Animal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Respiration

Nutrition: Metabolism:

qimics d ls q reactions depend reproduction, manteniminto d structurs, development and ability to Stimulo d Respondre.


(get energy) molec.Compleja – molec.Sencilla + E, EJP: cellular respiration.
(Repair and mentine structurs) molec.Secillas + E – molec.Compl.


Capture and ingestion:

Ingestion: introduction d alimnts body nl x dl animal.Normalmnt the boca.Tipos:
ingstion Passive peqeñs cn Acuatics animals specialized movilida.Structuras Scase : cilia, choanocytes, filters.

Ingstion active:

animals possess organs cn q pra movimint capture and subjection dl alimnto.Structurs: tentacles, Cell. Urticants, radula, appendixes.


NCTM hidrolitics d transformation x mol.Compl. No sencills pra his absorcion.Tipos:
intracellular (Porifera) ls coanocits attract and fagocitn the particular lisosoms and rompn PSAN cn ls ls ls amebocits q sust.Nutritivs to the repartn.
Extracellular (vertebrads and most invert) ls nzims s viertn ace nlqs a digestion tube gradualmnt.

Mixed: (coelenterates)


molec.Resultants d ls ls dsd l PSAN digestion tube x diffusion or active transport to a ls q liqido carries.

Gas Exchange:

the aerobic resp.Celular is O 2and CO 2d waste products. L sl respiratory ncarg d provide O 2and eliminate CO 2.


l cn l apparatus with circulatory xcretor eliminate the resp.Celul d ls wastes.
Nutrients are utilizn pra obtain energy and molecules d mayr sintetizr complexity.


provide monosacaridos.Se mployment cm Source ls quick energy d (legumbrs, bread, cereals, fruit)


fatty acids provided, qs reserve utilizn cm energetica.Ls phospholipids form membranes sirvn pra celulars (d bacon meat, oil)


provide amino acids, sintetizn ormone, pra form neurons and Encoders nuevs protein (meat, fish, legumes)

Vitamins and salsa min.:

necesitn no regular purchase process l imprescindibls digestivo.Sn metabolism (juice, fish, fruit, vegetables)


no need dig.Ls terrestrs process animals have mechanisms to avoid pra perdids xcesivas d ls x producids water defecation, excretion and evaporation.

Alimntacion eqilibrada:

1g Carbohydrates> 4kcal, 1g protein> 4kcal; 1g lipid> 9kcla.


amount pra d heat required to raise a degree centigrade the temp. D a gram.

Match d alimnts:

alim.Energeticos: rich n the main carbohydrate and funt d lipido.Constituyn energia.Ls cereals, pulses, manteqilla, fat.


rich n amino acids, proteins produced necessary pra q l d crecimint and renewal tejids.La meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese.


rics n reguln vitamin and water q l dl funcinominto body and have importants alimntaria.Ls LEVELS d fiber vegetables and fruit vegetables.

Aparats digestive Model d:

incomplete: ( coelenterates and flatworm) a single opening d mouth and anus, not efficient.


ano.N have mouth and the front has a mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach.
middle: intes.Medio (digestion and absorption)
Back: intest . Later (absorption, and defecation)

Peristaltic waves:

progress contraccions PERMITNO musculars q l cn alimnt and mix enzymes.

Apt.Diges.D invertebrate: incomplete flatworms:

dig.Mixta.Tienen mouth, pharynx, and branched int.Muy removed x xcremnts cerrado.Ls enema.

Full: Anel:

they mouth, muscular pharynx, esophagus, crop (storage), gizzard (cntraccions musculars and sand q grans triturn alimnto d) intestine (cn dig.Qimica nzima and absorption), anus.


k onds peristaltic q acn avanc l dsd alimnto front to back dnd is digested.


mouth n the bottom (has 5 rooms form the lantern masticadors q aristoteles d) short esophagus, stomach q vn cn laps to arms, int.Peqeño, anus.


cn mouth radula (rasping organ function cn jaw), esophagus, stomach (dnd viert l hepatopancreas), int., anus.


cn apendics mouth (maxillary, mandibular and palps (flavor)) l according alimnto diferents.


mouth (apendics and gland.Salivares), esophagus, crop, gizzard, int., anus.


DIGETE cnstituid x tube (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, int.Y sno) and pour juices glands attached q dl nl digstivs inner tube.


cavities open to staying dnd ls XTERIOR Dinter and lngua.


fish, amphibians and Reptils: conical; serve pra catch prey and renewed cnstantmnt.Mamiferos incisors (cut), canines (tearing) , premolars and molars (grind). Aves, monotremes and turtles: no Dinter, but peak.


mobile, muscular organ, cn numerous papillae gustativas.Funcion: mix food and facilitate swallowing.


q muscular tube participates No swallowing.


cnducto muscular pharynx connects q stomago and medinte cn ls l contraccions peristaltics l alimnt drives.


dig.Dnd dilation tube disintegrates dl l alimnt.:


very dilated.


cn very muscular gizzard and glandular q stomago secretes gastrics jugs.


divided n belly, a grid, book-curd, int.Medio, thin and grueso.En birds, pecs, reptiles, amphibians No sewer flows.

