arriving soon.)
  4. Indirect Object: le. Direct Objects (coordinated): la salida de mamá al cine o al teatro and que no tardaría en llegar.
  5. 3rd person plural, preterite imperfect subjunctive.
  6. Adverb.

3.2 Sentence Transformation Proposal

He said it was still early, told her not to be silly, and suggested looking inside to see that there was nothing.

3.3 Pronoun Reference and Function

Pronoun: la (implied in ‘contener’)
Function: Direct Object (CD)
Referred to: palpitations
Pronoun: la (implied in ‘oía’)
Function: Direct Object (CD)
Referred to: Julia (or something she heard)
Pronoun: le (implied in ‘demostrará’)
Function: Indirect Object (CI)
Referred to: Julia
Pronoun: les (implied in ‘llamaba’)
Function: Direct Object (CD)
Referred to: Aurelia, Ernesto…

3.4 Grammar Question

The correct answer is c).

3.5 Grammar Question

The correct answer is b).

Option B: Youth Institute Report Analysis

Source: Institute of Youth. Report of Youth in Spain 2008.

1.1 Report Summary

This text discusses the results of the Youth in Spain Report 2008, focusing on two aspects:

  1. Participatory Culture: Highlights a trend of youth participation in solidarity actions alongside disinterest in politics. It also notes the increasing role of new technologies in leisure and consumption among young people.
  2. Gender Inequality: Shows the disadvantageous situation of women compared to men in the workplace, although women tend to be more educated.

1.2 Term Definitions

  1. Non-institutional: Not carried out within the framework of any official institution (e.g., council, autonomous community, state).
  2. Solidarity Actions: Activities intended to mitigate inequalities.
  3. Gender Inequality: Situations where men and women receive different treatment, usually disadvantaging women.
  4. Social Cohesion/Functioning: The desirable operation and structure of a group of people living together.

1.3 Word Meanings

  • PERJUICIO (Damage/Detriment): Material or moral damage.
  • PREJUICIO (Prejudice): An opinion formed before knowing all aspects regarding an event or person.

1.4 Comprehension Question

The correct answer is b).

1.5 Comprehension Question

The correct answer is a).

3.1 Grammatical Element Identification

  1. Verb: destaca (highlights)
  2. Subject/Noun Phrase: el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y las actividades a través de la red (que están activando nuevas formas de relación y afectividad personal) (the use of new technologies and activities through the network (which are activating new forms of relationships and personal affection))
  3. Grammatical Function: Direct Object
  4. Clause Analysis: que está activando nuevas formas de relación y afectividad personal (that is triggering new forms of relationships and personal affection). Type: Explanatory Relative Adjectival Subordinate Clause.

3.2 Word Formation (Prefix ‘auto-‘)

  • Auto- (Self): Examples: autobiografía (autobiography), autoadhesivo (self-adhesive), autocensura (self-censorship), autodefensa (self-defense), etc.
  • Auto- (Car): Examples: autopista (motorway), autolavado (car wash), autochoque (bumper car), autoestop (hitchhiking), autovía (highway), etc.

3.3 Voice Transformation Examples

  • Passive Reflexive: Se constata que las mujeres obtienen niveles educativos más altos que los hombres. (It is noted that women obtain higher educational levels than men).
  • Active: Constatamos / La gente constata… que las mujeres obtienen niveles educativos más altos que los hombres. (We note / People note… that women obtain higher educational levels than men).
  • Periphrastic Passive: Que las mujeres obtienen niveles educativos más altos que los hombres es constatado (por nosotros / por la gente…). (That women obtain higher educational levels than men is noted (by us / by people…)).

3.4 Grammar Question

The correct answer is c).

3.5 Grammar Question

The correct answer is a).