Ancient to Contemporary Philosophy: Human Existence
Ancient Philosophy: 6th Century BC to the Rise of Christianity
Ancient philosophy, spanning from the 6th century BC to the arrival of Christianity in the Roman Empire, was characterized by a sense of wonder towards nature. Philosophers of this era believed in the eternal existence of the world, alongside both God and humanity.
Medieval Philosophy: Christianity to the 16th Century
Medieval philosophy, from the rise of Christianity to the crisis of European humanity in the 16th century, centered on faith. God was seen as the creator of the world and humanity, and belief was paramount.
Modern Philosophy: 16th Century to Hegel’s Death
Modern philosophy, beginning with the crisis of the 16th century and extending to Hegel’s death, was marked by a growing distrust in traditional beliefs. The focus shifted to humanity, with God and the world becoming secondary. A thorough understanding of the human self was deemed necessary before one could comprehend God or the world.
Contemporary Philosophy: Hegel’s Death to Today
Contemporary philosophy, from Hegel’s death to the present day, is characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. Some even speak of the “death of man,” reflecting the difficulty in attaining absolute knowledge of God, humanity, or the world.
Philosophical Anthropology: The Study of Human Existence
Philosophical anthropology places the human being at the center of reflection. It critically examines human existence, not to invent problems, but to acknowledge and analyze them. It seeks to understand who we are and what we aspire to be, ultimately determining the nature and dignity of human existence. This involves studying historical records and interpretations of what humanity has said about itself.
Postmodernism: A Fragmented World
Postmodernism is characterized by:
- A widening gap between generations.
- Extreme individualism.
- A focus on superficiality.
- The pursuit of youthfulness through gyms and diets.
- Consumerism driven by manufactured needs.
- A lack of political commitment.
- The search for fleeting satisfaction.
- The prevalence of simulated models.
- A perceived moral vacuum.
- The decline of church and school.
- A focus on material possessions.
- Shopping as a central activity.
- Practical atheism.
- Frustration, insecurity, and a lack of meaning in life.
Characteristics of Postmodernism
- Irrationality
- The end of grand narratives
- The end of the idea of progress
- Polytheism of values
- Primacy of aesthetics
- Hyper-reality
- Adolescence as a social model
- Fragmented individuals
- Religious indifference
- Post-metaphysical thought
Modernity: A New Political and Social Order
Modernity saw a shift in political thinking, replacing God with society as the basis for moral judgments. Humans were seen as governed by natural laws, including reason. Emphasis was placed on acting out of duty and the value of savings. The real was considered rational, and the rational was considered real. Modernity also brought about the struggle for a classless society and the promise of well-being for all, manifested in the design of public spaces like squares and houses.
Anthropology: The Holistic Study of Humanity
Anthropology is the science of humanity, examining it holistically and globally, encompassing all its social, cultural, spiritual, and biological dimensions.
Uniqueness of the Individual
The concept of a person is fundamentally linked to the uniqueness of each human being. Every individual is unique, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable. Each person is distinct, not merely a sum of parts, and different within their species. No individual can be replaced by another.
Interiority: The Inner Self
Interiority refers to the layers of thought, action, consent, and autonomous decision-making within a being.
Self-Awareness: Knowing That We Know
Self-awareness is the human trait of not only knowing but also knowing that we know. It is the ability to reflect on our own actions and thoughts.
Self-Determination: The Power of Freedom
Self-determination is the power humans have to realize their freedom.
Open Interiority: The Relational Self
Humans become themselves through relationships with others. The person is a relational structure, aware of their connections and possessing a sense of self within those relationships. Various perspectives on human nature exist, including deterministic, historical, psychological, economic, individualistic, collectivist, statist, and narrative viewpoints.