Analysis of Article 6 of the Organic Law of the State (1967)

Article 6 of the Organic Law of the State (1967)


This fragment analyzes Article 6 of the Organic Law of the State, a historical text-policy legislation presented by Franco to Parliament on November 22, 1966. It was approved unanimously and enthusiastically by Franco’s supporters. This Law was submitted to a national referendum on December 14th, after a campaign in its favor orchestrated by the Franco regime. The referendum vote was influenced by economic sanctions against abstentionists. Official results reported 88.85% of votes cast, with 95.50% saying “yes.” After the referendum, the State Act was published in the BOE (Official State Bulletin) on January 10, 1967.

Main Idea

The main idea is the ratification of dictatorial power and the omnipotence of Franco as Head of State and leader of the National Movement. The Organic Law of the State was designed to ensure the regime’s existence after Franco’s death. It was one of the fundamental laws promulgated by Franco and unified and coordinated major Francoist laws previously passed, including the entrenchment of the monarchy, strengthening the powers of the Privy Council, and the institutionalization of the Movement through the National Council.


Franco described the new Organic Law of the State as real progress in the democratization of the Spanish political process. The Act served as a kind of constitution for the Franco regime, where citizen representation was not exercised individually but through the family, the municipality, and the union. The Courts increased the number of its members, and the system’s security admitted a small opening, allowing some members, called “family solicitors,” to be elected by heads of families and married women.

Despite these changes, Franco controlled all three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) and exercised supreme command of the Army, one of the pillars of the regime. He maintained public order through the repression of any opposition. The Organic Law of the State emerged during Spain’s economic development and modernization. The Franco regime sought to project an appearance of “democracy.” However, true democratic change would only come after the dictator’s death.

Political Immobility and Anti-Francoism

Franco’s Regime (1939-1975)

During his nearly forty years in power, Franco had to adapt his political methods to ensure his continued rule. This led to a contradiction: when Franco died, Spain was economically developed but politically underdeveloped. In 1959, he promulgated the Public Order Act, which allowed the “legal” persecution of opponents. In 1962, when the dictator’s age became a concern, a vice president position was created, occupied by General Muñoz Grandes. In January 1967, the Organic Law of the State was promulgated, intended as a constitution for the Franco regime. In 1969, Juan Carlos de Borbón was proclaimed Franco’s successor and awarded the title of Prince of Spain. In June 1973, Carrero Blanco became president of the government but was assassinated by ETA. Carlos Arias Navarro, his successor, was unable to steer the system towards openness. Franco died in November 1975.

Opposition to the Regime

. The Organic Law of the State comes at a time when Spain was in economic development in a modernizing society gradually so the Franco regime sought to give an appearance of “democracy.” The truth is that true democratic change would come only after missing the dictador.TEMA 11.INMOVILISMO POLITICAL AND Antifranquista. Over the nearly forty years of his regime had to be patched Franco ways and modes polor affiliation as more and agreed to its superwind perpetuación.Ello led to a contradiction because, when Franco died, Spain was a fully developed country in the economic and fully político.En underdeveloped in 1959 he promulgated the Public Order Act, which possible to pursue “legal” all opponents who had previously convicted more arbitraria.En 1962 when the old dictator became worrisome was created vice president who went to General Munoz Grandes. In January 1967 he promulgated the Organic Law of State who wanted to be a kind of constitution of the Franco regime. In 1969 Juan Carlos de Borbon, who was awarded the title of Prince of Spain, was proclaimed successor to Franco years Rey.Mismo title Carrero Blanco became president in fact, in June 1973 Carrero Blanco was officially named president government, being killed by sutituira in office ETA.Le Carlos Arias Navarro unable to redirect the system towards openness, In November 1975, tas moria disease Franco Franco.El power was maintained through the support of the military and three ideological groups (Falangists, Catholic and monarchist) to which attached greater or lesser power according to the same free will conveniese.En it must be recognized that frankly was a teacher when one of them would be imposed on others poder.Por Franco away from the other side the division between the various groups opposing the regime effectively to the rest of estos.Los student movements had great symbolic value because those who were demonstrating against Franco were the losers of the Civil War, but the educated and somewhat privileged dictadura.Las student protests in 1956 convinced the political opposition outside the need to act within the main country.Security organacizaciones opposed to Franco’s regime were the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE). The PCE re-released in 1957 as a destabilizing element strikes the Communists continued to make system.The one oposicióion and at death of Franco the PCE was stronger verbal real.El PSOE also suffered a deep division, the party leadership, living abroad, held political positions in the Second Republic and the Civil War, while members worked with all political groups and the monarchy will be imposed with parlamentaria.Estos last election (France, 1974) by Felipe González as general secretary of partido.En 1959 also had emerged ETA.Con time this group would go radicalized and in 1968 made the first of a series of attacks still unfinished terroristas.Entre 1970 and 1975 increased coordination position and anti-regime parties franquista.Los position calling for the formation of a government provisional.En July 1974 in Paris on the Democratic Board composed of the PSOE PCE.El animo a year after the formation of Platform of Democratic Convergence .* Both organizations merged into Democratic Coordinating Platajunta also known that I can not operate due to political developments in Spain after the death of ex.