Anatomy of Chest, Abdomen, and Facial Muscles

m.tronco. Oc.vertebral IcostilasFrespiracion serratus. trapezius. Overtebras IhombroFi.cabeza. latissimus dorsi. Olumbar IhúmeroFaducir, rotate, brzo, elvc.costillas. intertransversarios. Fincl.c.lados. 4drado loins. Oc.iliaca I12costilla Fpelvis to his side before. Psoas. Oc.lumbar Ifémur. ilium. Ifémur Ilica Ofosa Rub trunk side.

Major Chest Muscles

Pectoralis Major: Running from the collarbone and sternum up to the first ribs, its function is upper limb adduction and it’s inspiring.

Pectoralis Minor: Is below the anterior muscle, going from the first ribs to the scapula and its function is depressor and adductor shoulder and it’s inspiring.

Subclavius: Is below the clavicle and extends to the first rib, it is depressing.

Intercostal Muscle Group

Its function is primarily respiratory.

External Intercostals

They are between a rib and another.

Internal Intercostals

Are on the inside of the external intercostals.

Innermost Intercostals

Are between adjacent ribs reach the sternum.

Deep Muscle Group

Triangularis Sterni

Is born of the posterior sternum and is inserted into the costal cartilages 2 through 6th. Function is to lower costal cartilages.

Anterolateral Abdomen Region

Its function is to compress the viscera and is involved in: urination, discharge, forced inspiration, vomiting and childbirth; allow flexion and trunk extension and rotation and lateralization.

Rectus Abdominis

It is a paired muscle that runs from the pubis to the chest, are united in the midline by the white line.


Running from the pubis to the white line, is an inconstant muscle.

Transversus Abdominis

It is a paired muscle, the deepest in the abdomen and extends from the spine to the white line around the abdomen, you lower your form, along with the so-called oblique tendon.

External Oblique

It also is even, ranging from the iliac crest and pubis, until the last ribs and the white line, the median abdominal form.

Internal Oblique

It is the most superficial muscle of the abdomen, is even and is located between the anterior chest wall Iateral, pubis, femoral arch and the iliac crest.


• Sternocleidomastoid.

Source: Muscle thickness ranging obliquely from the upper chest to the mastoid process.

Insert: Formed by two parts.

The sternal and clavicular bundle. P or above is inserted into the mastoid process of temporal bone and occipital bone.

Thick Skin Muscles

These muscles are those most intimate connections with the skin and allow us to express the mood.

Are very flat and thin, and most are around the holes in the face: eyelid holes, nostrils and mouth. The contraction or relaxation can open or close the eyelids, nostrils and lips.

They are divided into four main groups:

Muscles of the eyelids and eyebrows.

Muscles of the pinna.

Muscles of the nose.

Muscles of the lips.

M. Temporalis: The rise of the temporal fossae and end by their insertion in the mandible on mandible.