Ancient Art History: A Timeline of Masterpieces

Standard of Ur

Artist: Unknown

Period: Early Dynastic

Dates: 2400-2600 BCE

Origin: Iraq

Historical Significance:

This piece is an early example of historical storytelling. It displays agriculture, trade, and the spoils of war. The Standard of Ur was found in a royal tomb.

Victory Stele of Naram-Sin

Artist: Unknown

Period: Mesopotamian

Dates: 2254-2218 BCE

Origin: Iraq

Historical Significance:

The limestone piece displays hierarchy of scale as Naram-Sin climbs a mountain to heaven after defeating his enemies.

Ishtar Gate

Artist: Unknown

Period: Neo-Babylonian

Dates: 562-604 BCE

Origin: Babylonian Iraq

Historical Significance:

One of the city’s most important monuments, the Ishtar Gate was built from blue glazed brick. The arched design is embroidered with animals. The gate was constructed as the city was restored to its former greatness.

Palette of King Narmer

Artist: Unknown

Period: Predynastic

Dates: 3000 BCE

Origin: Egypt

Historical Significance:

One of the earliest surviving labeled works in art history. The front depicts Narmer wearing the crown of Lower Egypt reviewing the severed heads of enemies. Two animals with intertwining necks symbolize a united kingdom. The back shows Narmer now wearing the crown of Upper Egypt while he slays a captured enemy.

Khafre Enthroned

Artist: Unknown

Period: Old Kingdom

Dates: 2520-2494 BCE

Origin: Giza, Egypt

Historical Significance:

The stone statue was meant to display the body of a perfect ruler in eternal stillness that was deemed appropriate for the afterlife.

Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple

Artist: Unknown

Period: New Kingdom

Dates: 1473-1458 BCE

Origin: Deir el-Bahri, Egypt

Historical Significance:

Hatshepsut was the first great female monarch. Her temple is decorated with an extensive series of painted reliefs recounting her divine birth, coronation, and great deeds.

Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

Artist: Polykleitos

Period: High Classical

Dates: 450 BCE

Origin: Italy

Historical Significance:

One of the earliest sculptures that displayed human movements and cross-balancing throughout all parts of the body.

Dying Gaul

Artist: Epigonos

Period: Hellenistic

Dates: 230 BCE

Origin: Rome

Historical Significance:

Made in victory, showing a wounded man on his shield.

Venus de Milo

Artist: Alexandros

Period: Hellenistic

Dates: 150 BCE

Origin: Melos, Greece

Historical Significance:

Marble statue of Aphrodite exposing her chest while undressing in order to show the overtly sexual female form.


Artist: Phidias

Period: High Classical

Dates: 447 BCE

Origin: Athens, Greece

Historical Significance:

Lavishly decorated with statues and built with mathematical precision in its harmonious design and shallow dome structure.

Head of the Elderly Patrician

Artist: Unknown

Period: Veristic

Dates: 50 BCE

Origin: Osimo, Italy

Historical Significance:

Striking realism showing every detail, including wrinkles and folds of skin that come with old age.

Column of Trajan

Artist: Apollodorus of Damascus

Period: High Imperial

Dates: 112 CE

Origin: Rome

Historical Significance:

The 128 ft. tower was created to honor Emperor Trajan’s successes. It tells the story of the Dacian Wars in 150 episodes, depicting campaigns, battles, reliefs, and sacrifices.

The Pantheon

Artist: Hadrian

Period: High Imperial

Dates: 118 CE

Origin: Rome

Historical Significance:

A concrete temple of the gods, the Pantheon has the ancient world’s largest dome surrounded by decorative panels made to represent the starry heavens.

Arch of Constantine

Artist: Constantine

Period: Late Imperial

Dates: 312 CE

Origin: Rome

Historical Significance:

Panels represent the victory and success of an emperor.

Christ as Good Shepherd

Artist: Unknown

Period: Early Christian

Dates: 425 CE

Origin: Ravenna

Historical Significance:

Mosaic featuring Jesus robed in gold and purple among his flock with a realistic landscape and shadows rooted in naturalist and classical traditions.

Hagia Sophia

Artist: Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus

Period: Early Byzantine

Dates: 532 CE

Origin: Constantinople

Historical Significance:

Pendentive construction using domes, a standing structure of religion, reaching up to the heavens.

Justinian, Bishop Maximus, and Attendants

Artist: Unknown

Period: Byzantine

Dates: 547 CE

Origin: Ravenna

Historical Significance:

Mosaic revealing the new Byzantine aesthetic, displaying the religious and political authority of the emperor with a purple robe and halo.

Dome of the Rock

Artist: Abd al-Malik

Period: Islamic

Dates: 687 CE

Origin: Jerusalem

Historical Significance:

Marks the triumph of Islam in Jerusalem. The towering gold-colored dome is a sacred space for Christians, Jews, and Muslims.


Artist: Unknown

Period: Islamic

Dates: 1354 CE

Origin: Iran

Historical Significance:

Masterpiece of Iranian tilework, including calligraphy of Koran prayers capable of being seen even while kneeling.


Artist: Unknown

Period: Romanesque

Dates: 1070 CE

Origin: France

Historical Significance:

Grand aerial view, set on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela to accommodate travelers.

Last Judgment

Artist: Gislebertus

Period: Romanesque

Dates: 1120 CE

Origin: Autun, France

Historical Significance:

Made to scare sinners to the church. God presides over the separation of the blessed and the damned.

Saint Denis

Artist: Abbot Suger

Period: Early Gothic

Dates: 1140 CE

Origin: France

Historical Significance:

Marked the beginning of Gothic architecture: rib vaults, slender columns, and stained-glass windows.


Artist: Unknown

Period: High Gothic

Dates: 1225 CE

Origin: Paris

Historical Significance:

First use of the flying buttress on the grand scale of a cathedral to counter the thrust of nave vaults and walls.

Röttgen Pietà

Artist: Unknown

Period: Late Gothic

Dates: 1300 CE

Origin: Rhineland, Germany

Historical Significance:

Church sculpture showing Mary holding a dead Christ in her lap to show the suffering and grief of Mary and Christ’s followers. Shows the human body in motion.