Ancient Greek Science and the Properties of Metals

Module 5: Phenomena in the Sky

1. What Territories Included Classical Greece?

The west coast of Turkey (Asia Minor), Greece, and Magna Graecia (south and west of Italy, as well as Sicily).

2. What Is the Theological Stage of Science?

It is a time of human history in which natural phenomena were attributed to supernatural beings.

3. In Isaac Asimov’s Book, Great Ideas of Science, What Are the Two Basic Assumptions of the School of Thales or Ionian School?

There are more than assumptions, but since this has been building science:

  • The universe behaves according to certain “laws of nature” that cannot be altered.
  • Human reason is capable of clarifying the nature of the laws governing the universe.

These two cases, unless the existing laws of nature and man can illuminate them through reason, is the idea of Science.

4. What Was the Crucial Matter of the Universe According to Thales of Miletus?


5. What Was the Origin of All Things According to Anaximenes of Miletus?


6. What Thinker Suggested That Any Fire?

Heraclitus of Ephesus.

7. What Was the Crucial Matter of the Universe According to Xenophanes of Elea?

The Earth.

8. What Elements Constitute the Universe According to Xenophanes of Elea?

  • Earth
  • Water
  • Air
  • Fire

9. According to Current Thinking the Universe Is Made up of…

Matter and Energy.

10. Relate the Ideas of Empedocles with the Current

  • The Earth is currently referred to as the solid-state material.
  • Water refers to the subject now in a liquid state.
  • Air is now referred to as matter in a gaseous state.
  • Water is related to energy, which causes the state changes.

11. What Arguments Led to the Conclusion That Water Is the Stuff of Which All Things Are Made?

First, the abundance of water. Secondly, because it is a planet where there is life and water is necessary for its development in the human body hydration. Thirdly, for the changes in the water. As it appeared the water vapor to water, such transforms into another substance, air. The slopes of the river Nile were fertile land, and water becomes land.

12. How Do You Imagine Such Was Our World?

He saw it as a kind of elongated plate or a shallow boat, and this would float in an endless sea. And on this boat would be the sky.

13. How Did Thales Become Rich?

His contemporaries mocked him because being so wise as he was, was not rich. And tired of this, decided to enrich themselves through their knowledge of agriculture and meteorology. Next year predict a climate for olives, so I buy a press to get oil. The following year, as augured such a good year out of olives, and Thales of Miletus was the only one who had presses, and all farmers had to go on to get the oil, and won a great wealth in no time.

14. How Did He Secure Such a Reputation as a Scholar?

By predicting a solar eclipse, which took place on May 28, 585 BC.

15. Name and Draw the Four Most Important Phases of the Moon.

New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter.

16. What Is Called a Terminator?

A star is the line separating the illuminated area that appears in the area is in darkness.

17. How Is the Terminator in the Phases of Waxing and Waning?

It is a straight line. And it is a curved line in phases of the new moon and full moon.

18. How Would the Terminator Be If the Moon Had Atmosphere?

We would blur the terminator.

19. Why Is It Said That the Moon Is Lying?

Because when it has the shape of a D it is increasing and C-shaped when it is decreasing.

20. It Is True That the Moon Is a Liar. The Opposite Is Also True. What Explains This?

The Moon is a liar for individuals located in the Northern Hemisphere, but not to an observer is in the Southern Hemisphere.

21. What Thinker of Ancient Greece Correctly Explained Eclipses and the Phases of the Moon?


22. Are There Stages of the Earth? For Example, Is There a Phase of Full Earth?

If it’s possible. Depends on where you are the observer (Moon, Mars).

23. As Isaac Asimov, What Were the First Scientists?

  • Imhotep
  • Ahmose

24. What Highlights the First Two Scientists?

  • Imhotep: He was an architect and is credited with the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Foreign doctors had knowledge of his time and was seen as a god.
  • Ahmose: There is no assurance that this was scientific, but appears on a scroll with simple ceramics.

26. What Do We Say That Thales Was the Inventor of Deductive Mathematics?

He was the first to undertake the task of proving mathematical statements through a regular series of arguments that led gradually to the desired test as an inevitable consequence.

27. What Are Luminous Bodies? Give an Example.

One who emits light, i.e. it has its own light. Example: Sun.

28. What Are Bodies Lit? Give an Example.

One who does not emit light, i.e. not have their own light. Ex: Moon.

30. Why Do We Always See the Same Side of the Moon?

Because the time of the moon in orbit around the Earth is equal to its rotation period (Luna), 27.3 days.

31. What Is a Solar Eclipse? Draw a Picture to Explain It.

When the Moon prevents us from seeing the Sun.

