Analysis of Characters in Don Juan

Characters in Don Juan

Main Characters

Don Juan

Don Juan is the central character, known for his immorality, lack of scruples in love affairs, and defiant and bullying social behavior. His seduction and deception of women, including Isabela, Tisbea, Arminta, and Doña Ana, are central to the plot. His mockery extends to figures of authority, including the King and Don Gonzalo. Don Juan’s constant postponement of repentance and his belief in the unpredictability of death contribute to his tragic fate.


Catalinón, Don Juan’s servant, is present in all the seduction scenes. He serves as a comic counterpoint to Don Juan, expressing fears and concerns through jokes. While disapproving of his master’s actions, his social standing restricts him to verbal disapproval.

Don Gonzalo de Ulloa (The Stone Guest)

Don Gonzalo, Doña Ana’s father, represents both political and religious power. Though a static figure, his role is crucial. He embodies the Church and, after death, becomes an agent of divine justice, dragging Don Juan to hell.

The Women Circumvented

Three main women are mocked by Don Juan. Isabela, a noblewoman, is tricked into believing she is with her lover. Tisbea and Arminta, commoners, are seduced without disguise. Doña Ana’s case is more complex, with debate over whether she was deceived or aware of Don Juan’s trickery.

  • Isabela:Believing she is with Octavio, she is seduced by Don Juan in the King’s palace. Her cynicism is evident in her willingness to exploit the situation.
  • Tisbea:The only woman genuinely in love with Don Juan, she stands out for her sincerity and the pain caused by her seduction.
  • Arminta:A comedic character, she is marked by her foolish gullibility and ambition for social advancement.
  • Doña Ana de Ulloa:Possibly the only woman to escape Don Juan’s deception, although interpretations vary.

Other Characters

  • The Marquis of Mota:A frequent visitor of Seville’s brothels and an apprentice seducer, he is unwisely trusting of Don Juan.
  • Octavio:Repeatedly deprived of his women by Don Juan, he eventually accepts Isabela, despite the public disgrace.
  • Gazeno:Arminta’s father, a comically vain character.
  • Batricio:A victim of Don Juan’s abuse, he is powerless against the seducer’s exploitation.