Dig.N Apt rights:

Mouth: teeth: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 3 molars, 2 premolars.

Tongue salivary glands:

Saliva softens and helps alimnto l digestion and removes bact.Cntiene d azucars mucin, amylase and lipase.

Bolo; Pharynx:

swallowing; l dl palate veil cover holes communicate cn q nose and epiglottis claps traqea.


has contraccions peristaltic alimnto l q ace advance.


PH l ls bact removed. Ys softens alimnto.Transforma l l pepsin pepsinogen No, this breaks down proteins n peptides, the renin coagulates the lexemes; dl mucin protects stomach walls.


duodenum: qimica digestion (25cm) Maltase (breaks maltose), sucrase (breaks sucrose) lactase (breaks down lactose) peptidase (breaks and are derived peptides acids) lipase (breaks down fats) Jejunum and Ileum: d nutrients and water absorption (6.75M) (1m)


body organ + grand dl, dl sta below diaphragm. Nl bile is produced pra q serve ls emulsify fats.


sta dl dbajo q stomago.Tiene gland produces insulin and pancreatic juice.

Intstinal Absorption:

THROUGH digested alimntos step d d ls dl apt.Dig walls. To blood or mayr linfa.La nutrints part d ls nl s 1 meters absorb ints.Delgado.La dl blood carries nutrients q x Half Day veins converge n-hepatic portal vein igado.El blind horn l s a region short form cn d sac just nl q vermiform appendix, which causes inflammation called apendicitis.Se straight
20 cm ls q ints.Grueso just last dl nl anal canal.

dl gas exchange processes: cellular respiration: the
process which mdint l ls cn oxidize nutrients s presence dl oxygen, the energy q liberand gradualmnt contain.


d gas exchange agency etween l l d environment through respiratory surfaces.
Resp.Cutánea: l gas exchange occurs through the entire body surface d dl animal. (Sponges , cnidarians and flatworms) Ls q oligochaetes have distribuyn gases.Ls sist.Circulatorio amphibians and fish have resp.Pulmonar or gill.


gills: structures breathing more life pra eficacs nl water. Dif.Ntre internal and external gills:


flashy, makes l mov., Mov. Pra renew continuous water projects internal nl, ms old; (molluscs, aquatic larvae, insects, crustaceans, amphibians).


sta n an interior cavity and need ventilation; evolucionads ms; (molluscs gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods, decapod crustaceans and fish.)


(insects and arthropods alguns terrestrs)


tube invagaciones dl d n a d exoesqeleto qitina.Se ramificand n vn cn l traqeolas.Se communicate XTERIOR x stigmas respiratorios.Ls puedn insects ventilate when making mov. Flying corporales.Ls qs dilatn have air sacs and contract through ls mov. Dl body intrcambio d pra facilitate gases.


cavidads highly vascular internal communication cn q stn n d 1 atmosphere xterior.Acompañads distributed apt.Circulatorio q O 2and removes CO 2. types: diffusion ventilacion.Ls amphibians d d utilizn pump pressure, swallowing and q consist No ls l nviar air pumps d pulmons.Ls reptiles have succion.Ls birds have a special structura q ql permit air to flow n ntra one direccion.El air and leaves the traqea x which divides N bronqios.

Apt.Resp.Humano :

formed a series d x tube x ls l air which makes its way nostrils till dsd ls ls yn reverse pulmonary alveoli.

formed joint xl d bronchioles, alveoli and capillaries surrounded conjuntivo.Recubiertos d d tissue visceral and parietal pleura, q q-space stan n qeda contacto.L etween the two is called the pleural cavity and contains a lubricant q liqido prevents friction.

Pulmonary Ventilation:

l pra renew is air.


nl diaphragm contracts, it flattens and falls; ls músculs intercostals contract, they expand the thoracic cja n l aumnta the chest cavity volumn.


nl diaphragm increases relaxation; musc.Intercostales relax, the volumn cav.Toraxica l decreases.


PLATYHELMINTHES: cutanea.PECES: pulmonary or branquial.ANFIBIOS: pulmonary or branqial.AVES: pulmonar.REPTILES: pulmonar.MAMIFEROS: pulmonar.INSECTOS: gills or trachea. Arthropods: traqeal.MOLUSCOS: branqial.BIVALVOS: branqial.CEFALOPODOS: branqial.CRUSTACEOS: branqial.