32. What Is the Umbra in a Solar Eclipse?

The area of the Earth, which remains obscured by the moon in an eclipse.

33. What Is the Shadow in a Solar Eclipse?

This is the area on the sides of the umbra, where it does not give lots of light and not in the zone of total eclipse.

34. What Is the Lunar Eclipse? Draw a Picture to Explain It.

The Earth blocks the sunlight from the Sun and Moon causes the left in total darkness.

35. Why Is Not Possible from a Mathematical Point of View That a Lunar Eclipse Is to Put the Sun Between Earth and Moon?

The diameter of the Sun is 1,391,000 km., while the Earth-Moon distance is smaller than the diameter of the Sun.

36. Conditions for the Occurrence of Eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

That the three stars are properly aligned.

37. What Angle Does the Plane Containing the Lunar Orbit with the Plane of the Ecliptic?


38. How to Moon Phases Can Produce Eclipses of the Sun and Moon?

Eclipses of the Moon: Full moon phase. Eclipses of the Sun: New Moon phase.

39. How Many Times Is Larger the Diameter of the Sun Than the Earth?

The diameter of the Sun is 1,391,000 km. and the diameter of Earth is 12,756 km., making it approximately 110 times greater.

40. What Astronomical Phenomenon Would Occur If the Orbit of the Moon Was in the Plane of the Ecliptic?

Every 14 days there would be an eclipse.

41. Galileo Thought the Moon Had No Life. How Do I Reach That Conclusion?

I conclude that the axis of the Moon was not inclined, so as there was no seasons. You, on the Earth causes day and night, but on the moon the rotation period is equal to the employee to orbit the Earth (27.3 days). For 14 days an area of the Moon is shrouded in darkness and another area will receive full sunlight, very hot. There is a wide swing in temperatures (-155º C and 105º C).

42. Classes of Solar Eclipses. Make a Chart with Simple Pictures Showing the Sun and Moon in Approach Situations, Concealment and Alienation.

Type eclipseAcercamientoOcultacionAlejamientoTotalParcialAnular (Partial)

43. What Is an Annular Solar Eclipse?

It is an area where the partial eclipse of the sun is visible form of a circle.

44. What Condition Must Exist for There Is an Annular Eclipse of the Sun?

Depends on the distance. To be an annular eclipse the moon must be at apogee (farthest distance from Earth).

45. What Is Antumbra?

It is the area defined by the contra of the umbra.

Module 6: Metals in Antiquity

1. What Were the Seven Metals Known in Antiquity?

  • Copper
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Lead
  • Iron
  • Tin
  • Mercury

2. Which of the Seven Metals Known in Antiquity Relate to Specific Stages in the History of Mankind?

  • The Bronze Age.
  • The Iron Age.

3. In Alchemy, What Correspondence Was Established Between Metals and Planets?

The planets in ancient times were seen as wandering bodies traveling through space, like the Sun and Moon. Other 5 planets are:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn

It was not considered as planet Earth. The correspondences are:

  • Gold ———– Sun
  • Silver ———– Moon
  • Mercury ———– Mercury
  • Venus ———– Copper
  • Mars ———– Iron
  • Jupiter ———– Tin
  • Saturn ———– Lead

4. State Aggregation of Metals.

It is a way of expressing the state of metals at room temperature. With the exception of Mercury, found in liquid and its freezing point is – 40 degrees, the rest are solid state at room temperature.

5. What Is the Most Dense Metal?


6. How Much Is the Density of Osmium?

22.48 g/cm3

7. What Is the Metal of Higher Melting Point?


8. What Is the Melting Point of Tungsten?

3380º C.

9. Who Discovered the Tungsten?

The Rioja, Brothers Elhuyar.

10. What Metal Has Less Electrical Resistance?


11. What Metal Conducts Heat Better?


12. What Is the Hardest Metal?


13. What Is the Hardness of Chromium in the Mohs Scale?

Hardness value 9.

14. What Is a Crystal?

A solid body whose atoms, ions or molecules are arranged regularly and repeatedly in space.

  • Metallic Crystal: The constituent elements are atoms with electrons that can move through the structure and stabilize it.
  • Ionic Crystal: The elements that form it are ions (electrically charged atoms) that have opposite charge, so that the ions remain in fixed positions.

15. What Is a Crystal Lattice?

It is a three-dimensional structure, which we consider some points in space that allow us to describe the positions of atoms in the crystal.

16. What Is a Unit Cell or Unit Cell?

It is the smallest portion of a network that allows us to represent the symmetry of the entire set.

Photocopy A

17. Name the Different Kinds of Wire Netting.

  • Simple cubic.
  • Body-centered cubic.
  • Face-centered cubic or compact.
  • Hexagonal compact.

