Ancient China: Shang, Confucianism, Qin & Han Dynasties

Ancient China Unit

Shang Dynasty Artifacts: What They Reveal

The Shang dynasty was the first dynasty which united the clans of China. The artifacts left over from this dynasty can tell us a lot about the civilization. We know about the writing system from bones which had hieroglyphs carved on them. The characteristics of a civilization include government, technology, stable food supply, social class, and system of communication. We can learn about government from bones and lifestyle of people. We can also learn about technology from housing, tools and weapons, and we can learn about the military from the remnants of their weapons. We can tell a lot from artifacts from the Shang dynasty.

Civilization Characteristics & Shang Dynasty Examples

Their environment and on the ruins that they used to have a civilization

Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism: Similarities & Differences

Confucianism Based on the teaching of superior and inferior, stressed filial piety and government with a skilled bureaucracy.

Daoism Stressed the natural order of the universal force the Dao, humans should live in harmony with nature, you cannot control society, if you do you’re just creating chaos.

Legalism Efficient government based on agriculture and military strength, harsh punishments and rewards maintain social order, harshest.

Influence of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism on Political Rule

All three schools of thought developed in the later years of the Zhou dynasty. Zhou rulers believed they had the Mandate of Heaven, a divine right to rule China. For a time, the Zhou’s practice of feudalism helped stabilize China. But during the dynasty’s later years, China collapsed into disorder. Political unrest led many scholars to debate the proper way to rule.

Confucius taught his followers that peace and order depended upon proper behavior. Those in authority must lead by example. Those lower in status must obey. Confucianism led Han leaders to hire civil servants based on ability and tested knowledge rather than on family relationships.

Daoists believed that people should live simply and in harmony with the ways of nature. Harmony could be reached by balancing yin and yang, the opposite forces of nature. Daoists said that the best rulers were those who ruled the least.

Legalists believed that people were driven by their own self-interest. Legalism taught the rulers could create order in society only through strict laws and harsh punishments.

Emperor of Qin: An Effective Leader?

Yes, I do think the Emperor of Qin is an effective leader because he unified Chinese government and culture. Spectacular projects. Tomb surrounded by rivers of mercury.

Han Dynasty: Improvements to Government and Daily Life

In Confucianism, people should be gifted over how good they are, in Legalism people will be punished for the acts they have done, Legalism has strict rules and if you don’t follow these rules you will be punished and you will be awarded if you follow these harsh rules and Daoism is the explanation of the Yin and Yang, which is your spiritual balance. Its also partly being in peace with nature.

Han Dynasty: Achievement Contributing to Expansion

The government because it was much better than the one that used to be used by the Qin dynasty.

Han Dynasty: Achievement Improving Daily Life

Mostly the way of the philosophy of Confucianism.