transnational adoption – both transnational and domestic adoption is a method for creating the most intimate forms of relatedness, yet it is one that is explicitly framed and structured by global relationships, in particular the political and economic relations between countries and regions. Occasionally called prohijamineto, or making into one’s child. Child care arrangement in which a couple adopts a child into their family who is of a different nationality than them and across the borders. It must meet requirements of both adoptee’s and adopters countries of residence.

Child circulation – contrasted with adoption, a legal documented procedure. Two families are brought into or articulated more deeply into, kinship with one another. Informal arrangements in which indigenous Andean children are sent by their parents to live in other households

Kinning – how a sense of belonging to the family is transmitted to an incorporated child
Transubstantiation or the process by which a fetus or nwe born child (or previous unattached person) is brought into a significant and permanent relationship with a group of people that is expressed in a kin idiom.

pre-pregnancy stage – begins with a couple decides they want to have a child
pregnancy stage – beings when a couple is approved by authories to adopt a child

birth stage – begins when a child is allocated to a couple and follows through to child’s arrival and inial period after arrival
“planting the child” – the process by which a child is symbolically planted into its new community and kinship network by distancing it from its biological orings through immersing in its new culture. This is done is incorporate a new social identity (cause transubstation) e.g. dressing them in norweigan clothes, picturing them doing norweigan things

Bunad – the norweigan naonal costume worn on norwegian holidays and special occasions
return visits – return visits to the adoptee’s country of origin. This is primarily to help the adoptee achnowledge the dual source of their identity and also confirm them as a kinned norweigan (or whatever kin they were adopted to) person.

motherland tours
Overseas Korean Foundation – a division of south korea’s ministry of foreign affairs ands trade in Kim’s article that staged a ‘wedding ceremony’ in which adoptees became reaqquainted with south korean culture. OKF directs motherland tours and immerses visiting adoptees intensely in korean culture while they visit. The wedding has both political (boosts korea economy via returning people and investment from them and boosts korean global image) and aecve dimensions (for the individual to feel authencally south korean)

“wedding adoptees”
global family

marriage migrants
“clash of dreams”

double marriage squeeze – half of the double squeeze refers to the low ratio of men to women in Vietnam that has come about due to high mortality rate of men during the vietnam wra and the migration of men to other countries. The other half of the double squeeze refers to the low ratio of women to men in the vietnamese diaspora.
One child policy

stratified reproduction – refers to when physical and reproductive tasks are accomplished differentially according to inequalities based on hierarchies of class, race, ethnicity, gender, place in a global economy, and migration status and that are structured by social, economic, and political forces. Colen discusses this in relation to reproductive labor in the US that is many times the work allotted to west indian women due to that particular labor being linked to them.
“children are my riches”

Briggs initiative
por residencia

por amor – Means for love. Refers to Brennan’s article in which he notes that sex workers hardly ever marry sex tourists.
gamete donation

donor anonymity
semen banking

artificial insemination
Technosemen refers to the new and improved semen that semen banks advertises to clients as pathogen-free, highly fertile, and uncontaminated

anthropomorphizing semen
“that blood thing”

chosen families a family that is socially constructed by gay and lesbian individuals that includes people specifically chosen due to their love and commitment in friendship despite the stigmatization of the choosing individual. Chosen families are in contrast to biological families that one has no choice in choosing

gestational surrogacy

traditional surrogacy
Uniform parentage Act

Curiale v. Reagan – a legal case in which the non-biological lesbian mother, Curiale, was bailing for her co-parenting rights to a child born to them via artifical insemination of Reagan. Because Curiale was not the biological mother, the court was unable to achknowledge her as a de facto parent and thus she had no basis to maintain co-parent rights to the child. This is important because it shows the difficulty court faces in determining whether a woman who is not a genetic, birth, or adoptive mother can be granted legitimate mother status.
Nancy S v Michelle G – involved visitation rights to their two children which nancy was the biological mother (via artifical insemination). The couple broke up and michelle had to prove to convince to the court that she was a legitimate mother. She based her claims on her being a de facto parent (granted), claimed in loco parents in regards to the children (not granted), the children recognizing her as mother (social mothe) and she is the functional definition of a parent.

De facto parent – a person who daily assumes the role of parent, seeking to fulfill both the child’s physical and psychological need for aecon and care.

K.C. v L.W.
Johnson v. Calvert

Maschetta v Maschetta
Buzzanca v. Buzzanca

Heroine mothers

maybe baby group
Nahmani case


Ben Niddah
Shining Path


