Ancient Greek Art and Architecture: Temples, Sculptures, and More

Ancient Greek Art and Architecture

Temple of Zeus, Olympia (Libon of Elis) 470-450 B.C.

Architect: Libon of Elis

East Pediment: The seer Iamos.

West Pediment: Apollo; Centaur grappling with a Lapith woman

Metope: Herakles & the Cretan Bull.

Temple E @ Selinus

Sculptured Metopes

Tradition of Sicily: Back chamber where cult statue was located

Doric Frieze

Metope: Zeus and Hera;

Gestures & interactions of the relief carving distinguish divinity. Hera; common motif for Greek artists to indicate a wife. Wedding gesture


Drapery still looks archaic, conservative

Material: Soft local limestone

Separately made pieces for female figures, showing body parts (hands, feet, face, etc.) carved of marble.

Male divinity elements; braided hair around head.

Metope: Artemis and Aktaion

Goddess and Hunter

Story: Aktaion finds Artemis bathing in the forest, virgin goddess, hunting dogs attack Aktaion. Deer skin draped over Aktaion.

Material: Limestone

Head, arms, and feet of Artemis made of marble.

Metope: Athena and a Giant (Enchelados), Herakles and Amazon.

Expression of Pythagorean polarities?

Violent scene, male against the female. Lion wrapped around the male indicating Herakles.

Story of Herakles killing an Amazon, common.

Explored artistic theme of violent scenes, specifically man against woman.

Again; marble parts on female divinity

Kritios Boy (Theseus) 480 B.C. Early Classical

Found: Athenian Acropolis


  • Slight tilt of head
  • Slight Contrapposto

Male figures; generic to more specific representations of heroes and gods.

The Tyrannicides of Kritios & Nesiotes 477 B.C.

Found: Athens

Roman copies of Bronze originals by Kritios & Nesiotes

Material: Marble

Aristogeiton: older, bearded man;

Harmodios: younger, no beard.

Both holding swords depicted as assassins.

Set up in the marketplace of Athens. Seen as heroes who paved the way for Athenian Democracy. First evidence of using art as propaganda

Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) of Myron 450 B.C.

Roman copy of original Bronze by Myron; Roman writer confirmed Myron’s identity.

Athletic scene

Head: conservative, wide jaw, pouty lips. (severe style?) Hair: very fine locks, incised.

Angelitos’ Athena 480 B.C.

Found: Athenian Acropolis

Aegis: protective garment around the collar bone/chest area, the head of the gorgon preserved on it. Bronze snake heads.

Wearing a peplos.

Most likely placed on a column in the acropolis, in dedication to Angelitos.

Artemision God 460-450 B.C.

Found: In the sea off Cape Artemision

Original Greek piece made of bronze.

Probably representing Zeus; Most likely holding a lightning bolt.

Elements: life-like, good understanding of realism and how the body works but not entirely accurate. Muscles in the torso do not relate to the action the figure is doing, looks more like a relaxed torso.

Noble depiction of the head, authority, hairstyle; braided around the head, divinity symbol.

Eyes are hollow sockets; other statues that survived had separate material for colorful eyes.

Other colored materials were used for lips and brows; Copper

Some bronze figures that survived had Silver teeth.

Most bronze figures were melted down for usefulness, most figures that survived were found in the sea. Went down with shipwrecks

Mourning Athena 470 B.C.

Found: Athenian Acropolis

Contemplating, tall upright slab (stele) in front of her; often used to display inscriptions of text. Perhaps a contract or law.

Specific Athena Elements:

  • Aegis; protective garment around the collar, the head of the gorgon preserved on it. Bronze snake heads.
  • Peplos; garment with many vertical folds
  • One hand on hip and the other holding a spear, including a helmet.

Parthenon (Iktinos, Kallikrates) 447 B.C.

Doric Sculptures

Iktinos; Architect, some sources only identify Iktinos perhaps more important of the two.

Kallikrates; Architect

Pediment Sculpture

East Pediment: Birth of Athena
  • Born right out of Zeus’ head.
  • Herakles or Dionysos = sitting on animal skin, appropriate for both characters
  • Demeter and Kore = identified as females due to overlying folds, deep hollows in the garments. Much more realistic
  • Hestia? Dione? And Aphrodite = figure laying down is Aphrodite, garment falling off the shoulder. Excessive drapery but flows on the body well enough to reveal what is underneath.