18. Draw an Outline of the Various Networks of Metal.

Simple Cubic, Body-centered cubic, Face-centered cubic, Hexagonal compact.

19. Name a Metal Which Crystallizes in Each Network Class.

Simple Cubic: Polonium, Body-centered cubic: Sodium, Iron, Lithium, Cesium, Rubidium, Potassium, Face-centered cubic: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Hexagonal: Magnesium, Cadmium, Zinc.

20. What Is the Coordination Number in a Metallic Lattice?

The number of atoms that are surrounding a particular atom, that it and the same minimum distance.

21. What Is the Coordination Number on Each Wire Mesh?

Simple Cubic: 6, Body-centered cubic: 8, Face-centered cubic: 12, Hexagonal: 12.

22. What Are the Malleability and Ductility?

Malleability: What can we provide sheet metal. Ductility: That we have the metal wires.

23. What Network Crystallize Zinc and Magnesium?

In the cubic lattice face-centered.

24. Differentiate Networks and Hexagonal Close-Packed Face-Centered Cubic Planes with Maximum Atomic Compaction.

In the network face-centered cubic planes are maximum compaction atomic spatial directions of the faces of a tetrahedron. In contrast, the compact hexagonal network are located in one spatial direction.

25. What Network Crystallize Zinc and Magnesium?

In hexagonal close-packed network.

26. How Much Is the IC of the Centered Cubic Lattice in Space?


27. Draw a Diagram of the Compact Hexagonal Network.

28. Give an Example of Crystallization in Simple Cubic Lattice.


29. Discuss the Sequence of Atomic Layers in the Network-Centered Cubic Faces.

A, B, C, A, B, C, …

30. What Do You Mean That the Sequence of Atomic Layers in the Network-Centered Cubic Faces Is A, B, C, A, B, C, …?

31. In the Compact Hexagonal Lattice the Atomic Layer Sequence Is, A, B, A, B, … What Does This Notation?

32. What Is Worth the Same Wire Netting the IC?

  • Cubic face centered
  • Hexagonal compact.

33. How Much Does the IC Networks Face-Centered Cubic and Hexagonal Close-Packed?


34. Making Some Simple Drawings to Explain How It Is Possible to Have Two Different Metal Nets with the Same Value of IC

1st Layer, 2nd Layer, 3rd Layer, Hexagonal compact, Face-centered cubic.

35. What Are the Tetrahedral and Octahedral?

  • Tetrahedral: It is formed when a sphere of the 2nd layer rests on an empty space, made up of 3 areas in the 1st layer. The term is used because the centers of the surrounding areas are at the vertices of a regular tetrahedron.
  • Octahedron: It is surrounded by 6 fields, 3 layer and the adjacent 3. And these gaps are larger than the tetrahedral.

36. What Networks Are the Tetrahedral and Octahedral?

In networks: Cubic face-centered cubic or compact. Hexagonal compact.

37. Can a Metal Crystallize in Two Different Networks?

Yes. El Hierro at room temperature centered cubic lattice in space and around 900° C in the network face-centered cubic and 1,400° C in the centered cubic lattice in space.

38. What Chemical Elements Discovered Pierre Curie and Marie Sklodowska?

Polonium and radium.

39. What Are the Symbols of Chemical Elements Discovered by the Curies?

  • Polonium: Po
  • Radium: Ra

Characteristics of Metal Nets

40. How Many Atoms Are in the Unit Cell of the Simple Cubic Packing of Atoms?

1 atom.

41. In the Simple Cubic Lattice, How Much Is the Unit Cell Volume as a Function of Atomic Radius?


42. Calculate the Percentage of Space Occupied in the Simple Cubic Lattice.


43. How Many Atoms Are in the Unit Cell Centered Cubic Packing in the Body?

2 atoms.

44. The Net Body-Centered Cubic, How Much Is the Unit Cell Volume as a Function of Atomic Radius?

(64 / 3√3) r3

45. Calculate the Percentage of Space Occupied in the Net Body-Centered Cubic.


46. How Many Atoms Are in the Unit Cell Packing Face-Centered Cubic?

4 atoms.

47. In the Network Face-Centered Cubic, How Much Is the Unit Cell Volume as a Function of Atomic Radius?

16√2 r3

48. Calculate the Percentage of Space on the Network Face-Centered Cubic.


49. How Many Atoms Are in the Unit Cell of Hexagonal Close-Packed?

6 atoms.

50. in Compact Hexagonal Network, What Is the Unit Cell Volume as a Function of Atomic Radius?

24√2 r3

51. Calculate the Percentage of Space Occupied in the Compact Hexagonal Lattice.
