Architectural & Art Terms Glossary

PILLARS pilasters and columns

item wing vertical rectangular section, polygonal or cruciform, and more robust than a solid column


pillar attached to the wall. The same way that the column, the pillar and the pillar base present at the bottom and the top spire.


vertical wing element characteristic curve section, generally cylindrical.

horizontal element that transmits loads from the roof vertically. Their flat roofs or allows you arquitravades.


curved roof element downloading diverting loads laterally. Using it made possible the use of covered and allowed to relieve back and raise the walls.


curved roof section caused by the displacement of an arc along a longitudinal axis that covers the space between 2 walls or between a few pillars or columns.


dosing vault that is formed by rotational movement of a bow on your keychain or stone that closes the arc.


the artist gives form to an image with your fingers and with different tools, based on material mal’eables eat the wax, plaster or clay.


to cut the material consists of a block of stone, marble or wood.


the process of casting and needs preceded the preparation of an original model that was later reproduced on metal, usually bronze, using a mold.

Free sculpture:

sculpture that is not attached and you can watch from all English.


a sculpture that is closer to painting but using different types of relief to get the perspective and depth of representacio.Tipus:

High relief:

sculpture almost complete bundle that protrudes more than half of its volume, middle relief: it represents half of the figure, bas relief:
has a thickness less than half contained.


has Ombrosa formulations and was used initially as a mural. Generally egg yolk mixed with latex outbreak of tree and water, and was used by Renaissance painters. Sometimes the s’afegial tempera fresco to achieve veladures.
Aerial perspective: that is that the depth achieved with visual effects and contrasts of light, color and shading nuances of the forms.

Geometric perspective:

the depth of the elements placed Cuad obtained from a geometric lines that join at a point of escape.


is the most common form of mural painting. Is performed on a wet lime plaster that serves as support for various pigments dissolved in water. After the first layer there is applied a second layer consisting of a lime and a pinch of sand. This mixture of lime and sand called the enblanquiment. The realization of the fresco does not permit corrections.
Oil: The most commonly used technique is of him on the table or on canvas that was already known from antiquity and consists of a mixture of pigments with oil, or generally llinassa again. The advantages are numerous, including the bright color and the ability rectifcar.


The drawing is usually the previous sentence of artistic accomplishment. However, from the eighteenth century takes a character that promotes individual and becomes an artform in itself. One of the features normally associated qu drawing is its relative brevity in the execution, although that was true in the past is not reached aplicableal drawing actualque own artistic category. According to the technique used on paper compositions have different names such as: drawing pencils, drawing pen, charcoal and sanguine.


only use transparent colors and light agluinats with gum arabic, without use of white. The difference with watercolor, chalk. Consists in the use of opaque colors, a bit pasty, and you white.

Stained Glass:

glass colors or working in the manner of a mosaic on a drawing before. The pieces once painted sintrodueixen that heat the oven to integrate with the glass and then bind the edges with lead, are mounted on an iron structure, and then are placed in the openings of churches and other buildings.


pavement is used as walls or hang. Consists of tiles, small pieces that can be of stone, marble, granite etc.. Depending on the size and regularity of the pieces are divided into three groups: large tesserae sectile opus, opus tesselatum pieces and more regular than the previous opus vermiculatum small tesserae and shapes.
engraving important feature: series addressed, a possibility to be reproduced more than once. The image will be recorded as a support role and sometimes the fabric. Estamparlo used for ima press. The various methods impresiio on paper or canvas is divided into 4: woodcut, relief engraving, lithography, screenprinting and more contemporary, photomechanical. Types of engraving:
2 moalitats:

Engraving of creation:

create an original work that will be reproduced a number of times variable depending on the technique chosen and etched TRADUCCIOto copy a painting sculpture architecture.