Ankle Joint Biomechanics: A Comprehensive Analysis
Complex Periastragalino
a. Tibioastragalina – Subastragalina – Mediotarsiana
A. Tibioastragalina (Trocleartrosis)
Astragalus: Trochlea astragalina int and ext lateral and veneers, unique art surface covered by hyaline cartilg
Distal Epiphysis of the Tibia and Fibula
Lig of tobillo -> int and ext lateral lig
Ext: Investment and resist the rotation int -> Lig peroneal astragalino ant (tobillo plans stabilized A / P 10 20 ° plantar flex) fibular lig calcaneo (stabilized Varo of joints) and fibular lig astrag previous
Internal Lat: eversión and resist the rotation ext. Tibioescafoideo l, and no tibioastraalino post lig tibiocalcaneo
Astragalus: Post concave surface, surface anteroinf (head and neck)
CAlcaneo: Surface largest convex anterior surface
Estabilizadores pasivos:
- ligamental astragalus – calcaneo off. ligamental
- astragalus — calcaneo post. ligamental
- Cervical
- ligamental interosseous
Art Mediotarsiana
Articulation astragalus, scaphoid calcáneo-Type = artrodia
- ligamental calcáneo scaphoid-planting.
- ligamental scaphoid-top talus. ligamental
- in “Y” of Chopart:
- Fascículo calcáneo scaphoid ext. Fascículo calcáneo cuboideo-int. Ligamental
- calcáneo cuboideo planting
OSTEOKIN: dorsiflexion 10 20 and plantiflexion 40th
Dorsiflexión: Deslizamiento I dial into talus and posterior fibula is mueve hacia arriba. The axis of dorsiflexion is oblicua and passes the tip of the 2 maleolos.
Plantiflexión: Deslizamiento above and installed onto the talus. fibula is mueve downhill
- The talus rotates inside the shroud not tibioperonea, but is more stable than in bending dorsiflexión already planted more than its previous border width.
- The sections of the interosseous membrane or the ligaments that unite them distally to the tibia with the fibula modify the distribution of the pressures and produce a surcharge of the tibioastragalina joints.
- The Lateral Stability is due to the docking between the 2 articular surfaces so while both the 2 maleolos are found intactos, the joints will be stable in this tibioastragalina plano.
- Stability in an anteroposterior playing a major role the edge or back of the tibial malleolus called back.
- Has been lost by a demonstrated fracture and subsequent rise in the later half of the bead causes decreases of 35% of articular contact
OSTEOKIN: 40 ° inversion and eversion 20 °
investments: slip of the medial arch calcaneo
eversion: lateral slip arc calcaneo
MUSCAT ANT: ant tibial, extensive dedo, dedo ext long Gordo, 3rd peroneal
SIDE: short and long peroneal
POST: gastrocnemium, planting alone POPLITEO, flex along Gordo dedo, dedo.
OSTEOKINEMATICA a) bending b) Extension
TIBI Fibula — ASTRAGALINA troclear: On the edges is formed distal fibula TIBIAL AND THAT YOU GET Forman A mortise THE BODY OF talus.