Analysis of Humanistic, Literary, and Journalistic Texts

Humanistic Text

Definition: Linked to the study of human beings and their social activities, arts, and culture.

Features: Subjective, with a persuasive intent using arguments to defend ideas. It has an abstract and speculative character, employing various language functions (representative, appellative, metalinguistic, expressive, and poetic). It uses specific terminology.

Types of Humanistic Text:

  • Recipient: Divulgate, specialized, academic
  • Transmission Channel: Lecture, discussion
  • Sender’s Intention: Descriptive, instructive, educational

According to Subject Development:

  • Types: Philosophical, critical, literary, sociological, historical

Lexical Features: Evaluative lexicon, abstract vocabulary, vocative, semantic relations.

Morphological Traits: Dominance of the 1st person, impersonal 3rd person with value, use of the timeless present. Subjunctive for expressing opinions, frequent use of verbal forms and periphrasis. Preference for long sentences that favor the development of thought, especially causal, subordinate, consecutive, final, and conditional clauses.

Textual Features: Deictic, recurrence, discourse markers, graphic resources, rhetorical devices.

Literary Text

Elements of Communication: Sender, receiver, message, channel, code, location.

Features: Subjectivity, literary devices, multiple meanings (ambiguity), language functions (representative, appellative, poetic, metalinguistic, phatic).

Textual Modalities: Narrative, dialogue, argumentation, description, exposition.


  • Elegia, eclogue, ode, song, satire

Narrative Genre

  • Novels, short stories, letters, fables

Drama or Theatrical

  • Monologue, expressive, poetic, appellative, conative

Dramatic Subgenres

  • Major: Tragedy, comedy, drama
  • Minor: Auto sacramental, passing hors d’oeuvres, vaudeville, operetta

Lexical and Semantic Features: Literary language, subjective lexicon, word formation, literary figures.

Literary Figures: Epithet, simile (comparison), metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, personification, oxymoron, antithesis, synesthesia.

Morphological and Syntactic Features: Verb forms, adjectives, metabasis (substantification of adjectives), literary figures.

Literary Figures: Bimembracion, chiasmus, puns, pleonasm, hyperbaton.

Textual Features:

  • Recurrence: Phonics (alliteration, polysyndeton), lexicon (anadiplosis, anaphora), morphosyntactic (parallelism)
  • Ellipsis: Ellipsis (removal of words), asyndeton (elimination of conjunctions)
  • Textual markers (when, while), (here, there)
  • Theatrical stage directions and asides

Journalistic Text

Elements of Communication:

  • Sender: Journalist
  • Recipient: Varied and universal
  • Message: Information content
  • Channel: Oral, written, or audiovisual
  • Code: Linguistic and non-linguistic
  • Situation: Explaining the place

Features: Clarity and precision, clear language, accurate, objective, and denotative. News and schedule, reporting and interpreting communicative intent.

According to the Intention


  • Features: Objectivity and veracity
  • Linguistic Functions: Representative
  • Textual Modalities: Exposition, narration, description, and dialogue

Opinion and Interpretation

  • Features: Subjectivity
  • Linguistic Functions: Expressive and appellative
  • Textual Modalities: Exposition and argumentation


  • Features: Objectivity and precision
  • Linguistic Functions: Appellative
  • Textual Modalities: Exposition and description

Information Genres: Representative function

  • Features: Objectivity, denotative language, specific lexicon
  • Textual Modalities: Narrations, description, or dialogue
  • Journalistic Subgenres: News report, interview

Types of Opinion: Language functions: appellative and expressive or poetic

  • Features: Subjectivity, personalization
  • Textual Modalities: Exposition to argumentation
  • Subgenres: Editorials, letters to the editor, articles, reviews

Mixed Genre: History: Mixes information with opinion, connotative language, agile character.

Linguistic Features – Lexical: Neologisms, linguistic permeability (changes topic), jargon, euphemisms, stereotyped formulas.

Morphological and Syntactic Features:

  • 3rd-person verb forms to show objectivity (information), 1st person denotes subjectivity (opinion), nominal constructions: noun phrases predominate, passives, travel supplement, styles of dialogue.

Textual Features: Ellipsis, literary figures.

Non-Linguistic Features: Typographical code, iconic code.

Compound Sentence:

  • Subordination: Nexus
  • Juxtaposition: By commas or punctuation
  • Coordination: Structures that do not complement each other.

Types of Coordination

  • Copulative: (link e, and, iii)
  • Distributive: (link some … others, here … there, this … that)
  • Disjunctive: (or nexus, or well)
  • Adversative: (link but, but, but)
  • Explanatory: (i.e. link, i.e. bone)
  • Consecutive: (this is why, why, why)