Anatomical Landmarks: Skull, Foot, Skin, and Limb Regions
Posted on Feb 21, 2025 in Biology
Anatomical Landmarks
Skull Features
- Trigeminal Impression: Shallow depression near the apex.
- Arcuate Eminence: Resides posterior to the trigeminal impression; raised by the anterior semicircular canal of the labyrinth.
- Tegmen Tympani: A thin plate located between the walls of the tympanic cavity. A purulent process can melt the bony plate and spread from the middle ear onto the brain meninges.
- Petrosquamous Fissure: Separates the anterior surface of the petrous part from the cerebral surface of the squamous part.
- Hiatus of Greater Petrosal Nerve: A small opening situated laterally from the trigeminal impression.
- Groove for Greater Petrosal Nerve: Lies in front of the opening.
- Hiatus for Lesser Petrosal Nerve: A small opening, which resides lateral from the previous hiatus.
- Sulcus for Lesser Petrosal Nerve: Runs in front of its opening.
- Groove for Superior Petrosal Sinus: Extends along the upper margin of the pyramid.
Foot Anatomy
- Talus Trochlea: Upper portion of the bone with articulation with the shin bone.
- Head of Talus: Anterior convex portion of the bone with the articular surface of the navicular.
- Lateral / Medial / Posterior Process
- Anterior, Medial, and Posterior Faces for Calcaneus
- Calcaneal Tuberosity: Relatively large projection back and downward.
- Sustentaculum Tali: A process medially.
- Anterior, Middle, and Posterior Talar Articular Surfaces
- Articular Surface for Cuboid
- Navicular: Situated between the talus and cuneiform bones.
- Medial Cuneiform: Sits in front and medially from the navicular and articulates with the first metatarsal bone.
- Intermediate Cuneiform: Sits in front of the navicular and lateral to the former bone.
- Cuboid: Lies on the lateral side of the foot.
Skin Layers
- Stratum Basale (Stratum Germinativum): Deepest layer; single layer of columnar or cuboidal cells; rapid and repeat mitotic division. Contains Merkel cells, Langerhans cells, melanocytes, and few lymphocytes.
- Stratum Spinosum: Several layers of keratinocytes attached to each other.
- Stratum Granulosum: Few layers of flattened & degenerative keratinocyte cells.
- Stratum Lucidum: Transparent band/layer; appears homogenous, cell boundaries are extremely indistinct; dead keratinocyte layer; traces of flattened nuclei can be seen; present in thick skin.
- Stratum Corneum: Superficial layer; made up of dead keratinocytes devoid of nuclei and cell organelles; desquamation occurs.
Cubital Fossa
- Lateral Border: Medial border of the brachioradialis.
- Medial Border: Lateral border of the pronator teres.
- Superior Border: Horizontal line between epicondyles.
- Roof: Bicipital aponeurosis, fascia, subcutaneous fat, and skin.
- Floor: Brachialis.
- Radial Nerve: Along the lateral border.
- Biceps Tendon: Centrally.
- Brachial Artery: Apex of cubital fossa.
- Median Nerve: Medially through cubital fossa.
Femoral Triangle
- Base: Inguinal ligament.
- Medial Border: Medial border of adductor longus.
- Lateral Border: Medial border of sartorius.
- Apex: Meeting of two muscles.
- Floor: Adductor longus, pectineus, psoas major, and iliacus.
- Roof: Fascia lata with saphenous opening and cribriform fascia.
- Contents: Femoral nerve & branches, artery & branches, vein & tributaries, lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh, deep inguinal lymph nodes, femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve.